Hi all,
We run a small Real estate agency and have just moved over to Ubuntu
9.10 - however we are unable to find a GUI based SMS application that
we can use to send SMSs to our clients phones.
Is there a plug in or something for Evolution that allows us to
send SMS messages, ewithe
Am Samstag, den 14.11.2009, 10:36 -0600 schrieb Clarke:
> Cannot empty trash
I just did a search of the mailing list archives at
and found that a recent thread, actually the first of the following
link, may be of help!
I keep trying to empty my trash folder, and the option to delete
individual mails is greyed out. I get an error that says, "Error while
expunging folder." "Summary and folder mismatch, even after a sync." I
have seen a lot of webpages that reference this error, but none that
provide a straight a