[PATCH] Fix (org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many) to remove results of call lines as well

2025-02-27 Thread Momchil Ivanov
Hi, the function (org-babel-remove-result-one-or-many) does not remove results of call lines when called with prefix argument. The attached patch makes it do so. I have attached two simple test cases as well. Regards, Momchil>From 7ff68b05d3fa0f06439b58ee9a7e980235d52d45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001

Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-collector.el: Add support for TBLFM

2025-02-27 Thread Slava Barinov
Hello, Okay, let's merge this one, so it'll be available if someone wants to use it. And I'll spend some time to set up the correct environment, prepare package, tests and so on. Will be back in a while when the package has an appropriate state. Best Regards, Slava Barinov Ihor Radchenko write

Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2025-02-27 Thread Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Thanks! I see that the list of possibilities growing quite quickly.. Could we please start by defining the possible cases? 1. Image embedded in text in a paragraph This file:image.png could be an emoticon 2. Images in a plain table | file:image1.png | file:image2.png | 3. Images in a table co

Select a region and yank a URL to create a link

2025-02-27 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Lately I've noticed more applications supporting a method of creating a link by pasting a URL. The flow works like this: 1. write some text 2. select the text you want to linkify 3. paste a URL to turn the selected text into a named link This feature is supported many places (including Matrix, Zu

Re: [RFC] The best way to choose an "action" at point: context-menu-mode, transient, which-key or embark?

2025-02-27 Thread Tor-björn Claesson
Hi! I'm making progress, macrostep is great, thanks:-) Here is a new patch with my progress so far. It adds om.el, which contains the start of a simple menu system, and uses this to define org-cite-basic-follow. Most of the work is done in org-menu-define. Docstrings and the commit message are m

Re: [PATCH] lisp/org-collector.el: Add support for TBLFM

2025-02-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Slava Barinov writes: > Okay, let's merge this one, so it'll be available if someone wants to use it. Sure. Applied. https://git.sr.ht/~bzg/org-contrib/commit/f1f6b6ec812803ff9969325a82960fb3545a -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at

Re: Org Crypt problems

2025-02-27 Thread David Masterson
Leo Butler writes: > On Tue, Feb 25 2025, David Masterson wrote: > >> 1. If you enter a bad password (even a blank password) to >> org-decrypt-ent*, how do you tell Emacs to forget the password so >> that you can enter the right one? > > Does > > M-x auth-source-forget-all-cached RET

Re: [BUG] Incorrect LaTeX export when using images in a table to display them side-by-side. [9.7.5 (release_9.7.5 @ /home/dadinn/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2025-02-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez writes: > this is a quick fix for image inlining. It would be nice to have it checked > by more people. > ... > - (cond ((not (org-string-nw-p options)) "") > + (cond ((null attr) "") ;; this is a plain image with no > attrs > +

agenda-custom-commands: tags-todo resetting sorting-strategy?

2025-02-27 Thread mailinglists
Hello, I have noticed, that the sorting of custom agenda views, does not work as expected. (setq org-agenda-custom-commands '(("n" "Agenda and all TODOs" ((tags-todo "LAST_REVIEW<>{.+}") (alltodo)) ))) here, both blocks obviously use different sorting strateg

Re: [PATCH] Add code element inside src-block in ox-html

2025-02-27 Thread Rudolf Adamkovič
Nikolaos Chatzikonstantinou writes: > Shouldn't the source blocks be using the element? > > This patch is untested, I can pay more attention to it if first the > maintainer(s) agree with my opinion. I thought the tag is good > for semantics. This makes sense in the light of the HTML spec for `

[BUG] Update to emacs 30.1/org-mode 9.7 changed agenda sort [9.7.11 (release_9.7.11 @ /Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources/lisp/org/)]

2025-02-27 Thread Doug Harris
(for better formatting and screenshots, see this discussion on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/1iy6hrf/update_to_emacs_301orgmode_97_changed_agenda_sort/ ) I have a custom agenda "work" view for showing my agenda and some, but not all of my todos: (setq org-agenda-custom-command