So, correct WMF is not the author and this should be changed. Listing people as
editors of a book using material from WP or any other project is acceptable.
The terms of use and licenses simply require the appropriate attribution and
you'd need to buy the book to confirm if this has or hasn't b
And it misses the point that the purpose of providing knowledge is for it to be
used. Wikimedia projects will be unavailable to those who would benefit from
them if they continue to provide content that is unsuitable or unwanted with no
mechanism for the consumer to control it.
If you ran a c
dation Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Foundation-l] Image filter
Sent: 10 Mar 2012 00:57
On 03/09/12 6:06 AM, Neil Babbage wrote:
> Wikimedia is not supposed to be some kind of exercise in perfection for
> perfection's sake. It's supposed to be open, accessible and useful.
I think what you might be remembering is that they used to sell them via a
sales force who went door to door. They announced a few years back that they
were stopping that.
--Original Message--
From: Yaroslav M. Blanter
To: Wikimedia Foun
You could try contacting the domain registrar email
or you could contact the WMF staff via talk pages on Meta (e.g.,
User:Philippe (WMF)).
did you try #wikimedia-tech on IRC? They might be able to help.
On 31/08/2011 15:46, Huib Laurens wrote:
> Hello,
> I cu
The projects will always have some crossover (or grey areas if you
prefer) because they present the same information, just in different
ways. For example, a textbook (Wikibooks) presents the same information
as an encyclopedia but in a more inclusive way. That is, it tries to
present all the in
The digital copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls have copyright, not the
On 26/09/2011 19:58, emijrp wrote:
> Hi all;
> Finally, the Dead Sea Scrolls[1] have copyright[2]. Courtesy of The Israel
> Museum. Congratulations.
> By they way: Hi Wikimedia Israel.
> Regards,
> emijrp
> [1
Yes they are able to strike, but that still doesn't give them the right
(legal or moral) to shut down property that doesn't belong to them. In
any case, if the servers are located in the US then US law applies to
their management.
On 04/10/2011 21:02, Milos Rancic wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 a