El 06/03/20 a las 16:33, Mark Reid escribió:
You would perhaps be better creating a specialist filter and
implementing it using OCIO (as suggested
https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/tac/tree/master/gsoc), or
extending the current 3D LUT code to read Cinespace or other 3D LUT
formats t
El 21/11/19 a las 06:42, Carl Eugen Hoyos escribió:
Am Mi., 20. Nov. 2019 um 23:42 Uhr schrieb :
From: Gonzalo Garramuño
I was under the impression that the following patch was written
by Blake Senftner, bsenftner at earthlink.net
Am I wrong?
He wrote the original patch that had the exit
El 19/01/20 a las 19:00, Paul B Mahol escribió:
I doubt this is good.
Why? I have images created out of Houdini that do not follow the
uppercase convention used in the exr.c decoder. The layers cannot be
read unless the pattern matches layers like: indirect_diffuse.r.
On 08/06/2016 06:34 p.m., Marton Balint wrote:
Hi All,
Please comment, thanks,
Be careful that : in Windows do not currently parse well if you need to
use them in a path, like F:/filter/ or Z:/movie. They are parsed as F
and /filter/ and Z and /movie/ respectively.
El 10/01/2017 a las 10:21, Carl Eugen Hoyos escribió:
+} else if (avctx->pix_fmt == AV_PIX_FMT_MONOWHITE) {
+ptr = picture->data[0];
+for (y = 0; y < s->height; y++) {
+memcpy(ptr, ptr_data, s->width + 7 >> 3);
+ptr_data += s->width + 7 >>
have to wonder, as I only have Windows 8.1 so far, doesn't Windows 10
WSL2 solve the compilation issues by having the lib be compiled on an
Ubuntu distro?
Gonzalo Garramuño
ffmpeg-devel mailing list