Hi guys,
I am a newbie in that I've never contributed so far. Thus, I would like to
start this journey with pinging the mailing list first as it is indicated in
the contributing documentation.
As far as I know, there is currently no language support for C# withi org-babel.
As t
Thank you so much for your input and guidance.
I have put my "patch request" in a public repository. Please find it here
I've tried to document the incentive as well as the usage quite extensive.
I would like to propose to merge this as a maintainer as I'
tus of a "shared library" that
can be included in other code blocks/csharp projects to make use of the
functionality it provides.
Please rename this into org-babel-variable-assignments:csharp and let it
accept params argument.
Can you help me out here understanding this better? Is i
doc-csharp.org" after the review.
[2] https://codeberg.org/buoso/csharp-babel/src/branch/dev/Readme.org