I've been setting up a read/write Contacts LDAP database for Evolution
2.2.3 and have some successes. A couple of things are outstanding:
* Some fields on the Contact Editor aren't editable, such as
"Wants to receive HTML mail", "Instant Messaging", and all
"Web Addresses" (except Home Pag
If it has pop that would be preferrable, but you could set up a filter
to copy the mail too.
There's an imap option to 'apply filters to inbox'. You will have to
initially select all the messages and apply the filters to kick start
the process, and then you may need to re-do it if other clients
All now fixed, thanks.
The password reminder eventually arrived, with a password I'd never seen
before. I surmise that the password I had set was flushed, along with
other config details, and so the system chose one for me --- as if I'd
left it blank originally.
On Tue, 2005-08-30 at 23:1