Oliver Moran writes:
> There's no need to re-invent the wheel.
Note that "wikipedia" and "mediawiki" already appears in StackOverflow:
aude writes:
> I would like to see it located at help.wikimedia.org or
> help.en.wikimedia.org or something...
I would suggest ask.wikimedia.org
IMHO help.wikimedia.org is a bit ambiguous as it can mean
"Please help Wikimedia".
+1 for the need to make it easy to fork (I suggested this back
in 2010 in Gdansk during the barcamp session.)
"Yaroslav M. Blanter" writes:
> I do agree that the monopoly, at least in this case, is a bad thing, but I
> do not see why stimulating creation of the forks would be the best way to
Hi Erik,
Erik Moeller writes:
> Years ago, we used to worry that people wouldn't/didn't understand
> that Wikimedia is a non-profit, that it's created by volunteers, that
> it's international/multilingual. Many misconceptions still exist, but
> for anyone paying attention, we've demolished them.
A nice side-effect of such a black-out will be to send GLAM
institutions this message: "Don't use Wikipedia as a storage
service, use your own websites and free licenses instead."
I would not spend time, energy and money on a service that
can block my contents without even warning and/or asking m
Liam Wyatt writes:
> We have never proposed Wikimedia Commons as a storage service for
> GLAMs. We have always said they should have their own catalogue and
> share copies of their multimedia with us (and everyone else) under a
> free license. That gives provenance and verifiability. We are not a
Liam Wyatt writes:
> Well if it's a public cultural institution I would certainly hope
> that they're not giving us the only copy of the file!
Not the only copy... but perhaps the "only freely licensed one".
> That would be a terrible use of their role as guardians of their
> country/region/
Ryan Kaldari writes:
> I think Liam and Dominic are correct on this. Most cultural
> institutions, especially libraries, are very much on our side on
> copyright issues.
I have no doubt on this.
But see my concrete real-world example, where the Archives of Toulouse
uses © for pictures whil
Zugravu Gheorghe writes:
> apparently if you disable java in your browser - you have normal access
> to en:wp!
Or if you click on the "stop loading" button of your browser
soon enough:
Funny darwinian selection: only the fastest among us will
Dear all,
on behalf of Wikimedia France I am please to announce the GLAMWIKI:FR
conference! This event will take place on the 3rd-4th of december at
the 101 rue de l'Université, Paris (in the new "victor Hugo" space.)
We published the "save your date" announcement on our blog:
Dear all,
The GLAMWIKI:Fr website is now out:
Don't miss the list of speakers:
.. and the detailed program:
The event takes place on the 3rd and 4
Dear all,
it's now official: I'm no longer working as an employee of Wikimédia
Please don't use bastien.gue...@wikimedia.fr anymore, use b...@gnu.org
or b...@altern.org instead.
This year has been hectic: I coordinated the WMFR/Toulouse partnership,
organized the GLAMWIKI:Fr conference i
Steven Walling writes:
> I'll make sure either someone from the Foundation or from their research
> group sends out mailing list messages when there is new plans to get
> feedback on. Apologies if it was confusing so far.
> 1. https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/meta/wiki/Research/Projects
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