Re: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?

2024-12-11 Thread Tor-björn Claesson
> Two comments here: > 1. It should not be a lambda. Better have a function or even command > 2. The logic is not right. You should better follow >`org-cite-basic--key-completion-table': >`org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography', `org-cite-basic--get-entry', >and `org-cite-basic--get-field'

Re: Fwd: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?

2024-12-11 Thread Tor-björn Claesson
Ihor Radchenko writes: >> +(defcustom org-cite-basic-follow-actions >> + '[["Open" >> + ("b" "bibliography entry" (org-cite-basic-goto !citation !prefix))] >> +["Copy" >> + ("d" "DOI" >> + (kill-new >> + (save-excursion >> + (with-temp-buffer >> + (mapc #'

Binary Table & Babel Data Passing

2024-12-11 Thread Psionic K
Buffer text is not a good data transfer protocol for moving return values from babel block to block. It is also not a good storage medium for table data. I propose we implement more binary data passing strategies. Elisp memory is it's own source of problems, so what would likely work better is a

[BUG] Inconsistent org-babel tangle behaviour

2024-12-11 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Hi everyone, setting a property in an org file like '#+PROPERTY: header-args:tangle "file.ext"' with a source block of the form: (note no language is specified for the block) #+begin_src <1: this block won't get tangled> #+end_src won't tangle the block Adding any string as a language to

Completions Registry

2024-12-11 Thread Psionic K
Not just a problem for dslide but for org in general, any time a package adds keys to configure blocks or properties, these do not complete except through dabbrev etc. The keys are likely not already in documents. The only way I can reason to make them visible is to provide functions to register

Linking source files on worg (was: Re: [PATCH worg v2] Fix broken link to source.)

2024-12-11 Thread Max Nikulin
On 11/12/2024 02:25, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Ideally, we want to use a simple [[./]] links. But it is actually tricky because of `org-html-link-org-files-as-html'. So, direct http link has to do for now. I would say e.g. [[]] while simple [[]] is for the *exp