I've been using Column View for quite some time without any
issues. After today's update, C-c C-c on the BEGIN line of the dynamic
#+BEGIN: columnview :hlines 1 :id local :maxlevel 3
draws the table close to the very beginning of a buffer, starting at the
11th char, cells de
Thanks anyway.
My bad, it was due to poly-org package which I had installed
recently. It broke undo in org buffers too.
Description: PGP signature
Consider a lisp form that, when evaluated, produces another form. I'm
used to org printing the resulting form nicely, in lisp blocks. However,
this is not the case for emacs-lisp src blocks. An example:
1. The way it should be (and is now the case) with lisp, namely sbcl:
#+begin_src lisp :result
I'd like to discuss a possible improvement to org todo keywords completion UI
- it could break something as is
- it still needs some polish, or maybe some of org internals better be
Proposal so far:
#+begin_src diff
I have to deal with a document that has an unfortunate vague structure
which involves unnumbered headlines spanning a couple of numbered
ones. I'd like to convert the document into Org and thus effectively
need to implement a feature that would allow unnumbered property in Org
not to be inherited b
Kaushal Modi writes:
> Have you looked at org-use-property-inheritance variable
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Property-inheritance.html -- You can set that to
> a regexp that does not match UNNUMBERED.
As this page mentions, default value is nil, which means nothing would be
inherited. UNNUMBERED
On November 17, 2017 10:09:55 PM GMT+00:00, Nicolas Goaziou
>OOC, what is the output you expect from your initial example?
in LaTeX:
* section-one
* unnumbered-header
** section-two
** section-three
* section-four
On November 18, 2017 5:18:10 PM GMT+00:00, Nicolas Goaziou
>I see. I don't think UNNUMBERED should be able to modify the structure
>of the document. I suggest to write a parse tree filter that does that
>change to the tree.
Please note: it is not UNNUMBERED that modifies the structure
On November 18, 2017 5:18:10 PM GMT+00:00, Nicolas Goaziou
> I suggest to write a parse tree filter that does that
>change to the tree.
I got an impression that UNNUMBERED's children get cut off prior to what user
can do, hence writing a simple backend won't help, and I'll have to patch
On a related note, I'd love to use org-plus-contrib packages but there's
no https update, and I still don't understand how to check whether
packages are signed, w/ which keys, where the keys are published.
Maybe I didn't do everything I could but all the other updates on my
system have been far mo
The following snippet in ox-latex.el processes negative tocdepths
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
;; Table of contents.
(let ((depth (plist-get info :with-toc)))
(when depth
(concat (when (wholenump depth)
(format "\\setcounter{tocdepth}{%d}\n" depth))
Nicolas Goaziou writes:
>> When depth is -1, wholenump form evaluates to nil, and setcounter
>> command is not exported at all.
> I don't think it's a bug. Org doesn't pretend to support every LaTeX
> feature. Setting `org-export-with-toc', which is where DEPTH comes from,
> to -1 doesn't make
(insert new-header-string)
(unless we-were-before-replacement-zone
(incf default-position-to-return-to (length new-header-string)))
(goto-char (if (<= fallback-position
Sharon Kimble writes:
> How can I have the footnote number in an org-mode file, exported to
> latex and then built as a PDF file, be underlined please?
Try adding the following LaTeX directive:
#+latex_header: \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\underline{\arabic{footnote}}}
Note: both footnote numbe
Sharon Kimble writes:
> How can I have the footnote number in an org-mode file, exported to
> latex and then built as a PDF file, be underlined please?
Try adding the following LaTeX directive.
#+latex_header: \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\underline{\arabic{footnote}}}
Note: both footnote numbe
Thank you, I'll make use of 's. Not well versed in Elisp
libraries. save-excursion is certainly an improvement, too.
Description: PGP signature
To quote the following 2013 message from this mailing list
> This is quite strange because I can debug skipping functions
> for tags-todo blocks, but for some reason I cannot debug skipping
> functions for agenda blocks.
I try
#+begin_example lisp
; in: LET ((*DEFAULT-PATHNAME-DEFAULTS* #P"/home/akater/"))
; (/ 1 0)
; Lisp error during constant folding:
; arithmetic error DIVISION-BY-ZERO signalled
; Operation was (/ 1 0).
; compilation unit
This patch can't be merged right away: I need to sort out the exact
SLIME version where the feature will be introduced. Some doc update is
needed, too.
According to orgmode.org, I can link to a public repository and the
Repository: https://gitlab.com/akater/org-mode
Branch: ob-lisp-t
I want to make it easier for users to define custom non-inline blocks
(and operations on them). So I studied parsers in =org-element.el= and
stumbled upon the following seeming inconsistency:
Plists for =comment-block=, =example-block=, =export-block=, =src-block=
all have neither ~:contents-begin
To test the feature, please
- git clone https://gitlab.com/akater/org-mode.git
- checkout ob-lisp-traces-and-errors
- load lisp/ob-lisp.el and lisp/ob-core.el in a running Emacs
- M-: (defalias 'org-babel-execute:lisp
'org-babel-execute:lisp--multiple-targets-support) RET
and also
* lisp/org-agenda.el (org-todo-list): Use completing-read-multiple instead of
completing-read when selecting todo keywords to filter by in Agenda.
* lisp/org-agenda.el (org-todo-list): Fix a typo in the prompt.
There is minor UX cost to Helm users: while candidates list used to appear
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Thanks for the patch. Looks like a nice improvement to me.
> akater writes:
>> * lisp/org-agenda.el (org-todo-list): Use completing-read-multiple
>> instead of completing-read when selecting todo keywords to filter by
>> in Agenda.
I'd like to write an Org file that would export to a html with fairly
significant tweaks along the way. The rough idea is, users should be
able to run reasonaly recent vanilla emacs, (require 'ox),
(org-html-export-to-html) and get a fine-tuned html.
I also would like to move relevant Elisp to th
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Is akater the name you prefer
> listed on that site and in the commit message?
I will use git-am complaint patch formatting next time; thank you for
the guidelines.
Description: PGP signature
Bastien writes:
> Hi,
> akater writes:
>> This patch can't be merged right away: I need to sort out the exact
>> SLIME version where the feature will be introduced. Some doc update is
>> needed, too.
> did you finally managed to finalize this patc
stardiviner writes:
> I have some considering. Multi-block return might will cause other options
> hard
> to handle the result block. For example ~:cache~, ~:results replace~, and use
> result
> as source block input data. WDYT?
Probably. I'm not a user of either :cache or :results replace bu
So, the overall plan that I suggest is as follows:
- Merge the patch(es) I sent. Whether to merge documntation patch or
not, is left for you to decide. The text does not lie to users but it
hints at a feature that is not available yet. These patches will not
break anything for anyone unle
s extent of the operation is not
Description: PGP signature
>From d9d108f97917c1b55841df907510bcc89f8db406 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: akater
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 02:25:59 +
Subject: [PATCH] org-element: Hide parsers boilerplate into plist-creating
:00:00 2001
From: akater
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2020 02:25:59 +
Subject: [PATCH] org-element: Hide parsers boilerplate into plist-creating
* lisp/org-element.el (org-prog-plist, org-let*-prog-plists) (org-let*-prog-plist): New macros. Build plists without boilerplate.
(org-fold, org-deke
30 matches
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