Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
>IMO, the computations of AA+BB/CC (right hand side) should be carried out the >same way, regardless of the type >on the left hand side of the assignment. So I would expect the values in DD, >EE and FF being the same. In this example DD hold the value 8427.0224610 because DD it defined as a

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Bernd Oppolzer via fpc-pascal
I didn't follow all the discussions on this topic and all the details of compiler options of FPC and Delphi compatibility and so on, but I'd like to comment on this result: program TESTDBL1 ; Const HH = 8427.02291667; Var AA : Integer; BB : Byte; CC : Single;

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Jean SUZINEAU via fpc-pascal
I've just made a small test with the old Borland Delphi 7.0 build 4453 from 2002 : ... type TForm1 = class(TForm) m: TMemo; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); end; ... procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var    GG: Extended;    S: String; begin GG := 8427+33/144

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Rafael Picanço via fpc-pascal
> Why (re-invent the wheel)? > Why not use Math.Float? > IIRC then this is Extended, double or Single depending on CPU type. > And always the largest precision the CPU supports. Thanks Bart. Math.Float is really great, I will start using it today. On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 2:51 PM Bart wrote: > On

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
>Jonas has argued, not without reason, that calculating everything always at full precision has its disadvantages too. I agree with that, and I do see the value in reducing the precision when it is possible, but not when it's causing data loss. The intention is perfectly fine, it's the execution

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Bart via fpc-pascal
On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 6:13 PM Rafael Picanço via fpc-pascal wrote: > type > {$IFDEF CPU86}{$IFDEF CPU32} > TLargerFloat = Extended; > {$ENDIF}{$ENDIF} > > {$IFDEF CPUX86_64} > TLargerFloat = Double; > {$ENDIF} Why (re-invent the wheel)? Why not use Math.Float? IIRC then this is

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Rafael Picanço via fpc-pascal
> I’m afraid I don’t qualify for the bonus, because I don’t know what LargerFloat is. I am a little bit embarrassed here. The TLargerFloat is a type I wrote for a simple test some time ago and I forgot about it. I was following the TLargeInteger convention (from in my current windows sy

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal
I think the reason why this new behavior doesn't occur with 1440.1 is that this number cannot be reduced to "single" precision. It will keep "double" precision. Consider this instead: program TESTDBL1 ; var TT : double ; EE: double; begin (* HAUPTPROGRAMM *) TT := 8427 + 33 / 1440.5 ; EE

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Adriaan van Os via fpc-pascal
James Richters via fpc-pascal wrote: What's apparently happening now is: MyExtended := ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (8246) + ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (33.0) / ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (1440.0); But it is not being done correctly, the 1440.0 is not being reduced all the way to an intege

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question (Rafael Picanço)

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
This is my opinion from my testing, but others may have something else to say. 1) Does it affects constants only? Not really, if you set a variable with constant terms, it is affected, if you set a variable with other variables, it is not affected. Cont Mycontant := 8432+33/1440.0;//Is a

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
What's apparently happening now is: MyExtended := ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (8246) + ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (33.0) / ReducePrecisionIfNoLossOfData (1440.0); But it is not being done correctly, the 1440.0 is not being reduced all the way to an integer, because it was, everything would wor

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question (Rafael Picanço)

2024-02-06 Thread Rafael Picanço via fpc-pascal
I have some questions about {$MINFPCONSTPREC 64} and the mentioned change introduced by FPC 2.2 (the "it" from here after). 1) Does it affects constants only? 2) Does it affects the LargerFloat type? 3) Should I use {$MINFPCONSTPREC 64} in {$mode objfpc} too to avoid it? 4) BONUS: Is the Larger

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
I have the exact same intuition and expectation. I think this whole issue is easy to fix, just detect the .0s and cast them to integers by default instead of singles, because then everything does work fine. If I had a clue where the code for this might reduction in precision might be, I would t

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal
Well, this is funny because I *did* compile it on DOS with Turbo Pascal 5.5, and I got the correct result there. Cross-compiling with FPC to msdos target gave the "wrong" (aka unexpected) result again. There were so many factors involved which caused great confusion. >From my point of view, an

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread James Richters via fpc-pascal
I don't think you were doing anything wrong, that's what I am simply trying to point out. If you ran your code on Turbo Pascal 7.0, you would not have an issue, it would be fine. There is no reason for a programmer to expect this behavior and it's very confusing when it does come up. There is a

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal
I'd like to apologize, because my intention hasn't been to raise controverse discussions. I'm very thankful about the explanation. From the beginning, I knew that the error was on my side, but I didn't know *what* I'm doing wrong. Again, thanks for helping. Kind regards, Thomas - Origina

Re: [fpc-pascal] Floating point question

2024-02-06 Thread Thomas Kurz via fpc-pascal
Thank you all Finally I understand what's going wrong and can take care of that. I'm now using the "{$MINFPCONSTPREC 64}" and have the correct result. Again, thank you for pointing me to that behavior! - Original Message - From: Adriaan van Os via fpc-pascal To: FPC-Pascal users