Scott I. Remick wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is the right list to post to, but I'd like to bring
> your attention to the following:
> Scroll to the bottom for the last bit that begins with "On a related
> subject..."
Ádám Szilveszter wrote:
> Ok, after reading all of this, I start to wonder... There is lots of
> talk about asking Macromedia for a flash player for FreeBSD, some
> would be even ready to pay up...
> At the same time, I see little to no movements in creating alternative
> flash players... as if i
Tim Greening-Jackson wrote:
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-freebsd-
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andrew L. Gould
>> Sent: 09 January 2006 14:12
>> To: Nikolas Britton
>> Cc:;
Gabor Kovesdan
Not to rain on the parade, but since when has one of those online
petitions done any good?
Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
Mobile: 248-863-7584
o provided a 2 color design, which would look fine as black and
white. My 2 cents.
Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
Mobile: 248-863-7584
Chad Gross wrote:
Johnson David wrote:
From: Frank Laszlo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
How would you like a system with no host(1), dig(1), or nslookup(1)? I
personally consider these tools essential for a freebsd system.
Are these utilities used anywhere else in FreeBSD, such as the startup
personally do not see a reason for this, but please enlighten me on why this
is done.
How would you like a system with no host(1), dig(1), or nslookup(1)? I
personally consider these tools essential for a freebsd system.
Frank Laszlo
I'm contacting a friend who works for wayne state, he may be able to
accomodate us. We shall see..
Come on, theres gotta be more of us in SE Michigan. :)
Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin Group
, and is now living in colorado. I have not spoke with
Michael in a while (May 2002) regarding this. At this point I am just
probing for interest, and we can figure out the details after. Thanks
Frank Laszlo
System Administrator
The VonOstin