[O] ob-sh loaded from org-babel-do-load-languages is bad

2016-11-05 Thread Steve Downey
Moving ob-sh to ob-shell means that (org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages '( (sh . t))) ;; eliding the full list will end up loading from the ob-sh shipped with emacs. And hilarity ensues. Mostly, for me, being unable to eval any src blocks at all.

Src blocks laid out side-by-side

2020-02-07 Thread Steve Downey
I have a need to lay out source blocks side by side, in order to present before and after changes to the source. If I could embed a block in a table, that would do it. Is there another obvious way that I'm missing? Hilight etc is important, but also actually compiling the code to maintain correct

Re: Src blocks laid out side-by-side

2020-02-08 Thread Steve Downey
atex. The equivalent that I'm doing in markdown are custom fenced blocks that pandoc post-processes. I suppose I could write some markup that on export gets processed to the appropriate html or latex. On Sat, Feb 8, 2020, 05:13 Fraga, Eric wrote: > On Friday, 7 Feb 2020 at 17:59, Steve Downey

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-30 Thread Steve Downey
Changing the UI to no longer work is a very non-emacsy thing to do. There's a lot of existing doc and tutorials explaining the org template system, as well as current users who have trained fingers. Breaking

Re: [O] [POLL] Should Org tempo be enabled by default? (expand templates thru e.g. "

2018-04-30 Thread Steve Downey
>> For many existing users, restoring the old behaviour is just adding a require to their setup, so it isn't a lot to ask. Asking users to accept any breakage in the tool they use to get work done is a lot. Changes in UI in emacs are opt-in. Even if the change is the right thing to do. On Mon

9.5 not yet on org elpa?

2021-10-09 Thread Steve Downey
The docs say that the last version that will be on org elpa will be 9.5, but it looks like the September 20th build was the last one, which seems to be 9.4? I've managed to switch to gnu elpa. There are some challenges there because package.el thinks 9.5 is less than 20210920.

TOC and latex memoir class

2022-04-01 Thread Steve Downey
In order to place the table of contents without a section name "Contents" the memoir class uses \tableofcontents* rather than \tableofcontents. However, `org-latex-toc-command` is documented as: "LaTeX command to set the table of contents, list of figures, etc. This command only applies to the ta

org-html-htmlize-generate-css not including org htmlize synthetic faces

2022-06-10 Thread Steve Downey
It's been a very long time since I generated a css stylesheet, so I can't easily bisect this issue. org-html-htmlize-generate-css used to generate a stylesheet that included styles for faces that only existed as part of export, such as .org-comment { /* font-lock-comment-face */ color: #7F

Re: Conditionally loading ob-sh or ob-shell

2020-04-21 Thread Steve Downey
My workaround for dealing with different org versions on different machines: > (org-babel-do-load-languages > 'org-babel-load-languages > `((perl . t) > (ruby . t) > ,(if (version< org-version "9.0") > '(sh . t) >'(shell . t)) > (python

Re: Examples of online documentation written with Org-mode

2024-08-11 Thread Steve Downey
A lot of things aren't going to necessarily advertise themselves as org mode source? Almost every post at sdowney.org is org mode originally. A few ISO C++ papers I've written are also, for example, https://wg21.link/P3199R0, source and exporter at https://github.com/steve-downey/wg21org