2017-01-30 15:44 GMT+01:00 :
> I've only seen 6ch .MSF (probably the AT3 spec only supports 2ch audio).
Shouldn't msf.c set a channel layout?
Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-devel mailing list
On 1/30/17, bananaman...@gmail.com wrote:
> From: bnnm
> Multichannel joint stereo simply interleaves stereo pairs (6ch: 2ch + 2ch +
> 2ch), so each pair is decoded separatedly.
> ***
> To test my changes, I converted examples to wav with ffmpeg.exe (old and
> new), and compared them to see
From: bnnm
Multichannel joint stereo simply interleaves stereo pairs (6ch: 2ch + 2ch +
2ch), so each pair is decoded separatedly.
To test my changes, I converted examples to wav with ffmpeg.exe (old and new),
and compared them to see they are byte-exact.
Regular 2ch files (JS and normal)