kern/153289: Modem Ring Signal not reliably detected

2010-12-18 Thread Tom Glinos
>Number: 153289 >Category: kern >Synopsis: Modem Ring Signal not reliably detected >Confidential: no >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Responsible:freebsd-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: sw-bu

Re: kern/128648: [drm] [hang] crash when using 3D-acceleration with Intel Hardware

2010-12-18 Thread jh
Synopsis: [drm] [hang] crash when using 3D-acceleration with Intel Hardware State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback State-Changed-By: jh State-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 20:32:21 UTC 2010 State-Changed-Why: Can you still reproduce this on a supported release?

Re: bin/95715: [patch] random(6) busy loop under some conditions

2010-12-18 Thread jh
Synopsis: [patch] random(6) busy loop under some conditions State-Changed-From-To: patched->closed State-Changed-By: jh State-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 20:29:40 UTC 2010 State-Changed-Why: Reportedly fixed in all supported branches. ___

Re: kern/95407: [atapicam] atapicam, cd and /etc/rc.d/devfs problem

2010-12-18 Thread jh
Synopsis: [atapicam] atapicam, cd and /etc/rc.d/devfs problem State-Changed-From-To: open->closed State-Changed-By: jh State-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 20:22:52 UTC 2010 State-Changed-Why: Duplicate of kern/87836. ___

bin/153276: uudecode error message is incorrect

2010-12-18 Thread David Brennan
>Number: 153276 >Category: bin >Synopsis: uudecode error message is incorrect >Confidential: no >Severity: non-critical >Priority: low >Responsible:freebsd-bugs >State: open >Quarter: >Keywords: >Date-Required: >Class: sw-bug >

Re: kern/133246: [libc] dlclose(3) gives segfault when called in the fini function of another module

2010-12-18 Thread jh
Synopsis: [libc] dlclose(3) gives segfault when called in the fini function of another module State-Changed-From-To: open->closed State-Changed-By: jh State-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 17:59:22 UTC 2010 State-Changed-Why: Duplicate of bin/149464. Fixed in head (r216489).

Re: kern/151119: gif inet tunnel addresses are not hidded in jail

2010-12-18 Thread bz
Synopsis: gif inet tunnel addresses are not hidded in jail State-Changed-From-To: closed->feedback State-Changed-By: bz State-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 12:45:21 UTC 2010 State-Changed-Why: I am not sure, or rather I cannot find the commit that fixed it. Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs-

Re: kern/153255: 8.2-PRERELEASE repeatable kernel panic under heavy network load

2010-12-18 Thread remko
Synopsis: 8.2-PRERELEASE repeatable kernel panic under heavy network load Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-net Responsible-Changed-By: remko Responsible-Changed-When: Sat Dec 18 09:43:17 UTC 2010 Responsible-Changed-Why: reassign to networking team