Le sextidi 26 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Josh de Kock a écrit :
> For achieving the same result as the SDL/opengl outdevs you can do something
> like:
> ffmpeg -i t.mov -c:v ffv1 -c:a aac -f fifo -fifo_format mov -map 0:v
> fifo.mov & mpv fifo.mov
This is nowhere near the same functionality.
> Eith
On 11/09/2016 08:36, Nicolas George wrote:
Le sextidi 26 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Josh de Kock a écrit :
This device depends on SDL which is deprecated.
Are we in the business of deprecating things that do not have a replacement,
Before deprecating the best video output device, making some
Le sextidi 26 fructidor, an CCXXIV, Josh de Kock a écrit :
> This device depends on SDL which is deprecated.
Are we in the business of deprecating things that do not have a replacement,
Before deprecating the best video output device, making some effort to port
it to something more modern wo
This device depends on SDL which is deprecated.
Signed-off-by: Josh de Kock
Changelog| 2 +-
doc/outdevs.texi | 2 ++
libavdevice/opengl_enc.c | 2 ++
3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
index f609a86..6c9f766 100644