> -Original Message-
> This is a one page mockup I have been fiddling with in my spare time:
> http://bsdtn.com/
> There's no content, it's really just an exercise in the type
> of site I would like to see carrying sexy-looking FreeBSD
> news. Just thr
Very cool. Maybe ther should be some kind of kids use BSD site or page. I have
pictures of my daughter when see was 5 or 6 using the KDE potato head game. We
could gather them all togerther and have some kind of site...
-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Predrag Pun
> p.s. It's interesting to see your kid being quicker in the
> computer evolvement then you; which makes you feel old; and i
> am only 23! :)
Well in my defense, that did have home computers when I was that young
> >
> > You Should look at www.pcbsd.org
> >
> I'm waiting for their next public beta release of v.7
> Do they support installing in a extended / logical partition?
> since freebsd doesn't, I doubt the do.
No it doesn't that why I left that part out of you email. Personally I never
-Original Message-
> From: owner-freebsd-advoc...@freebsd.org
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-advoc...@freebsd.org] On Behalf Of Randi Harper
>You know you opened a can of worms with that one. Because all the nerds are
>going to step up and say "Well, I run FreeBSD on my >desktop! It's totally