Old Synopsis: script(1) doesn't read tail of program output, pty is suspected
New Synopsis: script(1) doesn't read tail of program output; pty(4) is suspected
State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: arundel
State-Changed-When: Mon Sep 20 16:04:44 UTC 2010
We need to check out if this PR is still an issue after r181905 (new tty layer).

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->ed
Responsible-Changed-By: arundel
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Sep 20 16:04:44 UTC 2010
Hi Ed. Could you have a look at this PR, since it seems to be pty(4) related
and might have been resolved with the introduction of your new tty layer?
I wasn't able to reproduce it running HEAD (r212773; amd64).
If you don't have time atm or think that this is not actually related to your
tty work, please assign it back into the pool. ;)

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