ure with ~[[html
transformation]]~ but when I export I always get "Unable to resolve
link". Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
Cheers Reza
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
to handle the situation at hand
> while not breaking the other :exports variants.
Shall I file a bug report? As a beginner I assumed that the name tag
gets carried over to the result and I still think it is a sensible
solution, but I could imagine that is perhaps not a very explicit behavior.
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
On 8/5/22 03:48, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> This email is already a bug report :)
Haha nice :)
> However, we cannot just blindly carry over the name tag to the result.
> Consider a case when you have ":results both" in your src block. Where
> should the [[html transformation]] link refer to?
ignorance, I thought org-mode is part of Emacs but it seems
development happens in a separate repo. How is org-mode "added" to Emacs
because I was a little bit stuck in applying the patch?
Cheers Reza
Description: application/pgp-keys
> svg generation takes a completely different code branch compared to pdf
> in ox-latex.el. I am not sure why. Hopefully, someone more familiar with
> ox-latex and LaTeX in general can chime in.
Just found this in the source [1], maybe it is already fixed?
> AFAIU, the news entry is about LaTeX export (ox-latex.el). Here, we are
> talking about LaTeX babel backend, which is a different implementation
> (ob-latex.el).
> In any case, I can reproduce on the latest main.
why is this handled differently, should it at least use part of the same
> It is a part of the same infrastructure, but the LaTeX templates for
> html/pdf/svg/tiks export are different for some reason. There is even a
> TODO comment in the code saying that things should better be unified. Alas.
> Patches improving the situation are always welcome.
Where would I pu
> I do not think that ob-latex code has much to add into ox-latex.
> What I was referring to is the giant `cond' form in
> org-babel-execute:latex, which produces different LaTeX templates
> depending on the output file extension.
> The ob-latex templates should probably remain specific to ob-la
tikz generation completely
3. remove the whole html generation completely
4. try to merge pdf generation with org.el and ox-latex.el or
incorporating it into he preview code and
org-preview-latex-process-alist (this is probably a whole project of it own)
Hi list
Is there a way to extract a toc from an org file e.g:
#+INCLUDE: myfile.org :toc only
I want to assemble the toc's from several files into one file and there
seems to be no easy way to do this.
Description: application/pgp
Hi list
When exporting to html, syntax highlighting is automatically applied to
exported python source blocks (syntax elements get a span element
applied). But this does not work for julia source code blocks. Is this
just not implemented or do I miss something?
On 9/26/22 17:15, Fraga, Eric wrote:
> On Monday, 26 Sep 2022 at 14:09, reza wrote:
>> When exporting to html, syntax highlighting is automatically applied to
>> exported python source blocks (syntax elements get a span element
>> applied). But this does not work for julia s
On 9/26/22 17:15, Fraga, Eric wrote:
> On Monday, 26 Sep 2022 at 14:09, reza wrote:
>> When exporting to html, syntax highlighting is automatically applied to
>> exported python source blocks (syntax elements get a span element
>> applied). But this does not work for julia s
> Can you please provide an example file and exact steps you did to export
> it? See https://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html
Sorry for the confusion, I figured it out: I was missing `julia-mode'
and `(require 'julia-mode)'. But thanks for the support.
> Maybe the org-make-toc package can help you with what you're looking for:
> https://github.com/alphapapa/org-make-toc
> You can choose a heading on every document to contain a TOC. And then link
> each heading via org-transclusion:
> https://github.com/nobiot/org-transclusion
Thanks fo
> I presume that you are attempting to export multiple org files at the
> same time.
> Such functionality is covered by Org publish.
> Org publish allows generating a sitemap, which is another word for TOC
> in a multifile export. See 14.1.7 Generating a sitemap section of Org
> manual.
> for `org-map-entries'.
Thanks for the suggestion, but these look like really low level
functions which involve a lot of coding. Will try if I can figure out
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
> You just need a custom :sitemap-function.
> The default `org-publish-sitemap-default' flattens the hierarchy.
> From the manual:
> ‘:sitemap-function’
> Plug-in function to use for generation of the sitemap. It is
> called with two arguments: the title of the site-map and a
Hi List
I have the following MWE:
* A section
** A Frame
*** A left column
*** A right column
And I would expect the following tex output:
uot;template.org" :lines "2-"
But that does not seem to work. It looks like the macro expansion does
not happen for included content. Is this a bug or correct behavior, what
would be the approach to not repeat the content for several reports?
Thanks for your inputs.
ar 2019
#+INCLUDE: "template.org" :lines "2-"
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
> It works, but Org does not include variable assignments to exported code
> by default. See org-babel-exp-code-template. The assignment would be
> done if you execute the blocks though.
So I have to set this variable to true?
> Note that year will have a value of "2019\n" with trailing newline.
to adjust #+LATEX_CLASS and #+LATEX_HEADER? Maybe something like
#+LATEX_PREAMBLE "my-preamble.tex"
Thanks for any hints.
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
> #+latex_header: \input{preamble}
Thanks for the idea, will test this, but I fear this will collide with
the latex class provided by org?
Description: application/pgp-keys
Description: PGP signature
> report_2019.org:
> #+TITLE: Report 2019
> #+property: header-args :var year=2019
> #+INCLUDE: "template.org" :lines "2-"
> template.org:
> #+TITLE: Report
> * My headline
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports both :results value :eval yes
> year
> #+end_src
> #+BEGIN_SRC bash
> .
> The full org alternative is to customise org-latex-classes with all the
> LaTeX preamble you want or need. This is what I do.
Is there a way to extend org-latex-classes inside my org file, so I can
keep using C-c C-e l l (export to latex)?
Description: applica
> Two possibilities:
> 1. Put file-local variable
> 2. Create an "Empty" class with empty documentclass statement
> and then #+LATEX_CLASS: Empty #+LATEX_HEADER: \input{...}
Sorry for my noobish questions:
1. How do I put file-local variables in my org file?
2. Is it possible to do this
> This does a lot of 'magic'
> #+bibliography: python3.bib
> #+cite_export: biblatex
just add e.g.:
Description: a
("\\subparagraph{%s}" . "\\subparagraph*{%s}"
# -*- org-export-allow-bind-keywords: t; -*-
#+title: A dummy report
#+subtitle: This is a dummy report
#+setupfile: ../template.org
* Title
This gives me an error, unknown latex class
29 matches
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