I am fairly new to org and was wondering what are the common workflows that
people follow for planning and scheduling with org-mode.
Currently I have one file called agenda.org to which I write a top level header
for the week that I'm planning tasks for, followed by the tasks with the TODO
Hi all,
I'm trying to shift from my current blogging setup to using orgmode only with
org-publish. I seem to be having trouble with org-publish finding my css file.
The following is the file tree of my current situation:
├── build.sh
├── css
│ └── style.css
├── html
│ └── index.html
├── M
Apologies in advance if this isn't the right mailing list for cdlatex
related queries (orgmode includes cdlatex hence my choice of the mailing
Currently I'm using cdlatex along with auctex for editing LaTeX files
and noticed that at times certain characters get autocompleted witho