Re: [Foundation-l] Jimbo's Sexual Image Deletions

2010-05-09 Thread THURNER rupert
On Sat, May 8, 2010 at 00:15, Ting Chen wrote: > What I can say to your questions is that Jimmy informed the board about > his intention and asked the board for support. Don't speaking for other > board members, just speak for myself. I answered his mail with that I > fully support his engagement.

Re: [Foundation-l] [WikiEN-l] Stopping the presses: Britannica to stop printing books

2012-03-14 Thread THURNER rupert
I did use a very old "konversationslexikon" as a child, mainly for the pictures. With our children this got replaced now by online resources. And no, not by wikipedia, but by YouTube. And every time I spend 15 minutes to find a video to illustrate something it makes me a little sad that we as a gro

[Foundation-l] video background in sign language? do we have a partnership?

2009-05-02 Thread THURNER rupert
hi, does anybody have / know about a partnership for sign language, either for promotianal videos, or "standard" videos for wikimedia commons? one of the few companies doing this i know is, they sometimes also work for free, especially for children's sites. rup

Re: [Foundation-l] Genisis of WMF Identification policy?

2011-02-26 Thread THURNER rupert
On Sat, Feb 26, 2011 at 23:58, Birgitte SB wrote: > > From: Lodewijk > To: Wikimedia Foundation Mailing List > Cc: Birgitte SB > Sent: Fri, February 25, 2011 3:51:50 PM > Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Genisis of WMF Identification policy? > > It should be clear an

Re: [Foundation-l] Access to academic journals (was Re: Remarks on Wikimedia's fundraiser)

2011-03-08 Thread THURNER rupert
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 21:50, Juergen Fenn wrote: > > > Am 08.03.11 21:36, schrieb Andrea Zanni: > >>> AFAIK, these publishers make the pricing upon the number of >> scholars/researchers/students of a certain university/corporation: I bet >> they would make us unbearable fees (in fact the potentia

[Foundation-l] Fwd: Message to community about community decline

2011-03-27 Thread THURNER rupert
while i really enjoy the amount and quality of the contributions in the strategy wiki, one could even imagine different dimensions influencing the number of contributions: 1. what? additional content types requires additional contribution. while wikipedia might be considered "quasi-complete", othe

Re: [Foundation-l] Vector, a year after

2011-04-04 Thread THURNER rupert
On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 22:14, Erik Moeller wrote: > 2011/4/4 Rodan Bury : >> As Erik Möller said the qualitative analysis is the user testing with a few >> dozens of users. This user testing was conducted several times during the >> development cycle, and it was thorough. The best user testing con

[Foundation-l] university of innsbruck, institute of zoology, combines teaching, science and wikipedia

2011-04-11 Thread THURNER rupert
hi, thorsten schwerte and stefan stolz from the institute for zoology, university of innsbruck, austria, launchsted an interesting program to combine teaching, e-learning, science and wikipedia during the biology course by preparing articles in an internal wiki and then transferring it to wikipedi

[Foundation-l] 2007 mozilla results: income 75 mio usd, cost 33 mio usd, net assets 80 mio usd

2008-11-24 Thread THURNER rupert
fyi, the 2007 mozilla results: * income 75 mio usd * cost 33 mio usd * net assets ~80 mio usd * * audited financial statement: * cur

[Foundation-l] "stumble upon" in wikimedia? citation collection, where researchers want to be included in future?

2008-11-28 Thread THURNER rupert
hi, a video showing how immune cells eat parasites [1] attracted quite some sites to cite an article about medical visualization [2]. when looking at it i noticed: * that it is published in a cc-2.5 licensed journal * that there is a possibility to enter links from facebook, stumble upon, ... *

[Foundation-l] "wiki (usability) summer" - like google summer of code?

2008-12-10 Thread THURNER rupert
hi, on there was a statement that such efforts are restricted by "mentoring-manpower". now that there are real people and a budget dedicated to improve usability, could it make sense to leverage that effort by bounties given in a way comparable to

Re: [Foundation-l] Regarding the one million dollar usability grant and already extant but unused extensions

2008-12-11 Thread THURNER rupert
particularly i like the table editor. i'd be even tempted to edit on wikia and later copy the table to wikipedia :) rupert. On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 10:07, Angela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Thomas Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> 2008/12/7 Gerard Meijssen <[E

Re: [Foundation-l] Regarding the one million dollar usability grant and already extant but unused extensions

2008-12-13 Thread THURNER rupert
the proper list would be mediawiki-l? On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 00:21, Angela wrote: > On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:58 AM, Milos Rancic wrote: >> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 4:36 PM, Angela wrote: >>> On Fri, Dec 12, 2008 at 2:15 AM, Milos Rancic wrote: >