I've just install Evolution and i've a question.
Can we modify the signature position.
Actualy, the signature is after the quoted reply. I want to know if it's
possible to positon the signature after my reply and not after the quoted
Thanks by advance.
Using Ubuntu 6.10 & Evolution 2.8.1
When selection my address book to insert an address it always opens to
"Anniversary". Gr.
Is there any way to put "Any Category" to the top of the category list ...
or to delete "Anniversary".
View this message in context:
I was forced to Evolution from Thunderbird when we moved to exchange
server from pop/smtp. Our exchange server doesn't have pop or imap
access so this means the Linux users have to use Outlook Web Access to
get our mail. This is a very slow and tedious problem.
At first I was using FC
On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 13:28 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:
> Hello,
> I was forced to Evolution from Thunderbird when we moved to exchange
> server from pop/smtp. Our exchange server doesn't have pop or imap
> access so this means the Linux users have to use Outlook Web Access to
> get our mail.