Il giorno mar, 21/06/2022 alle 12.06 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-
list ha scritto:
> The problem is on the Google side.
> They deprecated the Contacts API, which used to be used in the past,
> thus the evolution-data-server switched to the Google's CardDAV
> interface, which is more standard
I have just realized that my Address book doesn't show contacts
categories as it usually did in the past. The contacts belong to a
google contacts address book, that is configured in evo in two ways:
- "Type: google"
- "Type: "
and both miss the categories (i.e. the "Categories" field is bl
[sorry for top posting previously :-( ]
Il giorno mer, 23/06/2021 alle 10.07 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-
list ha scritto:
> On Wed, 2021-06-23 at 09:47 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > BTW, could it be ?
> Hi,
> may
Crha via evolution-
list ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2021-06-22 at 12:49 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Can anybody please help me? Is it a known bug?
> Hi,
> it's not known, at least not to me. I'd suspect webkit2gtk3 update
> caused it. I would try to downgrade
from time to time (and indeed quite frequently) I have problems with
cut(/copy) from evolution and paste into another application (e.g.
gedit, firefox). It's very annoying, and the only workaround I found
is to restart evo (using evolution --force-shutdown, because if I
simply close and reope
Il giorno sab 18 apr 2020 alle ore 18:29 Andre Klapper
ha scritto:
> On Sat, 2020-04-18 at 14:11 +0200, Jaap Bosman wrote:
> > about
> >
> That's ancient and outdated, hence I stopped reading here... :)
By the way, i
Il giorno gio, 30/01/2020 alle 14.21 +0100, Michael Hirmke ha scritto:
> > Hi Milan,
> > [...]
> > As I said, one can get used to it - but it is a loss!
> >
Hi, and thank you Milan,
I agree with Michael on all the points, and I add one thing that may
be related. To keep track of my workflow, I
Il giorno gio, 28/02/2019 alle 08.40 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams ha
> On Thu, 2019-02-28 at 12:36 +, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > On Wed, 2019-02-27 at 19:13 +, Lewis, David (INCEED, LLC) via
> > evolution-list wrote:
> > > I'm using evolution on RHEL Workstation 7.6, attachin
Il giorno mer, 27/02/2019 alle 14.19 -0800, Jeffrey Cunningham ha
> [...]
> Is there a way to strip attachments in Evolution?
If I understand correctly what you mean, I usually do it selecting
"remove attachments" (translation mine, so could be different in your
language) from the me
Hi Herr,
Il giorno gio, 13/12/2018 alle 11.17 +0100, Herr Oswald ha scritto:
> Thank you very much to everybody for all that clarification.
> [...]
> And another thing:
> I've been using evo for 4 years now, but never had the idea that the
> magnifier symbol could be home of a control. To me
Hi Ralf,
Il giorno lun, 22/10/2018 alle 10.32 +0200, Ralf Mardorf via
evolution-list ha scritto:
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2018 10:20:10 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:[...]
> "[snip]
> It is also possible to specify initial values for headers (e.g.
> subject, cc, etc.) and message body i
Hi all,
Il giorno ven, 19/10/2018 alle 09.12 -0400, Durrance ha scritto:
> That worked perfectly. Thank you.
> On Fri, 2018-10-19 at 14:36 +0200, Ángel wrote:
> > Hello Durrance
> >
> > You provide that in the mailto parameter:
> > evolution "";
> >
2018-07-13 21:26 GMT+02:00, Ralf Mardorf :
> Hi,
> off-topic stuff should indeed be as short as possible, but IMO it still
> wasn't much off-topic noise.
> [...]
> Hints regarding HTML, email nettiquette, absurd disclaimer and similar
> signatures etc. are sometimes welcome.
Just a follow-up
2018-07-12 19:09 GMT+02:00, Pete Biggs :
> On Thu, 2018-07-12 at 18:07 +0100, Pete Biggs wrote:
>> > It would be less prone to misinterpretation if it had a different name.
>> > It's really not intended as a backup mechanism, as some people seem to
>> > think. Perhaps Export/Import would better
Hi Gary,
Il giorno mar, 19/06/2018 alle 13.45 +0200, Gary Curtin ha scritto:
> I did not file a bug report as that has already been done by others
Could you please share here the link of the bug? I am interested in
Il giorno ven, 18/05/2018 alle 11.47 +0200, Gabriele Brosulo ha
> Il giorno ven, 18/05/2018 alle 11.42 +0200, Gabriele Brosulo ha
> scritto:
> > > Alternatively create a search folder with the same conditions
> and
> > > selected folders only, then you can enter it from time to time
> and
Il giorno mar, 15/05/2018 alle 11.29 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2018-05-15 at 10:45 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > As far as I can understand, we don't know exactly why this
> happens,
> > do we? Should we try to find it out?
> Hi,
> yes
Hi Milan,
Il giorno lun, 14/05/2018 alle 10.34 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> in a different
> evolution, yours 3.26.6, then it shows no attachment icon initially,
> but as soon as I view the message for the first time the icon is
> added.
> It is not added when I play with internal files and
Il giorno gio, 10/05/2018 alle 18.02 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> having there also lines with the "boundary" values would make it
> clearer how the parts are interleaved,
> [...]
> Could you include in your list of headers also the boundaries,
> please?
> I'll try to construct a simil
Il giorno gio, 10/05/2018 alle 10.22 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> [...]
> Anyway, the message structure, it's basically about checking the
> message source and from it all headers which start with "Content-",
> like "Content-Type", "Content-Disposition" and so on.
thank you Milan,
I have received a message with attachments, but the message list
doesn't show the clip icon.
The message is in an IMAP folder, and if I move/copy it to another
IMAP folder, the icon does not appear. On the other hand, if I
move/copy it to a local folder, the icon appears. If I copy/move it
Il giorno gio, 11/01/2018 alle 17.36 +0800, E Loew ha scritto:
> Hi there,
> I just installed Evolution
please say which evolution version you run (help>about)
evolution-list mailing list
To change your l
Il giorno mar, 05/12/2017 alle 12.24 +0200, Gottfried ha scritto:
> So what would be possible to do? change the
> whole distribution? But don't the other distributions limit the
> other
> software that I am using? In my understanding Ubuntu/LinuxMint are
> those
> distributions that make mo
Il giorno lun, 30/10/2017 alle 11.56 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> I'd appreciate if you could file a bug report.
thanks, and bye
evolution-list mailing list
Hi Milan,
Il giorno lun, 30/10/2017 alle 08.42 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Mon, 2017-10-30 at 08:09 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Is there anything else I can do, or should I open a bug for it, or
> > something else?
> Hi,
> could you check the message source
I cannot view an eml attachment in evolution 3.22.6.
The eml is displayed correctly in another mail client.
I found this one in the list archives:
but if I click on the arrow, it expands only a blank line (actually,
Il giorno mar, 22/11/2016 alle 10.45 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2016-11-22 at 10:10 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > I would like to know if there is any hope to have it working on
> > IMAP folders, too (in my case, gmail): what would be the right
> > dir
Il giorno lun, 28/08/2017 alle 08.48 +0100, Pete Biggs ha scritto:
> Add a new column in the display called "Location" - that will show
> the
> location of the email.
Great :-)
Thank you very much!
evolution-list mailing list
in evolution 3.22.6 I perform a search on "All accounts" to find a
message in my message/account tree.
When I find the message I want (it is displayed in the right pane) I
would like to know the account and folder that contains the message.
Is it possible? Maybe it's a simple thing to do, bu
Il giorno mar, 25/07/2017 alle 08.51 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2017-07-25 at 08:21 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > By the way: at the moment I found out that the "memory leak" seems
> to
> > be related to setting "0" as refresh interval in the g
Il giorno lun, 24/07/2017 alle 09.47 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> > On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 17:31 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:> > Moreover, from time
> >to time an error appears in the upper bar:
> > "cannot
> > perform the search" [translation mine], a
Il giorno lun, 24/07/2017 alle 12.00 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> Hi,
> the GOA-configured accounts are stored also in
> ~/.cache/evolution/sources/
> Check both places for .source files which contain
> [Address Book]
> [...]
I think I've finally managed to sort it out, so ma
Hi Milan,
Il giorno lun, 24/07/2017 alle 09.47 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2017-07-21 at 17:31 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > But there is another item with the same name in the left pane (the
> > appearence is:
> [...]
> Hi,
> it looks like the
I am running evo 3.22.6 (Fedora 25) and I'm afraid I have one
misconfigured address book.
I have an account set up in Google Online Accounts and enabled for
"Contacts". The contacts from the address book show correctly in
evolution, and this address book seems working.
But there is another
Hi David,
Il giorno gio, 11/05/2017 alle 04.16 -0400, David Burleigh ha scritto:
> [...]
> 3) Ability to add an event to a calender that is a "point event",
> having just a "start time" and not an "end time", such as the
> arrival
> time of an incoming flight. I have to keep track of incoming g
Il giorno mer, 22/03/2017 alle 06.12 -0400, Benjamin Selzer ha
> [...]
> -Original Message-
> [...]
and, please, don't top-post on this list
evolution-list mailing list
To change your list options or uns
Il giorno lun, 21/11/2016 alle 14.39 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Mon, 2016-11-14 at 10:32 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > when I need to find an exact phrase (i.e. I put it in double
> quotes,
> > "my search strings") in the search box
> > ...
> >
using evo 3.20.5
when I need to find an exact phrase (i.e. I put it in double quotes,
"my search strings") in the search box, evo shows messages containing
all the strings, but does not restrict the results to the exact
phrase. It happens searching for text in message body, but it works as
Il giorno gio, 10/11/2016 alle 09.07 +, lukjar oturan ha scritto:
> Dear Evolution Users,
> I started to use recently evolution in my ubuntu 16:04 machine as it
> shows better performance than thunderbird. However it was not
> possible to add my gmail account to the evolution using the sa
Il giorno ven, 21/10/2016 alle 09.50 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> [...]
> Nonetheless, I'm afraid that whatever I'll do in the current stable
> and
> the development version to address the issue, it'll still be here,
> as
> long as people will use unpatched versions, not talking about l
Il giorno mer, 18/05/2016 alle 15.33 +0200, Andrea Vai ha scritto:
> Hi Milan,
> Il giorno mer, 18/05/2016 alle 10.30 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> > Hello,
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >
> > Does this change sound sane, from the user point of view
Il giorno mar, 31/05/2016 alle 12.07 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2016-05-31 at 11:55 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> in the description that it's about IMAPx. I usually prefix the bug
> summary with "[IMAPx]" too.
ok thanks, so:
Hi Milan,
Il giorno mar, 31/05/2016 alle 11.43 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> what is the folder type you do the remove, please? Using On This
> Computer folder the size is recalculated properly. That is, it worth
> a
> bug report against the specific mail provider.
Yes, it is an IMAP+ folder, in
if I perform a "remove attachment" action on a message, the message
size in the "size" column of my view shows "0 bytes". Is it a known
issue or maybe worth file a bug?
I run evo
evolution-list mailing list
Il giorno ven, 20/05/2016 alle 14.18 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2016-05-20 at 11:40 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Thanks for clarifications.
> > grep -C 3 Content-Type (obfuscated some personal data with
> > x):
> Hi,
> the mess
Il giorno ven, 20/05/2016 alle 11.04 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2016-05-20 at 10:14 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > If I click on ctrl+U then evo hangs for many minutes waiting for
> the
> > source to be shown, and finally I have to kill it (worth try to
> > und
Il giorno ven, 20/05/2016 alle 09.14 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2016-05-20 at 08:33 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Didn't found anything in the list nor in bugzilla, so is there
> > anything I can do to track the problem down, before maybe file a
> new
> &
Hi, I am having some trouble removing the attachments from some
messages. Briefly, it apparently doesn't work, i.e. if I right-click
the message and choose "Remove attachments", nothing seems to happen.
This happens on some messages, but it works with others.
Didn't found anything in the list nor
Il giorno gio, 19/05/2016 alle 03.56 -0700, Dave Cole ha scritto:
> On Wed, 2016-05-18 at 14:48 +0200, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> > Consider to report the bug against the package "libwebkitgtk-3.0-
> 0".
> Reported, and thank you again...
If you link the bug report here, anyone in the list interested
Hi Milan,
Il giorno mer, 18/05/2016 alle 10.30 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> Hello,
> [...]
> Does this change sound sane, from the user point of view?
> Do you use the attachment bar at all?
> Any other opinion?
I am a heavy user of evo and I hardly ever use the attac
Il giorno ven, 15/01/2016 alle 06.09 -0500, Adam Tauno Williams ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2016-01-15 at 11:18 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > .0 does not offer an option to print only the selected
> > text of an e-mail. Is it a bug, or a missing feature, or a
> feature
> &g
Hi all,
my evo 3.16.0 does not offer an option to print only the selected
text of an e-mail. Is it a bug, or a missing feature, or a feature
implemented in a more recent version, or has it ever been considered
as a wishlist item? I didn't find anything related on the list
archives, neither on b
Il giorno gio, 05/11/2015 alle 19.21 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Thu, 2015-11-05 at 11:40 -0500, a.gnome wrote:
> > It seems List View only shows events with start dates about one
> week
> > back to three weeks forward. Is it possible to change the time
> > period
> > included?
Il giorno mer, 09/09/2015 alle 00.13 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2015-09-08 at 10:17 -0600, Zan Lynx wrote:
> > > As has been said repeatedly, the "backup" command in Evo is not
> > > intended for periodic backups but for when you need to move your
> > Evo
> > > installation to
2015-08-30 2:43 GMT+02:00 Paul :
> On Fri, 2015-08-28 at 10:01 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Il giorno ven, 28/08/2015 alle 09.42 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> > > Il giorno gio, 27/08/2015 alle 13.15 +0200, Andrea Vai ha scritto:
> > > > I would like to remove th
Il giorno ven, 28/08/2015 alle 09.42 +0200, Dario Lesca ha scritto:
> Il giorno gio, 27/08/2015 alle 13.15 +0200, Andrea Vai ha scritto:
> > I would like to remove them all, so tried to remove the address
> book
> > and create a new one, but the context menu of the address boo
if I delete some contacts from one of my local address book, they
appear again after restarting evo.
I would like to remove them all, so tried to remove the address book
and create a new one, but the context menu of the address book does
not show the option to remove it, so I don't know h
in evo 3.10.4 it was possible to remove the ">" characters from a
(part of a) message, by selecting some quoted text and clicking on
"Decrease indent" (Ctrl+[). I used to do it very often.
In evo 3.16.0 this is no longer possible, is it a regression or by
Thank you,
Il giorno ven, 24/07/2015 alle 10.21 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2015-07-24 at 08:55 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Now, is there anything else I can try?
> Hi,
> unfortunately no. You tried with a fresh user and was able to reproduce
> the issue there, whil
Il giorno gio, 23/07/2015 alle 16.29 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 16:08 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > So, I am trying to produce a log of imapx:io regarding the part
> > immediately after the disappearing of the folders. I am attaching the
> > fir
Il giorno gio, 23/07/2015 alle 16.29 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 16:08 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > So, I am trying to produce a log of imapx:io regarding the part
> > immediately after the disappearing of the folders. I am attaching the
> > fir
Il giorno gio, 23/07/2015 alle 13.47 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2015-07-21 at 15:33 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Don't know if it matters, but that "no such table" message seems to
> > be related to the problem.
> Hi,
> the "no
Il giorno gio, 23/07/2015 alle 11.39 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 10:09 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > > If not, you might want to reconfigure it, i.e. delete the account
> > from Evo and
> > > re-create it using GOA.
> >
Il giorno mer, 22/07/2015 alle 13.13 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> On Wed, 2015-07-22 at 12:21 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Il giorno mer, 22/07/2015 alle 10.37 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> > scritto:
> > > On Wed, 2015-07-22 at 10:30 +0200, Andre
Il giorno mer, 22/07/2015 alle 10.37 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> On Wed, 2015-07-22 at 10:30 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Il giorno mar, 21/07/2015 alle 17.32 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> > scritto:
> > > On Tue, 2015-07-21 at 15:33 +0200, Andrea V
Il giorno mar, 21/07/2015 alle 17.32 +0100, Patrick O'Callaghan ha
> On Tue, 2015-07-21 at 15:33 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > Don't know if it matters, but that "no such table" message seems to
> > be related to the problem.
> Possibly a corrup
Hi all,
I am experiencing a problem, since this morning, when I opened Evo after 10
days of inactivity.
After some minutes, suddenly the main folder of my IMAP account disappears.
There are also several subfolders in there, which I am subscribed to, and they
also disappear. (With "main folder" I
Il giorno gio, 09/07/2015 alle 08.13 +0200, ha scritto:
> Hi at all
Hi Ralph,
> Thank you for your helpful answers.
> In the command: (ps ax | grep evolution) which means ps what ax and what is
> the pipe and grep?
"ps" lists the active processes,
"|grep evolution"
Il giorno mar, 07/07/2015 alle 07.17 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Mon, 2015-07-06 at 15:22 +0200, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> > Is the snooze time kept on the client or the CalDAV server?
> Hi,
> Evolution stores the snooze/already-reminded settings locally only.
> There is also no standa
Il giorno mer, 10/06/2015 alle 10.26 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Wed, 2015-06-10 at 10:04 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > (evolution:20898): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot register existing
> > type 'EABContactDisplay'
> Hi,
> the above is the reason
Il giorno mar, 09/06/2015 alle 18.33 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> do I better file a bug?
> Hi,
> I usually prefer a new bug report, due to most people here not being
> probably interesting in the investigation, but maybe we can do an
> exception here.
> The backtrace you gave sho
Il giorno mar, 09/06/2015 alle 12.24 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> Simply reproduce the issue, aka make evolution stuck, then run the below
> command from a terminal:
>$ gdb --batch --ex "t a a bt" -pid=`pidof evolution` &>bt.txt
> Please check the bt.txt for any private information, like pa
Il giorno mar, 09/06/2015 alle 10.05 +0200, Andre Klapper ha scritto:
> [Please start a new thread when posting a new topic, instead of
> replying to a random email and replacing the subject line.]
missed it, sorry!
> On Tue, 2015-06-09 at 08:39 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
Hi all,
if I edit a contact and add to it an email address that is already
stored in another contact, evolution freezes and I can only kill it.
I am using evo 3.12.11 and a google address book through GOA, but the same
problem happens with a local address book.
Is it a known bug? I have searc
Il giorno ven, 29/05/2015 alle 09.10 +0200, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Fri, 2015-05-29 at 08:25 +0200, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > I have the same problem, so I have tried to configure GOA (added a
> > google account, disabled all but Contacts, closed GOA and restarted
> > evo
I have the same problem, so I have tried to configure GOA (added a
google account, disabled all but Contacts, closed GOA and restarted
evolution) but the error still appears; is there any further step I
should consider to make my google contacts re-appear in evo (v. 3.12.11
on Ubuntu 15.04)?
Thank you Milan for the details.
Il giorno mar, 10/03/2015 alle 13.51 +0100, Milan Crha
ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2015-03-10 at 11:56 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > so are you saying that Pete's advices (thank you Pete for your
> > answer,
> > also!) are n
gnore them?
Il giorno mar, 10/03/2015 alle 11.44 +0100, Milan Crha ha scritto:
> On Tue, 2015-03-10 at 10:59 +0100, Andrea Vai wrote:
> > I have found some talks about this problem on this list some time
> > ago, but they were not enough clear to me to understand
o can't be sure that they correspond
literally to the english ones.
Thank you very much for your help,
Best regards
Andrea Vai
Evo 3.12.10 on Ubuntu 14.10
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