On Fri, 10 Oct 2014 22:46:58 +0700, Daniel Clemente
> 1. Every information should have a single location, not two. Mix
> fast if you detect repetitions. Use links extensively (C-c l) to connect
> one header with another, specially after you get lost once. Don't bother
> too much a
On 2024-01-11, at 14:08, Bruno Cardoso wrote:
> - https://gitlab.com/mbork_mbork_pl/org-clive :: a simple and minimalistic
> Org-based static weblog generator
Wow, thanks for mentioning my little package! If anything more is
needed (longer description, examples etc.), just drop me a line.
On 2024-08-10, at 17:13, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Many blogs are also made with Org mode. Not sure if it qualifies for
> documentation.
If I may put a shameless plug here, one of my blogs
(https://crimsonelevendelightpetrichor.net, not terribly active ATM) is
written entirely in Org. The whole c
Hi all,
I am reading the Org element API docs and I don't understand the
difference between :raw-value of a headline and its :title. I performed
a few experiments with putting various things in the headline
(timestamps, links, markup) to find a case where these two differ, but I
could not.
The :
Hi fellow Orgers,
I know that I can say
#+PROPERTY: name value
somewhere in the buffer to set the property `name' to `value' for every
entry (assuming I use inheritance, like in `(org-entry-get (point)
"name" t)`).
However, what I need is to programmatically insert or change that line
to set or
Hi fellow Orgers,
I have a bunch of entries in my agenda that don't have /titles/. I
enrolled in a school which has classes on Saturdays, usually every two
weeks, but this is not very rigid. So I need a separate headline per
** School on Super Important Stuff
<2024-10-05 Sat 09:3
On 2024-12-07, at 09:19, Bastien wrote:
> I have had a truly wonderful time as a maintainer and I'd like to
> thank Carsten again for shaping and sharing Org in the first place.
Congratulations to all of you, Carsten, Bastien and Ihor!
Like others said - Org mode is /very/ important to me, I us
On 2025-03-21, at 23:29, Thomas Ingram wrote:
> Please let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions, thanks!
Interesting. I don't use org-publish, but I also created an extremely
simple RSS generator in my minimalistic Org-Clive blogging engine: