OmegaWiki was created to the prevent double work that is inherent in
Wiktionary. When you ask what value it has for "the Wiktionary projects"
then it is not really one question and consequently there is not one answer.
It is however the wrong question, the question is: does it add something to
I fail to see how this project could be usefull for the Wiktionary projects,
because it will probably bring double stuff, we have some big projects there
in some languages, why should be bring on a new project that would be
multilingual? It sounds that we only have double work.
And Wikimed
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:05 AM, Milos Rancic wrote:
> (Just poking foundation-l, please continue with discussion at
> wiktionary-l, or, better, at Meta [1])
Can you make sure that you leave a note on most Wiktionaries notifying
them of this discussion too?
Casey Brown