Isaac wrote:
> Similar to this previous post, I am trying to file orgmode items to
> files/buffers currently opened.
Some parts of my configuration [1,2] may be close to what you want (or
at least give you something to start with). More recently, I've been
using a slightly different appro
Nick Dokos wrote:
> (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) writes:
>> Perhaps you should return instead only the org mode files that are
>> opened, something like this:
> Excellent idea: refiling to an arbitrary non-org-mode file will either
> skip the file (if you are
Thorsten Jolitz wrote:
> Noah Slater writes:
> Hello,
>> I quite like C-c b (org-iswitchb) but it only works if the file is
>> already open. What I really want is a command that lets me tab
>> complete any agenda file at all. Does such a thing exist? I couldn't
>> find it in the docs.
> don
Kyle Meyer wrote:
> I don't know of any Org function that does this either (and, as
> suggested, I prefer projectile for this), but if you just want a single
> function, I think it could be as simple as this:
> #+begin_src elisp
> (defun find-org-agenda-file (f
Noah Slater wrote:
> Kyle,
> Ooh, thanks! Any way to get it so I don't have to TAB complete the
> leading path? Sort of how like org-iswitchb lets me just type in "Fo"
> and then tab complete to "" without
> "/Users/nslater/Documents/Org" or whatever being prepended?
Does turning on `org
Marcin Borkowski wrote:
> What I'd like to have is a function that would just extract the link
> portion (which is normally invisible) and displayed it in the echo
> area (something like hovering over a link in a web browser).
There may be a better way, but I think below does what you want.
This patch fixes a small (but meaning-changing) typo.
>From bf36c45322dda557d8d3057a85d7f2bd00dccc8c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2014 19:11:33 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] ox.el: Fix typo in documentation
* lisp/ox.el (org-export-show-temporary-exp
avior. The attached patch should fix the issue.
>From c57cf41da1aab2e313d29dea64882d9808b8134a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 15:17:00 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] o
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> This is wrong.
> If p is a string, e.g. "FOO", return value should be "FOO". Ditto if
> q contains a string.
Right. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll update the patch.
Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
>> This is wrong.
>> If p is a string, e.g. "FOO", return value should be "FOO". Ditto if
>> q contains a string.
> Right. Thanks for pointing that out. I'll update the p
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Kyle Meyer writes:
> Actually, it doesn't work either. Under some circumstances (e.g, when
> p is a drawer name and q is "t"), q will have precedence over p, which
> is not desirable.
Good point.
> What about this?
> (cond ((equ
Starting with commit 61a241f ('Rewrite setup keywords initialization'),
I find that syntax is not highlighted in buffers that include
For testing, I'm starting Emacs (24.4) with 'emacs -Q' and with no
additional setup besides loading Org.
I have a file,, that con
17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 01:37:20 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org.texi: Remove reference to deleted command
* doc/org.texi (Inserting deadlines or schedules): Remove entry for
`org-mark-entry-for-agenda-action', which was deleted in commit f95e5ff.
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> This should be fixed. Thank you for reporting it.
Confirmed. Thank you.
I'm experiencing a second issue that seems to be introduced by commit
61a241f ('Rewrite setup keywords initialization'). Starting Emacs (24.4)
with 'emacs -Q' and with no additional setup besides loading Org, I see
the following behavior.
Opening works as usual.
, setup-
Karl Voit wrote:
> Do you have a clue if my update or my re-arrangement of my init.el
> could have caused this?
I'd guess this is related to commit 61a241f (because that is the commit
that introduced org--setup-collect-keywords and because I'm seeing
hanging that may be related [1])
A patch for a minor docstring typo is attached.
>From 21dc34060c939b862b2e926f5aa68d5e97e53cbf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2014 17:45:11 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org.el (org-adapt-indentation): Fix typo
* lisp/org.el (org-adapt-indentat
e org-goto-interface set to 'outline-path-completion') to be
confident that the patch keeps the intended behavior.
>From 84b00057fe853649b33ecaff15890c98541af68b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 01:32:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org-goto: Update for isearch
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> C-i and C-m seem to work out the box in Emacs 24.4 anyway. Maybe the
> following is sufficient:
> (when (fboundp 'isearch-other-control-char)
> (define-key ...)
> (define-key ...))
> I.e, no need to bind these keys to nil.
Hmm, I tried that (and just c
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> However, C-m is RET. Is there any reason to distinguish between the two?
If I use just
(define-key org-goto-local-auto-isearch-map [return] nil)
then C-m doesn't work (i.e., it results in isearch-exit being called
instead of org-goto-ret, then requiring a seco
Kyle Meyer wrote:
> Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> [...]
>> However, C-m is RET. Is there any reason to distinguish between the two?
> If I use just
> (define-key org-goto-local-auto-isearch-map [return] nil)
> then C-m doesn't work (i.e., it results in ise
th 'C-m' and RET are bound to nil.
Thanks for your comments.
>From 2d560370d1626544265d2c21559a0f138ef39ec9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Sun, 2 Nov 2014 01:32:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] org-goto: Update for isearch changes
* lisp/org.el (org-goto): Update for
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Applied with a minor tweak: boundp -> fboundp.
Thanks for catching that.
Kyle (Jorge A. Alfaro-Murillo) wrote:
> Does someone know why setting this variable as local does not work with
> `org-archive-subtree'?
The buffer-local value doesn't continue to shadow the global value when
org-archive-subtree sets the buffer to the archive file.
b421b1d37bca37fd15 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 02:02:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] org-timer.el (org-timer): Recognize double prefix
* lisp/org-timer.el (org-timer): Follow the behavior described in the
docstring for a double prefix argument.
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
>> However, I'd actually be in favor of removing this functionality
>> from org-timer (and org-timer-start) since it's already available
>> directly through the interactive command
>> org-timer-change-times-in-region.
> It saves a keybinding (`org-tim
Adam Spiers wrote:
> Forgive me if this has already been implemented, but I couldn't see
> it...
I don't know of a command that does this.
> I'm looking for something similar to the "extract method" operation
> which refactoring IDEs can perform on code. You would select a
> headline (or maybe
Nicolas Goaziou wrote:
> Kyle Meyer writes:
>> Do you prefer to add fixes for the current design, or just move
>> directly to merging the two APIs?
> The latter sounds better.
I've attached updated patches.
>From da0454ea110de0b4effb59ec220d8e15960fbf84 Mon
Marcin Borkowski wrote:
> * Some person
> ** Some action to be done
> (concerning some_person)
> * Some other person
> ** Some action to be done
> (concerning some_other_person)
> Now, my (pretty much default) agenda shows only the "Some action to be
> done", which is kind of misle
Marcin Borkowski wrote:
> On 2014-12-07, at 22:37, Kyle Meyer wrote:
>> What about assigning categories?
> Thanks a lot! I found it in the manual right after sending my email:-(.
> It still violates DRY, but I guess it's the best I can come up with; I
ork, but I
think org-todo-yesterday and org-agenda-todo-yesterday should override
this, as in the attached patch.
>From 10e5dfb5854473fa97b8299a0f059c233c349ef1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Sun, 7 Dec 2014 19:21:42 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/1] org-todo-yesterday: Ignore org
RCY wrote:
> I can insert a property drawer using the 'C-u C-c C-x d' key
> sequence. Is there a way to do so by directly calling the
> org-insert-property-drawer function? I get a 'Wrong type argument:
> commandp, org-insert-property drawer error' when I try to call it
> using a shortcut command.
Aaron Ecay wrote:
> 2014ko abenudak 11an, Vikas Rawal-ek idatzi zuen:
>>> I used to disable evaluation of source code when exporting by using
>>> the following as the first line:
>> I think this is a bug. Could somebody confirm.
> I can’t confirm, in the sense that including that line in a
Alan Schmitt wrote:
> My agenda is fairly big, and it takes a few minutes to generate it.
> When I need to refile many items to different places (so bulk edit is
> not an option), it slows me down quite a bit. Is there an option to
> prevent rebuilding the agenda after archiving or refiling
Alan Schmitt wrote:
> On 2014-12-15 09:31, Samuel Loury writes:
> This is how I did it:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> (defun as/org-agenda-refile-noupdate (&optional goto rfloc)
> "Call `org-agenda-refile' with arguments GOTO, RFLOC, and t."
> (interactive "P")
> (org-agenda-refile got
I've attached a few patches related to the agenda exiting commands.
Please let me know any comments.
>From eda6e1d681ba11d427fe37cfe8af966e82ebab2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Fri, 2 Jan 2015 17:38:19 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] org-agenda: Fix
ommit message lacks the creation of `org-agenda--quit'.
I've added both of these.
Thanks for your comments.
>From fc3a2b526a77e574c6b076d626cd35583ad5ecdf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2015 22:18:40 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] org-agenda: Tr
The attached patch fixes a typo that I made in a NEWS item for a recent
>From 495281a7dbd48ddb8ba99c44729295c688f1c9a7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 00:05:32 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Fix ORG-NEWS typo from 173b0cb6d6
thers think this option is worth having?
>From edc17cdf46183f99a920523e7d7f69c2c098a4f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kyle Meyer
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 00:04:54 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] org-agenda: Add only-window setup option
* lisp/org-agenda.el (org-agenda-window-setup, org-agenda (Tory S. Anderson) wrote:
> Suddenly I see my org agenda mode line has, as the buffer name,
> *Org Agenda(a:2015-01-24)
> I've tried closing and restarting agenda but it persists. What does
> this mean?
That looks like a buffer name generated when org-agenda-sticky i (Tory S. Anderson) wrote:
> I have a key which calls `gnus-other-frame`, a handy function that not
> only pops up a gnus frame, but also kills the frame when I exit
> gnus. I'd like something similar with my org agenda; the following
> function is used to pop it up, but I'm
: GNU Emacs 24.3.1 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.8.2)
: of 2013-08-06 on -mnt-storage-buildroots-staging-x86_64-eric
#+BEGIN_SRC elisp
(org-version nil t)
: Org-mode version 8.2.3c (release_8.2.3c-251-gbb97f5 @
Kyle Meyer
"Julian M. Burgos" writes:
> When clocking in at some particular task, org-mode opens all my agenda
> files (I assume to check if there are dangling clocks). I have many
> agenda files, and I rather avoid opening tons of new buffers. Is there any
> way to make org-mode not check for dangling cl
Peter Davis writes:
> When I display my TODO items (with C-c a t), there's a line at the top
> of the buffer that says:
> Available with `N r': (0)[ALL] (1)TODO (2)DONE
> but I don't know what this means. How can I display all (TODO, DONE,
> whatever) items?
> Typing 'N r' in the bu
"tenspd137 ." writes:
> (setq org-capture-templates
> '(("t" "Todo" entry (file+headline (concat org-directory
> "/") "Tasks")
> "* TODO %?\n %i\n %a")
> ("j" "Journal" entry (file+datetree (concat org-directory
> "/"))
> "* %?\nEntere
Arun I writes:
> When publishing files using org-babel-tangle-publish, if the :tangle
> header argument is given to a source block, and if org-babel-tangle-publish
> is called from a directory other than the directory in which the source
> file (that is, the file being tangled) exists, then org-b
Arun I writes:
>> Thanks for the detailed report and reproducible example, and sorry for
>> the late reply. Fixed in 36233d976d.
> That works! Thanks.
> But, a new bug seems to have been introduced or was already there.
> When the publishing directory does not already exist (in my case,
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Arun I writes:
>>> Thanks for the detailed report and reproducible example, and sorry for
>>> the late reply. Fixed in 36233d976d.
>> That works! Thanks.
>> But, a new bug seems to have been introduced or was already
John Kitchin writes:
> Neat! Where does one find org-link-edit.el? Is it this one:
It is that one, but it's also in contrib.
stardiviner writes:
> I try to configure Org-mode to open ruby source code block with
> `enh-ruby-mode`.
> configuration as following:
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
> (with-eval-after-load 'enh-ruby-mode
> (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("ruby" . enh-ruby)))
> This will open co
Hello, (Göktuğ Kayaalp) writes:
> Hi,
> This is my first post to this group, so I'm sorry if I'm skipping any
> conventions.
Welcome to the list. Sorry for the lack of responses to your post.
It's a high traffic list, and sometimes posts fall through.
> My overall struct
Göktuğ Kayaalp writes:
> Hello,
> Thanks for your response. As you suggest, I switched to using the
> EXPORT_DATE property. It works as expected.
> Now a little problem that I have is that I cannot have timestamps like
> «10 September 2015» in my exports, but a literal inactive time
Göktuğ Kayaalp writes:
> The function `org-timestamp-format' returns bad values:
> (org-timestamp-format "<2015-10-07 Wed>" "%d %B %Y")
> "30 November -001"
> (org-timestamp-format "[2015-10-07 Wed]" "%d %B %Y")
> "30 November -001"
> (org-timestamp-format "[2015-10-07]" "%d
Matt Lundin writes:
> The commit e802936f4b39f8b1e56cc015f34aa655565afe7f broke the use of the
> period at the beginning of the minibuffer as a means to jump to the
> current day.
Thanks. Fixed by 8c763ab.
Jan Malakhovski writes:
> Hi.
> The first patch here is a must, because it fixes a bug I stumble upoon
> daily. Middle two are just to make the names consistent. While doing
> all those changes I read quite a lot of code and the last patch adds a
> FIXME for a particularly ugly place I'
Simon Thum writes:
> Hi,
> after updating helm I came across a possible regression on Org. I
> Already filed a helm bug, but Thierry thinks it's Org's fault.
What version of Org are you using?
> In short, M-x helm-org-agenda-files-hea
Simon Thum writes:
> Arrgh - you're on the spot. That explains a lot, including my
> difficulties with reproducing.
> It sends window-width. Increase to window(-width) and I'm done.
> But that means it's arguably Org which should be more graceful than it
> is.
I agree. At some point,
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Simon Thum writes:
> [...]
>> Arrgh - you're on the spot. That explains a lot, including my
>> difficulties with reproducing.
>> It sends window-width. Increase to window(-width) and I'm done.
>> But that
Peter Davis writes:
> I'm trying to add a NOTE state so that I can use agenda to quickly view a
> list of notes that I've embedded in various documents. I
> have
> (setq org-todo-keywords
> '((sequence "NOTE" "APPT" "TODO" "FEEDBACK" "VERIFY" "|" "DONE"
Peter Davis writes:
> Kyle Meyer writes:
>> Peter Davis writes:
>>> I'm trying to add a NOTE state so that I can use agenda to quickly view a
>>> list of notes that I've embedded in various documents. I
>>> have
Peter Davis writes:
>> Can you reproduce it with emacs -Q and a minimal Org configuration?
> I'm not sure how to do that.
You can put something like
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/your/org-mode/lisp/")
(require 'org)
(setq org-todo-keywords
'((sequence "NOTE"
Peter Davis writes:
> Hmmm. It worked in the minimal case, but still doesn't work in my
> normal environment.
Well that gives you something to go on. I'd recommend looking for parts
of your normal Org configuration that seem like they could affect this
and dumping small bits into the min
Simon Thum writes:
> I was a bit early; I am getting this error now:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
> replace-regexp-in-string("[ ]+\\'" "" nil)
> (lambda (s) (replace-regexp-in-string "[]+\\'" "" s))(nil)
> mapconcat((lambda (s) (replace-rege
Eric S Fraga writes:
> I believe there is a function for fixing such org files but I don't know
> where or what it is. Sorry.
It's here:
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Simon Thum writes:
>> I was a bit early; I am getting this error now:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument arrayp nil)
>> replace-regexp-in-string("[]+\\'" "" nil)
Simon Thum writes:
> Hi all,
> I have a strange symptom when trying to add a line behind a SCHEDULED: line:
> *** TODO BU
> SCHEDULED: <2016-01-14 Di>x <-- press CR here
> I keep getting a message:
> user-error: No link found
> and cannot insert that line from the point desc
Kyle Meyer writes:
> Hello,
> Simon Thum writes:
>> Hi all,
>> I have a strange symptom when trying to add a line behind a SCHEDULED: line:
>> *** TODO BU
>> SCHEDULED: <2016-01-14 Di>x <-- press CR here
I've never used icons with Org Contacts, but here are my guesses based
on glancing at the code.
stardiviner writes:
> How to edit the org-contacts property ~:ICON~ value?
You should be able to edit it like you would any other property (e.g.,
manually or with org-set-property).
> I trie
Sebastian Christ writes:
> Hi group,
> I'd like to provide a patch to
> ox-extra.el. `org-latex-header-blocks-filter' still calls
> `org-edit-src-find-region-and-lang' and raises therefore an undefined
> function error.
Thanks for the patch. Sorry for the delayed response.
> * ox-ext
Sebastian Christ writes:
> >> + (let* ((beg (third pos))
> >> + (end (second pos))
> >> + (post-affiliated (first pos))
> Kyle>
> Kyle> Hmm, the pos items are constructed as
> Kyle>
> Kyle> (list (org-element-property :
Hi Yaniv,
[You forgot to include the list. Adding now.]
Yaniv Gilad writes:
> I’m seeing the same issue:
> (let ((properties (org-export-get-environment)))
> (princ (json-encode
> (list
> :date (org-timestamp-format (car (plist-get properties
> :d
Hello, (Samuel W. Flint) writes:
> Hey all!
> In an attempt to keep my config file organized, I've been using org. As
> of a fairly recent update, when I tangle the document (C-c C-v C-t), I
> get the following error "Symbol's function definition is void:
> org-babel-get-h
"Samuel W. Flint" writes:
>> In your org-babel-do-load-languages call, try to changing
>> (sh . t)
>> to
>> (shell . t)
>> --
>> Kyle
> I went ahead and tried that. I still get that error.
Hmm, and that was after Emacs was restarted?
Here is why I suggested t
"Loris Bennett" writes:
> Hi,
> Yesterday I updated to version 8.3.2 (8.3.2-37-gd45217-elpaplus) and
> today cycling global visibility seems to have stopped working. No
> matter where the cursors is in an org file, I get the error:
> outline-back-to-heading: before first heading
> This hap
"sgeorgii ." writes:
> Hello!
> Having installed latest org 8.3.2 I am now having the subject problem:
> M-x org-agenda
> When in agenda:
> / (filter)
> TAB (filter by tag)
> (without entering any tags for "Tag:" question)
> Before this gave me agenda view filtered to show
Hi Tom,
Thomas S. Dye writes:
> Aloha all,
> After updating Org mode this weekend and exporting a document that
> exported on Friday, I get the error in the subject.
Any chance you have (sh . t) in org-babel-do-load-languages? If so,
s/sh/shell/ should fix it.
Hi Ondřej,
Ondřej Grover writes:
> TL;DR for those that may have been scared off by the length of my previous
> email:
> I propose a method of improving ob-python.el by using a progn-like eval()
> Python function which can wrap and execute source blocks.
> If this list is not appropriate for d
Ondřej Grover writes:
> The ob-ipython project tries to solve this hackiness in a different way by
> using the client-server infrastructure of IPython/Jupyter. That works quite
> well too, but my hope is that improving ob-python.el would also make it
> simpler to use IPython as the python
Zack Piper writes:
> When attempting to open an Org file (such as my own `'), I
> get "org-mode fontification error" appear in the mini-buffer.
> I can reproduce it using the following:
> Org-mode version 8.2.10 (release_8.2.10 @
> /home/zack/ins/share/emacs/25.0.50/lisp/org/) (late
urrent patch does. The problem is that it
requires users to install an external module. The second option avoids
that but is uglier and harder to maintain.
[1] There's a remaining issue, which I believe is specific to newer
versions of python.el, where the first time a session block is
Zack Piper writes:
> I (think) I have a recipe to reproduce this:
> - Emacs 25 (emacs-25 branch from Git)
> - Org mode from latest Git (make sure that there's no ELC files from
> Emacs *24*, if it uses files from Emacs 24 it works fine (bug in
> byte compiler?)).
> ╭[ r.el ]
> │ (add
Nick Dokos writes:
> Kaushal Modi writes:
>> ...
>> Without these fixes, I get an error like: Wrong number of arguments: setq, 1
> I don't. Version info:
Your Emacs 25 build isn't recent enough to have the issue. See
Hi David,
David Mann writes:
> Hello group,
> Recently I have found that using 'q' in the Agenda buffer closes the
> other window and leaves the Agenda filling the whole frame.
> org-agenda-sticky is nil. I am using recent org-mode (Org-mode version
> 8.3.2 (release_8.3.2-416-g369955)) and em
David Mann writes:
> Kyle Meyer writes:
>> Thanks for reporting the issue. It was introduced by 9b1c682
>> (org-agenda: Fix quit sticky agenda, 2015-12-12). I'll put together a
>> fix soon.
> Thanks!
Should be fixed with 6d0af59.
Hi Alan,
Alan Parker Lue writes:
> After upgrading org-mode recently, I find that hitting "q" for
> (org-agenda-quit) while viewing an agenda kills the buffer that was active
> when I created the agenda.
> What is going on?
This should be fixed as of 6d0af59 (org-agenda: Don’t kill or b
Hi Tyler,
Tyler Smith writes:
> Hello list,
> I'm struggling to incorporate project-specific org files into my global
> org system. My file system looks something like this:
> ~
> ├── org
> │ ├──
> │ ├──
> │ └──
> └── research
> ├── project1
Tyler Smith writes:
> I have tried links, but in all my attempts the links break whenever the
> source or the target is committed to version control. My understanding
> that each new commit to a file effectively changes the inode, breaking
> the link.
Are you thinking of hard links rather
Tyler Smith writes:
> I set up org-agenda-files to contain ~/org/, such that all files in that
> directory are in my agenda. I then add an individual file from
> elsewhere, via org-agenda-file-to-front. In the process, the entry for
> the ~/org/ directory is removed, and replaced with explicit en
Thanks for the patch.
Erik Hetzner writes:
> +(defun org-attach-use-annex ()
> + "Return true if we should use git annex for attachments."
> + (let* ((dir (expand-file-name org-attach-directory))
> + (git-dir (vc-git-root dir)))
I'd prefer
(let ((git-dir (vc-git-ro
Erik Hetzner writes:
> I couldn’t figure out how to add a comment to my patch, so here is a little
> more
> commentary.
Extra text can be placed after the three dashes and before the diff.
Rasmus writes:
>> This patch automatically calls =git annex get PATH= when you open the
>> attachment from Org, if the file has not been fetched already.
> This is a good idea. Though really this sounds like something that
> should be done by the git annex assistant rather than per appl
Rasmus writes:
>>> Has Joey spoken for or against automatic fetching of content when
>>> requested?
>> I think I'm missing something. Why would he have an issue with running
>> "git annex get"?
> I don't have anything against it, but in OP he also talks about
> implementing something simila
Rasmus writes:
> I want to know if e.g. the git annex (assistant?) could support
> transparently getting files. That is once I try to open file X, which is
> annexed and stored somewhere else, X will automatically be fetched
> /without/ the need to call "git annex get" first.
No, I don't think
Hi Bastien,
Bastien Guerry writes:
> Kyle, can you check that the soon-to-be-release Emacs branch
> does not contain changes that we need to backport into Org?
The only commits missing on our end are two related to bumping the
copyright years in all files. Are you OK with me bumping all
Damian Bernardini writes:
> Whenever I try to evaluate code I get the following:
> Evaluation of this xxx code-block (x) is disabled.
> Org-mode version: 8.3.3
> Emacs version: 24.5.1
> ;; Babel
> (org-babel-do-load-languages
> 'org-babel-load-languages
> '((R . t)
> (emac
Hi Viktor,
Viktor Rosenfeld writes:
> Hi,
> I noticed that org-agenda-filter-by-tag-refine started to exclude
> selected tags by default recently because the 'refine in the call to
> org-agenda-filter-by-tag is interpreted as an exclude flag.
This seems to have been introduced by 6c6ae99 (org
gongzhitaao writes:
> First time to post here. If inappropriate, please let me know.
> The lisp function insert-file-contents used in ox-bibtex does not move point
> and insertion-marker to the end of inserted text (I'm not sure it is a bug or
> an intention). The result is that the citation i
"T.F. Torrey" writes:
> Hello,
> I have a function that uses org-map-entries to build a list of entries.
> It worked until recently. Now, it fails with simple combinations. For
> instance, 'LEVEL=1' matches what it should, and 'weblog' matches what it
> should, but 'LEVEL=1+weblog' do
Michael Brand writes:
> Hi all
> With today's release_8.3.2-441-ga87dea3 on Emacs 24.5 and this org
> file
> * d
> - e
> - f
> * g
> when d is folded: After "M-< C-s f RET" the entry d is folded but I
> expect it to remain unfolded like afte
Hi Michael,
Michael Brand writes:
>> I'm not able to reproduce this with the commit you mentioned or with the
>> current master (531985d). Are you still seeing this issue?
> Yes. I retried with a few more, all with
> cd /git/org-mode
> git checkout [...]
> make cleanall i
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