[Orgmode] Format heading numbering html export

2011-01-08 Thread Vikas Rawal
When I export an org file to html, the headings are numbered (1, 1.1, 1.1.1,etc.) by default. I would like to change the numbering style and use different types of bullets to denote different levels of headings. How could that be done? Thanks. VR ___

Re: [Orgmode] Format heading numbering html export

2011-01-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Right now, I would suggest setting =h:1= to make all except top-level > headings into list items. Next, you could set =num:nil= to turn off > section numbering altogether. Thanks. This does exactly what I wanted. Vikas ___ Emacs-orgmode mailing l

[Orgmode] [babel] show R commands in html export

2010-07-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
Is it possible that org-babel shows not just the output of R commands but also R commands themselves in the html output? I could perhaps write the commands twice, once outside the code block (to make the commands appear as they are), and once inside the codeblock to display output of those command

Re: [Orgmode] [babel] show R commands in html export

2010-07-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > E.g., :exports both. Works beautifully. Thanks very much, Vikas ___ Emacs-orgmode mailing list Please use `Reply All' to send replies to the list. Emacs-orgmode@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode

[Orgmode] [babel] html export of R data frame

2010-07-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have an R script which outputs a small table in the form of a dataframe. In org-babel, this dataframe is not displayed as an org table but simply as text laid out as it would be in an R session. When I export the output to html, I do not get an html table but only text. How do I make org-babel

[Orgmode] orgmode html export uses wrong browser

2010-07-21 Thread Vikas Rawal
>From org, when I export an org buffer to html and open in browser (using C-c C-e b), it opens epiphany web browser. On the other, if I open a url from within orgmode, the urls are opened in firefox. How can I change the browser that is used for viewing the exported html files? I am using debian s

[Orgmode] Re: orgmode html export uses wrong browser

2010-07-21 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > I am using Debian Lenny, Emacs 23 and Org 7.01 and I have the following > in my .emacs > > (setq browse-url-browser-function (quote browse-url-generic)) > (setq browse-url-generic-program "google-chrome") > The problem, somehow, had to do with the default gnome browser. Changed it to fir

[Orgmode] Re: orgmode html export uses wrong browser

2010-07-21 Thread Vikas Rawal
> But if I want to use conkeror as gnome-www-browser, I > can't. update-alternatives does not give conkeror as an > option. Manually creating the link does not help either. Sorry, I need to correct myself. Manually creating the link does work. Conkeror is now the default browser. Vikas ___

[Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer

2010-09-10 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am using org to make a beamer presentation and would like to know how to change font sizes of different elements in a frame. I would like font size specification to apply to different elements of an individual frame: the body, the item list, table, captions etc. What would be the easiest way to d

Re: [Orgmode] Changing fontsizes in a frame in org beamer

2010-09-11 Thread Vikas Rawal
John, Thanks very much. Will try these and get back with results. Vikas On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 9:09 PM, John Hendy wrote: > Vikas, > > > You want to play around with the \setbeamerfont command. > > Grab the manual here: > http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/doc/beameru

[O] Small font size in beamer tables

2011-08-03 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am using beamer class in orgmode to make a presentation. I need to use small font size for some of my tables. LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS changes font size in the text but not in the tables. Something like this does not work. #+ATTR_LaTeX: size=small align=p{2cm}|r|r|p{1cm}|p{1cm}|r|p{1cm}|p{1cm}| W

Re: [O] Small font size in beamer tables

2011-08-03 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > I am using beamer class in orgmode to make a presentation. I need to > > use small font size for some of my tables. > > > > http://orgmode.org/worg/org-hacks.html#latex-command-for-floats Oh. Thanks very much for a prompt response. In fact, I was just reading that extremely useful thread on t

Re: [O] Small font size in beamer tables

2011-08-03 Thread Vikas Rawal
> I hadn't tried my solution for beamer export. In beamer tables don't > use the table environment, hence my previous solution doesn't work. > > That said, I did find an ugly hack. Try this: > > #+LATEX: {\tiny > #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=rr > | M (GeV) | K-factor | > |-+--| > | 50

[O] (no subject)

2011-08-05 Thread Vikas Rawal

[O] org-babel-pop-to-session

2011-08-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am having a strange problem. I would like session-based evaluation of my R src blocks. I have the following defined in the header. #+property: session harland However, when I press C-c, the source block is not sent to the session harland. When I do M-x org-babel-pop-to-session I get a message

Re: [O] org-babel-pop-to-session

2011-08-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
On Sat, Aug 06, 2011 at 07:35:50AM +0200, suvayu ali wrote: > On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 3:23 AM, Vikas Rawal > wrote: > > #+property: session harland > > > > I'm not sure I recognise this syntax. Are you sure this is correct? > According to my understanding

Re: [O] Not merging org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt to the core

2011-08-22 Thread Vikas Rawal
> I have made a decision not to merge org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt in > to Orgmode core. It is a very difficult decision for me to take > considering that I had put all my heart in to it. (Btw, this decision > has nothing to with me not having enough time at hand.) This comes as a surprise. Did

Re: [O] Not merging org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt to the core

2011-08-23 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Precisely my point. Bastien's idea of merge is to make it into a long > drawn affair. I disagree. It would help if you or Bastien could explain what is going on. As is clear, everyone is hoping that the issues will be resolved and your valuable contributions will remain a part of org-mode. It

[O] Code vanishes on export

2011-08-24 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have been having some strange behaviour with my orgmode files containing R code. When I export the file (to html), the code vanishes and is replaced by value that is calculated by the code. I obviously do not want the code to be removed from my org file. I did not have this problem earlier and i

Re: [O] Not merging org-lparse, org-xhtml & org-odt to the core

2011-08-24 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Please, all, take a step back and take a deep breath. +1. Now that various people have given vent to their feelings (and I hope others have managed to swallow what they did not like), let us just move on. May I suggest: go watch a film, grab a beer, or simply sit down and code. Do whatever i

Re: [O] Code vanishes on export

2011-08-24 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > As far as I understand from Vikas' last remark, his org file is getting > changed. This is correct. I am glad at least one more person has reported having faced the problem. For the last few days, I have been manually copying my org file before every export to save it. The problem is that

Re: [O] Code vanishes on export

2011-08-25 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > If you kave not updated your org *.el files lately, I suggest you do so > before going any further. I just did a git pull Let me see if it solves the problem. Vikas

[O] (no subject)

2011-08-30 Thread Vikas Rawal

[O] (no subject)

2011-08-30 Thread Vikas Rawal

[O] (no subject)

2011-08-30 Thread Vikas Rawal

[O] Table alignment

2011-08-30 Thread Vikas Rawal
There is something in my .emacs that messes up table alignment in org. Have been struggling to find it. If I remove my .emacs, table alignment is fine. I have tried commenting parts of .emacs to identify the offending lines. But somehow I am missing it. A copy of my .emacs is at: http://dl.dropbox

Re: [O] Table alignment

2011-08-31 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Focus on (set-default-font ...) stuff. Thanks Jambunathan and Mikhail, The problem is with the font stuff and, strangely, with desktop. I need to comment out the region dealing with fonts, and the following line to make the tables align. (desktop-save-mode 1) Has anyone else had a problem

Re: [O] Table alignment

2011-08-31 Thread Vikas Rawal
> FWIW, This is what I use. > > , > | gdi:-raster-Courier-normal-normal-normal-mono-20-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1 (#x62) > ` > My tables are not aligned with even this font. I did. (set-default-font "-raster-Courier-normal-normal-normal-mono-20-*-*-*-c-*-iso8859-1") So, for the moment all se

[O] org-mobile-push

2011-09-29 Thread Vikas Rawal
When I give M-x org-mobile-push I get an error: Symbol's function definition is void: appt-make-list What could be wrong? I am running org-mode 7.7 Vikas

Re: [O] org-mobile-push

2011-09-29 Thread Vikas Rawal
Thanks Nick and Jambunathan for taking the trouble to respond. > > So pretty please: when you get an error, *at the very least*, do > >M-x toggle-debug-on-error Thanks nick for teaching my how to use back-trace. Here is the output. May I request you to help identify what could be causing th

Re: [O] org-mobile-push

2011-10-01 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > In trying to call this last function, emacs gets an error: the function > is not defined. > > Basically what happens is that org-mobile-push calculates the agenda, by > calling org-agenda-list. This function checks the value of the variable > org-agenda-include-diary, which in your case must

[O] Org-odt table format

2011-10-26 Thread Vikas Rawal
Is there a way to specify (in the org file) column widths of a table when exported to an odt file. Vikas

Re: [O] Org-odt table format

2011-10-27 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Let me see how good my documentation is ... Thanks very much for responding to my query and for sending the documentation. This indeed clarifies the approach one needs to take in formatting the odt documents. I, however, realise that I need to understand a lot more of odt internals to be able to

[O] Batch export to html

2011-12-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
I would like to export an org file to html using a batch command. This is the command I tried. emacs --batch --load=$HOME/lisp/org-7.01/lisp/org.el --eval "(setq org-export-headline-levels 1)" --visit=$HOME/file.org --funcall org-export-as-html-batch But I get an error which says: Symbol's fun

[O] org file for reference card?

2011-12-15 Thread Vikas Rawal
Isn't it odd that a tex file is distributed with orgmode, a pdf and a text file available on the website. Should we not have a .org version of the reference card? Can't orgmode produce the reference card pdf from a .org file? Vikas

Re: [O] org file for reference card?

2011-12-20 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > > Isn't it odd that a tex file is distributed with orgmode, a pdf and a > > text file available on the website. Should we not have a .org version > > of the reference card? > > Good idea -- can you draft something in .org and upload it to Worg? > > http://orgmode.org/worg/ > > > Can't or

Re: [O] Org/LaTeX set-up for business letters?

2012-07-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > > > [1] Off the top of the head I recall a package called `scrlttr'. > > Yes, part of KOMA (?), but thats rather low level if you have to design > your own letters - and who knows all that stuff about professional letter > design?. I tried that once and the result was ugly, there is a lot of

[O] Emacs starter kit

2012-07-16 Thread Vikas Rawal
There are multiple versions of Emacs Starter Kit. The two main versions that I currently see are one maintained by Eric Schulte (http://eschulte.me/emacs24-starter-kit/) and the other maintained by Phil Hagelberg (https://github.com/technomancy/emacs-starter-kit/). The important difference betwee

Re: [O] Emacs starter kit

2012-07-16 Thread Vikas Rawal
> I think the most important differentiator is whether you want to keep > your configuration in .org or .el files. I have all of my personal > config in a single 2255 line Org-mode file. Thanks to Org-mode's > folding outline structure I've found this to be much easier to navigate > than either o

[O] Heading numbering in latex export

2012-09-26 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am writing a research paper using orgmode. The org file contains the text of the paper and R source code for generating a graph and some tables. The paper is still incomplete. When I try to export the file to pdf via latex, I face a strange problem. When I export the file first time after openin

Re: [O] Heading numbering in latex export

2012-09-27 Thread Vikas Rawal
On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 09:36:15AM +0200, Bastien wrote: > Hi Vikas, > > Vikas Rawal writes: > > > When I try to export the file to pdf via latex, I face a strange > > problem. When I export the file first time after opening it, the > > graph does not appear.

Re: [O] Heading numbering in latex export

2012-09-27 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Can you provide a minimal reproducible example? Here is a sample file. If I export it twice, I have the problem. Vikas #+STARTUP: hidestars #+TITLE: Title of my paper #+DATE: #+AUTHOR: Vikas Rawal #+COLUMNS: %25ITEM %TAGS %PRIORITY %T #+OPTIONS: H:3 toc:nil #+LATEX_CMD: x

[O] Caption and notes for images in latex export

2012-09-28 Thread Vikas Rawal
By default, orgmode export to latex puts captions of images below the images. How to change the behaviour and make the captions appear at the top? Also, I would like to add "Notes" and "Source" below the image. What is the right way of doing that? Vikas

Re: [O] Caption and notes for images in latex export

2012-09-29 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > By default, orgmode export to latex puts captions of images below the > > images. How to change the behaviour and make the captions appear at > > the top? > > You can use filters: > > #+begin_src emacs-lisp > (defun my-latex-captions-above (link backend info) > (when (and (memq backend '(

[O] org-babel's treatment of NA in R source block

2012-10-01 Thread Vikas Rawal
If the result of an R source block contains a data frame with NA, the NAs are replaced by "nil" when I evaluate the source block. When I export the file, these appear as nil in the resulting pdf/latex file. I would like the NAs to be replaced by blank cells or by a less obstrusive character like

Re: [O] org-babel's treatment of NA in R source block

2012-10-03 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > > > I would like the NAs to be replaced by blank cells or by a less > > obstrusive character like a ".". Is there a simple way I could change > > this behaviour? > > > > Vikas > > > > > Aloha Vikas, > > One route might be the ascii package in R, which exports objects to > several markup langua

[O] label and ref in latex export

2012-10-10 Thread Vikas Rawal
The following has been taken from my org file. - #+CAPTION: Average output, cost and net income per acre, by area, (2005-06 prices) #+LABEL: tab:avprofit #+ATTR_LATEX: table * tabulary width=\textwidth align=l| #+BEGIN_SRC R :results value raw :colnames yes :hline yes subset(a,

Re: [O] label and ref in latex export

2012-10-10 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Aloha Vikas, > > Perhaps "table *" -> "table*"? > I have corrected that. But it still says "Exporting to PDF...done, with some errors: [undefined reference]" The warning [undefined reference] seems to be on account of not finding the label reference. Vikas

Re: [O] label and ref in latex export

2012-10-11 Thread Vikas Rawal
On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 09:15:52PM -1000, Thomas S. Dye wrote: > You might want to check the .tex file to see if the label is there. > Also, compiling with LaTeX yields a detailed log, which will tell you > the line number of errors and warnings. You could look there to pinpoint > the error(s). I

[O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-04 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am having trouble in using org-exp-bibtex.el on debian sid. I was unable to install bibtex2html through the package manager because of dependency problem with ocaml-base-nox-3.12.1. I then installed ocaml separately, and compiled bibtex2html from source. Now, bibtex2html is working fine from the

[O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am having trouble in using org-exp-bibtex.el on debian sid. I was unable to install bibtex2html through the package manager because of dependency problem with ocaml-base-nox-3.12.1. I then installed ocaml separately, and compiled bibtex2html from source. Now, bibtex2html is working fine from the

[O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am having trouble in using org-exp-bibtex.el on debian sid. I was unable to install bibtex2html through the package manager because of dependency problem with ocaml-base-nox-3.12.1. I then installed ocaml separately, and compiled bibtex2html from source. Now, bibtex2html is working fine from the

Re: [O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Just a couple of obvious suggestions; are you sure bibtex2html is in > your path when you launch Emacs? Maybe adding /usr/local/bin to your > PATH will do the trick. I would put such modifications in > ~/bash_profile (assuming you use bash as shell), logout and login before > trying again. >

Re: [O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
On Tue, Nov 06, 2012 at 05:43:32PM +0100, Suvayu Ali wrote: > On Tue, Nov 06, 2012 at 05:54:47AM +0900, Vikas Rawal wrote: > > > > But when I export a file having bibtex citations, orgmode complains saying > > "Execution of bibtex2html failed". It seemed to me that

Re: [O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Sorry, that was a typo. I am able to directly run bibtex2html from the > > bash shell prompt. ECHO $PATH shows /usr/local/bin. > > What does 'which bibtex2html' show? > from within M-x shell: * [11:53:47][0][source]# bibtex2html This is bibtex2html version 1.97, compiled on Mon Nov 5

Re: [O] error: Execution of bibtex2html

2012-11-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > > > Sorry, that was a typo. I am able to directly run bibtex2html from the > > bash shell prompt. ECHO $PATH shows /usr/local/bin. So that should not > > be a problem. But somehow org-exp-bibtex.el cannot find it. I wonder > > if org-exp-bibtex has the path hard-coded into it! Or something e

[O] Renaming the thread: orgmode-bibtex/html-export issues

2012-11-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
My problem with bibtex is in the context of a website I am developing using orgmode (http://www.indianstatistics.org). I would like some pages to have a bibliography of works relevant to the subject area. I need the kind of thing that is done using \nocite(key) in bibtex. \nocite is useful when on

[O] Javascript in postamble

2012-11-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
For a website that I am producing using orgmode, I would like to insert a javascript code in the postamble to get a piwik installation to track traffic to the website. I am unable to add html markup/java script to :html-postamble in project alist. The documentation on postamble is too brief for me

Re: [O] Renaming the thread: orgmode-bibtex/html-export issues

2012-11-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> I would like some pages to have a bibliography of works relevant to > the subject area. I need the kind of thing that is done using > \nocite(key) in bibtex. \nocite is useful when one is building a > standalone bibliography that is not accompanying any text where these > works are cited. > > No

Re: [O] Renaming the thread: orgmode-bibtex/html-export issues

2012-11-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> I also do not like the fact that it inserts, at the bottom of every > page, a footer saying "This file was generated by bibtext2html..". Any > ideas about how to get rid of that? I have had some success with this. I patched org-exp-bibtex.el as follows. Line 101 to 110 look as follows: ##

[O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
The top title space on the orgmode website says: "Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining TODO lists, doing project planning, and authoring with a fast and effective plain-text system." Orgmode today does a lot more than organising/planning. I felt that the above does not adequately reflect wha

[O] "What's new" in an orgmode based website

2012-12-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have an orgmode-based website (http://www.indianstatistics.org). I would like to have a section in the index.html that shows links to recently changed/added html pages. It would be nice if I could show titles of such pages, and create links from these titles to the files. Will be grateful for s

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-05 Thread Vikas Rawal
> One remedy, to this, and a thing I think would be nice in any case, > would be if keywords in the presenting sentence would link to (worg?) > feature pages. Another possibility would be to make the title just say "Org mode". And the first headline, before "Download and install", be something

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Why not just type out what the page should say? That is in the spirit > of collaborative way of using things. > > Your mail sounds more like a complaint, but with a polite tone. Oops. I was not complaining. I am sorry if my mail gave that impression. I raised an issue. Or, what I thought wa

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> like the following: > > * Org mode is useful for > ** Organising projects > ** Maintaining TODO lists and calendars > ** Keeping notes > ** Creating high quality formatted documents > ** Literate programming > > Each of the above could then be linked to relevant pages of the manual > or worg.

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Org-mode is useful for > - Organising projects, maintaining TODO lists and calendars > - Creating high quality formatted documents > - Keeping notes > - Literate programming and Reproducible Research Use lower case for RR, since everything else is lower case? Vikas

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > Org-mode is a set of processors that work in the background of Emacs to > convert your text into action and your chaos into structure. With the > help of those processors, almost anything you type while using Org-mode > is already a computer program. Well said. Vikas

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Suggested slight change which mentions RR in addition to LP, and doesn't > abuse the outline syntax (one of the most common beginner mistakes IMO). > > Org-mode is useful for > - Organising projects, maintaining TODO lists and calendars > - Creating high quality formatted documents > - Keeping n

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
> >> So, again, seriously, this thread is misnamed. "What can't you do in > >> Emacs/OrgMode?" What can't it be used for?--this should be the thread! > >> > >> I'd really like to know. Every week or two, something comes off my very > >> tiny list, which is just about empty. > > > > Seriously

Re: [O] The statement on what is orgmode.

2012-12-12 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Org-mode is useful for > > - Organising projects, maintaining TODO lists and calendars > > - Creating high quality formatted documents > > - Keeping notes > > - Literate programming and Reproducible Research > > > > After a rather fruitful discussion, this thread has gone dead before power-that-b

Re: [O] org file for reference card?

2011-12-22 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > We can write a dedicated exporter for that. Basically, it just needs to > insert a specific header (see doc/orgcard.tex) and to convert list items > into \key{...}{...} entries -- those kinds of things are now possible > with org-element.el and org-export.el. I will come up with the bare bon

Re: [O] org file for reference card?

2011-12-22 Thread Vikas Rawal
In the attached file, I have put the text of the reference card in org syntax. Please see and help improve. Bastien and others, please suggest the way forward from here. Vikas #+STARTUP: hidestars #+TITLE: Org-Mode Reference Card #+OPTIONS: toc:nil * Getting Started To read the on-line docu

[O] Unicode (hindi/devnagari) in beamer export

2012-02-02 Thread Vikas Rawal
I need some Hindi/Devnagari text in a beamer presentation. I am able to use scim-bridge to enter unicode text in orgmode. But have not yet been able to export it correctly to a beamer presentation. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks in advance. Vikas

Re: [O] Unicode (hindi/devnagari) in beamer export

2012-02-02 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > C-x C-m C-\ devanagari- TAB (pick whatever) > C-h C-\ (gives you the keymap) > C-\ (to switch to English again) > C-\ (to switch to devanagari) This works beautifully. Thanks. I have to make a presentation for a workshop in Devnagari. Normally, I use org-mode for making the presentation. T

Re: [O] Unicode (hindi/devnagari) in beamer export

2012-02-02 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > (setq org-latex-to-pdf-process > "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" > "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" > "xelatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f") Works with a minor change as below: (setq org-latex-to-pdf-

Re: [O] Unicode (hindi/devnagari) in beamer export

2012-02-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > # font for pdf export as article > #+LATEX_HEADER: \setmainfont{Linux Libertine} > > Make sure you choose something which supports devanagari. Unfortunately, I do not like the latin characters of all the fonts I have with devanagari characters. Most of them have san-serif latin characters w

Re: [O] Unicode (hindi/devnagari) in beamer export

2012-02-10 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > # for unicode export to pdf with xelatex > #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{xltxtra} > > You can choose your font with something like this: > > # font for pdf export as article > #+LATEX_HEADER: \setmainfont{Linux Libertine} > Also for the record, following minor modification was needed to ma

[O] Per file customisation of sectioning structure in latex export

2012-04-27 Thread Vikas Rawal
I would like to specify the correspondence between heading levels and sectioning structure for latex export in a specific file. Could somebody point me to the right method. I have checked on worg. Isn't there a way by which I could speci

[O] Converting table to properties

2012-06-06 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have a table under each of several headlines in an org file. Each table has a row of column labels and a row of data. I would like to convert the table into properties, with labels coming from first row and values of properties coming from the second row. How should I do this? Vikas

Re: [O] Converting table to properties

2012-06-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
This is a quick hack on org-table-transpose-table-at-point to print out a property list instead of a table. #+begin_src elisp (defun vikas-convert () "table to props" (interactive) (let ((contents (apply #'mapcar* #'list ;; remove 'hline from list (delq

[O] Updating orgmode

2012-06-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have a debian system. I am trying to update orgmode using git. But M-x org-version continues to show me version 7.7. How do I find where is it picking up this version from? It seems to me that this is the default version that shipped with my emacs. Debian repository has a more updated version (7.

[O] Problem with org-mobile-pull

2012-06-07 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am having a problem with org-mobile-pull. I am updating TODO state of my file on my ipad. I then "sync" it, and do an org-mobile-pull. I get an error of the following type * Heading not found on level 1: Sample households, Nayanagar F(edit:todo) [[olp:nayanagar.org:Sample households, Nayanag

[O] Counting TODO entries in subtree

2012-06-11 Thread Vikas Rawal
I would like to insert a statistics cookie to count TODO entries in a subtree but I would like it to count only in a specified number of levels of headings (say, up to two headings below the heading where the cookie is inserted and exclude children below the second level). Is that possible? Vikas

Re: [O] on the go capture

2012-06-13 Thread Vikas Rawal
What do you use? And if you use mobileorg, then how well does it work? I have been using mobileorg lately but have been troubled by org-mobile-pull not syncing todo states and tags correctly. Most of the times, these end up as errors in flagged.org. Capturing notes and refiling them works well

[O] Documentation for the new exporter

2012-06-17 Thread Vikas Rawal
Where is the documentation for the new exporter that is in the works? Inspired by so much discussion of the new exporter on the list (which I have only superficially followed so far), I would like to test it out. Will be grateful for a pointer about where to start. Vikas

Re: [O] Documentation for the new exporter

2012-06-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Where is the documentation for the new exporter that is in the works? > > > http://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-export-reference.html > > > Nick and Thorsten, Thanks. Vikas

[Orgmode] Remember with org-mode

2008-01-04 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am trying to set up remember with org-mode using instructions provided in the manual. But the (org-remember-insinuate) line results in the following error. An error has occurred while loading `/home/vikas/.emacs': Symbol's function definition is void: org-remember-insinuate To ensure

Re: [O] Publishing sitemap

2014-06-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > So (untested), you could try: > > (org-publish-org-sitemap > (assoc "my-project-name" org-publish-project-alist) > "sitemap.txt”) Thanks. Works just right. Vikas

Re: [O] org-ref in action

2014-06-25 Thread Vikas Rawal
John, Thanks for a very interesting tutorial. I was trying to load org-ref.el, but get the following error: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument consp nil) setcar(nil ((87 . "textcite:%l") (122 . "newcite:%l"))) (let* ((c (nthcdr 2 (assoc (quote org) reftex-cite-forma

Re: [O] org-ref in action

2014-06-27 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > > off topic a bit again. im an academic (asst. prof) in Epidemiology and have > been using org-mode for about a year now. i love using org but im really not > very technical at all. it has always been a dream for me to ditch word and > move over to Latex and even better orgmode to write my

Re: [O] [PATCH] ox-bibtex.el: Extend to use bibtex files not in current, working directory

2014-07-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > I would like to provide a patch for the ox-bibtex.el module which can now > handle bibtexfile destinations of the form: > > #+BIBLIOGRAPHY: /home/user/Literature/foo.bib plain option:-d > Great. I have had to deal with creating symlinks in my working directory and have never liked it. Vi

[O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal
I have some tables created by Org-babel/R source codes with NAs. These get exported as “nil” in the latex export. I would like to replace them with blanks. Any suggestions? Vikas

Re: [O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal
> Just wanting to understand more: > > Do you equate nil in Emacs Lisp with NA in R or do you equate it some other > way? > When I execute my source code block, the NAs show up in the results block as nil. See example below. I would prefer a blank in place of nil. Any idea how to do that?

Re: [O] Org-mode/R/Latex treatment of NAs

2014-07-13 Thread Vikas Rawal
> >> Just wanting to understand more: >> >> Do you equate nil in Emacs Lisp with NA in R or do you equate it some other >> way? >> > > > When I execute my source code block, the NAs show up in the results block as > nil. See example below. > > I would prefer a blank in place of nil. Any id

[O] Orgmode/Koma script letter

2014-08-18 Thread Vikas Rawal
I am trying to create a custom template for my letterhead. The documentation suggests that by default title should be used as subject of the letter. ox-koma-letter.el has this: (defcustom org-koma-letter-subject-format t "Use the title as the subject of the letter. Byt when I export a file,

Re: [O] Managing articles in orgmode and collaboration

2014-09-09 Thread Vikas Rawal
> > It shouldn’t be too difficult to write a “capture” function in emacs > that turns such records into entries in an org file. That would be > automatic enough for me. > There is bibretrieve (https://github.com/pzorin/bibretrieve) and bibfetch (https://github.com/dschoepe/bibfetch/blob/master

Re: [O] CV in orgmode for export to pdf (and html?)

2014-09-19 Thread Vikas Rawal
I know I am being lazy in not trying it out, but if you could share a PDF, it would give us an idea of what this gives you. Vikas On 20-Sep-2014, at 6:19 am, Dan Griswold wrote: > Not sure anybody saw this the first time, so I'll try again, with some > expansion. > > Unlike the others who'v

[O] Roman numerals in ordered lists

2014-09-20 Thread Vikas Rawal
How can I use roman numerals in ordered lists in an org document? I need them in html and latex exports. Vikas

[O] Problem updating using git

2014-10-28 Thread Vikas Rawal
I just tried updating my org installation (present version, installed via git, Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-485-gf70439). It gives me following error: passed 524/525 test-org/up-element passed 525/525 test-org/update-radio-target-regexp Ran 525 tests, 524 results

Re: [O] Problem updating using git

2014-10-28 Thread Vikas Rawal
Doing a fresh install worked fine. Vikas On 28-Oct-2014, at 4:48 pm, Vikas Rawal wrote: > I just tried updating my org installation (present version, installed via > git, Org-mode version 8.3beta (release_8.3beta-485-gf70439). > > It gives me following error: > > ;;

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