> Colors are wrong and I'm pretty sure I know why, that's TODO.
Do you plan to implement camera native RGB to CIE XYZ mapping as specified
in DNG Spec Chapter 6 ?
ffmpeg-devel mailing list
> This did the trick thanks. For the -v verbose this indeed print the last
> decoded frame on normal run but not when using -xerror.
> Eg.
> [AVIOContext @ 0x7f7f7780] Statistics: 52700397 bytes read, 4 seeks
I guess because print_report is not called when exit_program is called in
> Add `-copyts` for that. If you want the index of the first decode
> failure, you don't need this patch. Run with `-xerror -v verbose`.
> ist->frames_decoded will be printed for each input stream. Add 1 to
> that. The `time=` value at the end should be the timestamp + duration of
> the last succ
> Which is good: that means you get the same number with or without it.
Sorry I was unclear, I mean that best_effort_timestamp is relative to trim
Would be nice to have the abosulte timestamp in the file, regardless of
where the -ss flag starts no ?
> Exactly, you need to use the format string for uint64_t, PRIu64 from
> memory; check in the code base and standard.
Thanks for the pointer, didn't knew this.
> Then I think the timestamp of the frame would be a better choice. IIUC,
> the field you print depends on the way ffmpeg processes
> Let's call good frames G and bad frames B. If your input isG G G B B
> B G G B then for all 3 initial B frames, ist->frames_decoded will be
> 3, and 5 for the last B frame. So, what your patched log tells you is
> the total number of previous _successful_ decodes. Presumably, you wish
> t
> Rémi Achard (12019-07-12):
> > ---
> > fftools/ffmpeg.c | 2 +-
> > 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
> >
> > diff --git a/fftools/ffmpeg.c b/fftools/ffmpeg.c
> > index 01f04103cf..aaeabe512b 100644
> > --- a/fftools/ffmpeg.c
> > +++ b/fftools/ffmpeg.c
> > @@ -2107,7 +2107,7 @@ stati
Thanks for the review, I updated the patch to show the correct frame number
as suggested (sorry for the double post I managed to screw up my git
Le ven. 12 juil. 2019 à 11:18, Rémi Achard a écrit :
> ---
> fftools/ffmpeg.c | 2 +-
> 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)