When I run 'org-cite-insert' with point before the initial colon of a
citation element, Emacs signals a 'wrong-number-of-arguments' error.
For example, 'C-c C-x @' with point below X in:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-number-of-arguments (1 . 1)
When evaluating Babel code blocks with a ':results table' header
argument, what is the best way to automatically insert text _outside_
of the table?
For example, if I have a source block:
#+NAME: get-random-table
#+begin_src R :var length=12 :results table
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Kierin Bell writes:
>> 3. I have implemented a check to verify that `org-id-ts-relative-function' is
>> only called in Org mode buffers. But since I am uncertain about all of
>> the possible contexts in which `org-id-new' can be call
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> It has been over one month since the last email in this thread.
> May I know if you had a chance to work on your patch any further?
I have made some progress, and I should have some time soon to finalize
and submit version 2.
Kierin Bell
Hi Ihor,
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> TL;DR: We are in the process of designing a more unified selection
> interface for Org mode and want to see if there is some way to unify
> context-menu-mode, transient, which-key and embark together. The idea
> is to (1) avoid too many customizations; (2) all