Re: [PATCH v9] Inline image display as part of a new org-link-preview system

2024-10-29 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Karthik Chikmagalur writes: > None of the above have been obsoleted. Let me know if I should make > them all obsolete aliases instead. I think that an alias is fine. At least, it is the approach I am leaning to recently. >> Aside: I am wondering if we should also attach preview toggle to >> w

Re: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?

2024-10-29 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Tor-björn Claesson writes: > ... >>(mapcar (pcase-lambda (`(,key ,desc ,fn ,transform)) >>(list ,key ,desc >> (lambda () >>(interactive) >>(apply fn (eval transform) >>org-cite-basic-follow-ac

Re: [PATCH v10] Inline image display as part of a new org-link-preview system

2024-10-29 Thread Karthik Chikmagalur
New version of Patch 0002 (documentation patch) attached. Patch 0001 (code patch) is unchanged. >> None of the above have been obsoleted. Let me know if I should make >> them all obsolete aliases instead. > > I think that an alias is fine. > At least, it is the approach I am leaning to recently.

Re: Noisy and unreliable (de-)tangling

2024-10-29 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Rudolf Adamkovič writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: > >> `org-id-link-to-org-use-id' should be respected once you use :comments >> link > > As of now? It is not. > > With `emacs -Q', > ... Confirmed. This is likely a regression after we moved id: link handling into `org-store-link-functions'. Be

Re: Org-cite: Replace basic follow-processor with transient menu?

2024-10-29 Thread Tor-björn Claesson
This is a great learning experience, thank you Ihor and Jonas for the friendly feedback! (defcustom org-cite-basic-follow-actions '[["Open" ("b" "bibliography entry" org-cite-basic-goto (list (transient-scope) 0))] ["Copy" ("d" "DOI" org-cite-basic-follow.copy-doi)] ["Brow