How to emulate `#+begin_src sh :output table :colnames yes` ?

2025-01-31 Thread Cook, Malcolm
Is there any best approach to formatting output of bash or shell code block as an org table whose first line is a header. What I've tried: #+begin_src bash :colnames yes :results output table echo "Name,Age" echo "Alice,30" echo "Bob,25" #+end_src #+RESULTS: | Name | Age | | Alice | 30 | | B

Problems using completion with group of tags and regexp

2025-01-31 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Hello, If I use a group of tags, like #+TAGS: [ ORG : {.+ORG} ], when I use C-c C-c for autocompletion, it gives me strange candidates. For example, it doesn't offer the tags I'm using in the buffer, and instead, it offers others like: :endgrouptag, :startgrouptag, :grouptags, :ORG, :{.+ORG}. V

org-contacts-anniversaries keeps asking for link-storing function

2025-01-31 Thread Hermann Graf von Westerholt
I have recently upgraded my org-mode version, switching from emacs 29.4/org-mode 9.6.15 to emacs 29.4/org-mode 9.7.20. To my understanding, some relatively recent upgrade to org-contacts requires a newer org-mode version. I use org-contacts to display birthdays and anniversaries in my agenda. In