Re: Pending contents in org documents

2024-08-12 Thread Bruno Barbier
Hi Ihor, Ihor Radchenko writes: > Bruno Barbier writes: > [...] >>> Ideally, we should have no hard-coded color names. >> [...] > If you have no ideas about faces to inherit from, better keep hard-coded > colors. > > (Also, this is not too critical; just something nice to have for better > in

Proposal: Change publication timestamps (was: Publishing cache)

2024-08-12 Thread Jens Lechtenboerger
On 2024-06-14, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > Jens Lechtenboerger writes: > >> Jumping in here, I do not understand the publishing cache. Some of >> my org documents are re-published every time, while others are only >> re-published after changes. What is checked where? > > See "14.4 Triggering Public

C-c C-v C-d does not preserve capitalization

2024-08-12 Thread Rudolf Adamkovič
REPRODUCTION STEPS: 1. Write #+BEGIN_SRC scheme "A" "B" #+END_SRC 2. Place the cursor after the "A". 3. Type C-c C-v C-d. EXPECTED: #+BEGIN_SRC scheme "A" #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC scheme "B" #+END_SRC ACTUAL: #+begin_src scheme

Re: multipage html output

2024-08-12 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, I made the changes Ihor suggested and made all docstrings compliant with checkdoc. Please check whether this is now how you imagined it. Concerning the options stored in the org-page properties rather than in info I mentioned in an earlier mail, I found out it actually doesn't really change

Re: help: howto aggregate several properties in one column

2024-08-12 Thread Pedro
Thank you Thierry! Even better, just initializing it the empty properties with an empty string works great and then I don't need the valof macro. I updated the file and find it attached Here is the result I am getting with just ~(progn(setq TEST_A "") (setq TEST_B ""))~

help: howto aggregate several properties in one column

2024-08-12 Thread Pedro
Hi, I am a heavy user of propview [1] and I am very happy with it, but looks like now I reached a limitation, or maybe someone founds a magical workaround. I am open to use another solution outside of propview. Find attached in file that serves as a playground environment

Re: [PATCH v4.0] Re: [PATCH] add a function to only refresh inline images under current headline instead of global buffer

2024-08-12 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"Christopher M. Miles" writes: >> What about the following treatment of ARG: >> >> 1. No argument, no region selected :: toggle (display or hide dwim) images >> in current section >> 2. No argument, region selected: toggle images in region >> 3. C-u argument :: toggle images in the whole buffer

Re: Examples of online documentation written with Org-mode

2024-08-12 Thread Phil Estival
* [2024-08-11 18:39] Ihor Radchenko: Phil writes: ( lands in this category, with an emphasize on a — very verbose I admit — but strict literate programming. It's a 99KB file, with tests, attempts, explanations, explorations, etc. The page documentation is p

org-latex-preview, pNiceArray (running latex twice)

2024-08-12 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Hi Look a the following example --8<---cut here---start->8--- \begin{equation*} A^{0}= \begin{pNiceArray}{C|CCC}[margin] -m^{00}& 0 & 0 & 0\\ \hline 0 & \Block{3-3}{-m^{ab}}& &\\ 0 & & & \\ 0 & & & \\ \end{pNiceArray} \qquad A^{

Re: Build a menu for an HTML publish

2024-08-12 Thread Sébastien Gendre
So, I can partially reply to myself: Sébastien Gendre writes: > # How to pass parameters to this function > > If I set a function as value to the variable `org-html-preamble`, this > function will receive a plist containing all the export options. > > But can I set custom export option in the pu

Re: multipage html output

2024-08-12 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Orm Finnendahl writes: > I made the changes Ihor suggested and made all docstrings compliant > with checkdoc. Please check whether this is now how you imagined it. Thanks! I still have comments, but let's not focus on this minor issue yet. > Concerning the options stored in the org-page proper

Re: multipage html output

2024-08-12 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, again thanks for checking. Am Montag, den 12. August 2024 um 17:10:25 Uhr (+) schrieb Ihor Radchenko: > > :multipage-split-function should be added to the :translate-alist I > think. It should be documented what :multipage-split-function is > supposed to do in the docstring of `org-exp