I have given the new ARM 12.2 AMI maker a spin, and I can see an issue with
insufficient storage space on /mnt to do even a basic pkg install run:
pkg: Not enough space in /mnt/var/cache/pkg, needed 313 MiB available 90 MiB
root@freebsd:/home/ec2-user # df -h
Filesystem Size
> Colin,
> I have given the new ARM 12.2 AMI maker a spin, and I can see an issue with
> insufficient storage space on /mnt to do even a basic pkg install run:
> pkg: Not enough space in /mnt/var/cache/pkg, needed 313 MiB available 90 MiB
> and:
> root@freebsd:/home/ec2-user # df -h
I have realised that I have only tested the 12.2 x64 AMI maker on c5 and not
the ARM one…facepalm…
Just tried again with ami-03ff07383e4897dd4 on c6gd and a t4g. There is no
instance screenshot available. The log fills, and eventually I can connect to
the machines—much sooner than on th
On 12/31/20 10:36 AM, Rafal Lukawiecki via freebsd-cloud wrote:
>> pkg: Not enough space in /mnt/var/cache/pkg, needed 313 MiB available 90 MiB
> For what it is worth, I just resized the nvd0p3 using:
> gpart resize -i 3 -s 7G nvd0
> growfs -y /dev/nvd0p3
> …and that allowed me to proceed
On 12/31/20 11:43 AM, Rafal Lukawiecki via freebsd-cloud wrote:
> I have realised that I have only tested the 12.2 x64 AMI maker on c5 and not
> the ARM one…facepalm…
> Just tried again with ami-03ff07383e4897dd4 on c6gd and a t4g. There is no
> instance screenshot available. The log fills, an
> On 1 Jan 2021, at 00:21, Colin Percival wrote:
> You won't be able to SSH in until the disk image has been extracted. I think
> the ARM instances are faster (in part because the disk image is smaller).
Thanks! Any reason there are no screenshots available?