On Sun, 08 Mar 2015 13:01:14 +0300 Boris Samorodov wrote
> 07.03.2015 19:07, David S пишет:
> >> FWIW the nVidia driver docs indicate that you should
> >> comment, or remove the reference to dri in xorg.conf
> >> #Load "dri"
> >> but that dri2 is fine. Don't know that that has anything to
07.03.2015 19:07, David S пишет:
>> FWIW the nVidia driver docs indicate that you should
>> comment, or remove the reference to dri in xorg.conf
>> #Load "dri"
>> but that dri2 is fine. Don't know that that has anything to
>> do with your issue. But thought I'd mention it FWIW.
> thanks, i