[O] bug#20090: 24.4: linking to a position within an info node

2015-03-17 Thread Juri Linkov
> When the org mode manual discusses creating links, it gives an example > of linking to an info node (the self-referencing example is > `info:org#External' links). The manual continues, at node > `info:org#Search options', to describe how specific positions within > file links can be directly spec

bug#44524: 28.0.50; Wrong place saved in org file with save-place-mode

2020-11-08 Thread Juri Linkov
Package: emacs,org-mode 0. emacs -Q 1. enable save-place-mode 2. visit an org file with a single line: #+DATE: 2020-11-08 The cursor always jumps to the fixed place inside the date, and doesn't remember its previous position. Here is a fix to not set buffer-file-name (that causes save-place-mod

bug#44524: 28.0.50; Wrong place saved in org file with save-place-mode

2020-11-10 Thread Juri Linkov
tags 44524 fixed close 44524 28.0.50 quit > Package: emacs,org-mode > > 0. emacs -Q > 1. enable save-place-mode > 2. visit an org file with a single line: > > #+DATE: 2020-11-08 > > The cursor always jumps to the fixed place inside the date, > and doesn't remember its previous position. Here is a

Re: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: allow specification of ruby command w/header arg

2020-11-10 Thread Juri Linkov
> Using the :ruby header arg. > > * lisp/ob-ruby.el (org-babel-execute:ruby): Locally set > `org-babel-ruby-command' using a header argument. > > TINYCHANGE > --- > lisp/ob-ruby.el | 3 +++ > 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+) > > diff --git a/lisp/ob-ruby.el b/lisp/ob-ruby.el > index 669c2eabf..


2020-11-14 Thread Juri Linkov
I've switched to Org Babel as a replacement of Jupyter Notebook since I already tired copying Julia program texts back and forth between Jupyter pages in web browsers and Emacs. Fortunately, Org Babel can do everything that Jupyter Notebook does. Except that there is a small usability feature tha


2020-11-15 Thread Juri Linkov
> you can find a lot of functions like the ones in jupyter at > https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax/blob/master/scimax-ob.el. I setup my > ipython like this: > https://github.com/jkitchin/scimax/blob/master/scimax-org-babel-ipython-upstream.el#L89 > > although I will note there are several setups in


2020-11-16 Thread Juri Linkov
>> What I miss in Org Babel is an equivalent of 'S-RET' that in Jupyter >> creates a new code block relative to the current code block. > > 'C-c C-v C-d' (org-babel-demarcate-block) splits current code block into > two with the same settings. It might be what you want. Just bind it to > something e

Re: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: allow specification of ruby command w/header arg

2020-11-25 Thread Juri Linkov
fc53f4474b3c6d50da08369dbb67af9c38 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Juri Linkov Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2020 21:35:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different named sessions * lisp/ob-ruby.el (org-babel-ruby-initiate-session): Instead of run-ruby that always i

Re: [PATCH] ob-ruby.el: Don't reuse the same buffer among different named

2020-12-13 Thread Juri Linkov
by. > > Juri, what do you think? Thanks for notifying me. I completely agree that the most suitable place to fix would be in org-babel-ruby-initiate-session. So here is a patch that I tested with different org header args: >From 41218eafa9285844ea4e84c52e265b2c0232c1ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:

Re: [FR] Allow flattened imenu index

2023-12-09 Thread Juri Linkov
> Normally, `imenu' supports nested menus, when users select the target > location in steps, like item3 -> item3.1 -> ... > > What is proposed is to list all the sub-menus together, as an option, so > that the users can choose, for example, item.3.1 directly, without going > through parent item3.

Re: [FR] Allow flattened imenu index

2023-12-11 Thread Juri Linkov
>> menu1 >> sub-item1 >> sub-item2 >> >> could be flattened to >> >> menu1 -> sub-item1 >> menu1 -> sub-item2 > > By the way, this seems to be exactly what the breadcrumb-jump command > in my breadcrumb.el package does. Goes reasonably well with a flex/fuzzy > completion style. It w

bug#42484: 26.1: org-mode should display value of links in mini-buffer

2021-01-11 Thread Juri Linkov
> In org-mode, when POINT is moved over an org-mode link, wouldn't it be > reasonable for the value of that link to appear in the mini-buffer? The > advantage of that is the user would know where the link points and what > would happen if the link is opened (eg. would an external program open, > wo

bug#42484: 26.1: org-mode should display value of links in mini-buffer

2021-01-12 Thread Juri Linkov
>> So customizing 'help-at-pt-display-when-idle' to the value >> '(htmlize-link) completely solves this problem. > > Is that true for non-gui emacs or just for gui emacs? I'm using > emacs-nox (no GUI) and your solution doesn't seem to work for me. I tried with emacs-nox, and it works fine. This

bug#42484: 26.1: org-mode should display value of links in mini-buffer

2021-01-13 Thread Juri Linkov
> Still, I would like to continue to promote my solution, because it's > much simpler and is instantaneous upon key-press. It might also be more > efficient: The help-at-pt solution runs code in all buffers, let's say > every 0.1 seconds, all the time; my solution only runs in the selected > mode(s

bug#42484: 26.1: org-mode should display value of links in mini-buffer

2021-01-14 Thread Juri Linkov
> this is an interesting discussion. is there any side discussion that > takes into account both mouse and cursor? Indeed, you can see a side discussion at https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2020-11/msg00885.html where we discussed highlighting the completion candidate the same way wh

Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?

2024-12-23 Thread Juri Linkov
> What I am leaning towards now (although, I hope that more ideas can > still surface in this thread), is simply re-using transient menu. Maybe > with a couple of simple extensions (default action, menu UI, and the > !arg macros we introduced). > > Then, we (or third-party packages) can implement c

Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?

2024-12-16 Thread Juri Linkov
>>> 1. List of possible actions: ((name1 . action1 props) (name2 . action2 ...) >>> ...) >>>PROPS is a plist defining extra properties like key-binding, display >>>string, maybe something else to be used in the future. >>> 2. Menu interface to use (transient, context-menu, embark, which-ke

Re: May we have a variant of display-buffer-reuse-window that considers indirect buffers?

2024-12-16 Thread Juri Linkov
>> When I want to edit a task and press "TAB", the point is moved to >> a window that show all the task. Not into the window opened by the >> indirect follow mode. Is it possible to modify thisĀ ? > > We got a use case when we want to display an Org buffer in other window, > but want to reuse an ind

Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?

2024-12-14 Thread Juri Linkov
> 1. List of possible actions: ((name1 . action1 props) (name2 . action2 ...) > ...) >PROPS is a plist defining extra properties like key-binding, display >string, maybe something else to be used in the future. > 2. Menu interface to use (transient, context-menu, embark, which-key) This l