Orm Finnendahl writes:
> [...] Let me know how to proceed.
CC: Ihor :)
"Chop your own wood and it will warm you twice." --- Henry Ford;
Francis Kinloch, 1819; Henry David Thoreau, 1854
Rudolf Adamkovič [he/him]
On 8/17/24 08:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
i had another go:
- i made a purely lorem ipsum org file (can share if needed)
- loaded a minimal emacs config (the one i use for testing/debugging
mastodon.el, can share)
- loaded a really minimal org config (can share if nee
On 8/17/24 08:12, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Ihor Radchenko writes:
i had another go:
- i made a purely lorem ipsum org file (can share if needed)
- loaded a minimal emacs config (the one i use for testing/debugging
mastodon.el, can share)
- loaded a really minimal org config (can share if nee
I want to suggest that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE support things like "first Monday
of the month" like cron.
Orm Finnendahl writes:
>> I do not feel like :multipage-split-function is supposed to be export
>> _option_. It is more internal. That's why :translate-alist, where the
>> internals like templates and transcoders lie.
> That's how I had it before, but I reasoned it is not a transcoding
> functi
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> [...]
> I agree that the manual can be improved. It would be nice if someone
> actively using column views contributed such an improvement ;)
> [...]
Ok, I've given it a try.
>From 4bb89a24269ee2ef42ed2b1c5713faa37b33f72d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexander Adolf
> Karthik, may you please check if this is going to work with latex
> preview branch?
Tested: It does not work, since LaTeX only runs once in the new LaTeX preview
system as well.
We can adapt the async process chain to run LaTeX twice (or more), but
we can't figure out when this should happen ba
>> Well, there are a couple of packages that explicitly state that they
>> only work with pdflatex, nicematrix, todonotes and ocgx for example
> This is a surprise.
> Are there packages that are an opposite - do not work with pdflatex, but
> work with bare latex?
> Karthik, any thoughts on th
>>> "KC" == Karthik Chikmagalur writes:
>> Karthik, may you please check if this is going to work with latex
>> preview branch?
> Tested: It does not work, since LaTeX only runs once in the new LaTeX preview
> system as well.
> We can adapt the async process chain to run LaTeX twice (or more),