lol, you people are idiots. In a time where you can and will be fired
and ruined for ticking the wrong box, rescinding your code from a
project such as the linux kernel will just blackball you from the
entire industry forever. For good reason too. I wouldn't play with
someone who takes the ball
Often cited now is a ZDNet article as proof that the black-letter law is
In there is quoted:
In 2008, Pamela Jones at Groklaw remarked to an earlier attempt to take
code out of the kernel, "[You] can'
Band together as a Bloc and take action together. (Bloc revocation).
One practice note: do not send a cease-and-desist before-hand.
Do not let your lawyer send a cease-and-desist before-hand.
If a potential defendant knows that their liberties regarding a
copyrighted work is in question
from enti
If you think that rescinding the GPLv2 is possible why don't you do it
You do realize that a license pertains to the licensed article, do you
Do you imagine that the goal is to "blanket rescind all licenses using
the GPLv2 verbiage"? Is that it? Are you that stupid a lay pe