Re: New Logo

2005-11-04 Thread stheg olloydson
--- Roger 'Rocky'> cxote: > sthesthegoolloydsonte: > > it was said by stanstanb > > >> YUK! > >> > >> -- > >> U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote - Officials Cite 83% > Turnout > >> Despite Vietcong Terror > >> - New York Times 9/3/1967 > > > > Look on the bright


2005-11-04 Thread ac
I've just received my own postings 2Nicole and 2Joshua Tinnin... and read them. Hm... :( Sorry for my English ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to "[EMA

Re: freebsd-advocacy Digest, Vol 124, Issue 3

2005-11-04 Thread ac
Nicole wrote: I know that. I was trying to convey how it's just too basic to make into something that could be easily conveighed. IE if you break it down to its basic form.. It looks like a rounded viking helmet. [snip] I just don't find the new "logo" catchy and singularly identifiable

Re: freebsd-advocacy Digest, Vol 124, Issue 3

2005-11-04 Thread ac
Joshua Tinnin wrote: On Thu 3 Nov 05 21:03, ac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: But IMO this funny red ball _r_e_a_l_l_y_ looks more attractive for newbies. At least, my co-workers (average PC users) have found it "friendly" and "intriguing", even "sexy". I always figured those people wou