Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
Hi Accentuated characters are in the path and in the file name. It seems windows can't find the file, because emacs sends the accentuated characters substituted. As said before, this doesn't happen with Dired. Kind regards From: tomas at To: emacs-orgmode at CC: Kepa Da

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread tomas
On Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 09:04:19AM +, Kepa wrote: > Hi > > Accentuated characters are in the path and in the file name. > > It seems windows can't find the file, because emacs sends the accentuated > characters substituted. > > As said before, this doesn't happen with Dired. I guess this i

Re: Adding text/org MIME type to jshttp/mime-db

2024-08-05 Thread Max Nikulin
On 05/08/2024 10:19, Joseph Turner wrote: Max Nikulin writes: - My impression is that multiple types may have the same suffix, so there should be "get all media types for given suffix" method. - It should be possible to specify priorities within the same source. [...] However, on the topic

Re: Bug?: Undefined reference in ox-latex ?

2024-08-05 Thread John Kitchin
a good way to trace it down is first export to latex, and then try manually building the latex file in a shell. I guess there could be a broken link that causes an error in latex. You might check what org-export-with-broken-links is set to. If it is nil, you might change it to t and see if it expo

Re: [BUG] Cannot tangle src block in capture buffer [9.7.6]

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Dilip writes: > You get ~Wrong type argument: stringp, nil~ error when you > =org-babel-tangle= on a source block in capture buffer. > > To reproduce: > > 1. set a template > (setq org-capture-templates > '(("t" "Test" entry (file "/tmp/") > "* TODO %?\n %i\n %a"))) > > 2. Create a sourc

RE: org-babel-execute-src-block filters characters from :session *shell* output

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Ihor Radchenko writes: > ... on the other hand, Org mode simply hanging or emitting garbage is > also not great. So, maybe changing the prompt by force is good? > > I am attaching tentative series of patches that will do exactly this - > setup prompt even in the existing shell buffers. I also chan

Re: Cannot yank media when image come from Gnome screenshot

2024-08-05 Thread Robert Pluim
> On Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:01:24 +, Ihor Radchenko > said: Ihor> I am not sure if I like patching Emacs functions when loading Org mode. Ihor> On the other hand, I do not see any obvious downside. I was hoping youʼd have a strong opinion 😀 Ihor> Robert, what do you think

Re: Cannot yank media when image come from Gnome screenshot

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Robert Pluim writes: >> On Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:01:24 +, Ihor Radchenko >> said: > > Ihor> I am not sure if I like patching Emacs functions when loading Org > mode. > Ihor> On the other hand, I do not see any obvious downside. > > I was hoping youʼd have a strong opinion 😀

Re: multipage html output

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Orm Finnendahl writes: > attached are the patches for the multipage html export proposal. The > tgz file contains all commits after branching from the main branch to > the org-html-multipage branch (see: > Thanks! Although creating patch

Re: Adding text/org MIME type to jshttp/mime-db

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Joseph Turner writes: >> I think, text/org may be added as well (without removing of >> text/x-org). > > Shall we consider this this after we find a way for these low-preference > mappings to be useful? If you mean "negotiate... to override "applicaion/vnd.lotus-organizer" with "text/org"", I ha

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Kepa writes: > Hi > > I'm encountering an issue when trying to open a file using org-attach-open > from org-attach. The problem occurs when the file name, or file path, contain > words with accents. > Windows OS sends me this error: > Error code: 0x80070002 > The system cannot find the file spe

Re: Bug?: Undefined reference in ox-latex ?

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
David Masterson writes: > I just upgraded from Org 9.6.6 to Org 9.7.9. Previously, I had no > problem exporting all my Org files to PDF (via ox-latex). Now, I'm > getting the following warning on *some* of my files (1 or 2 have been > changed a little, but 1 or 2 haven't): > > Warning (ox-latex

Re: Cannot yank media when image come from Gnome screenshot

2024-08-05 Thread Robert Pluim
> On Mon, 05 Aug 2024 17:44:43 +, Ihor Radchenko > said: Ihor> Robert Pluim writes: >>> On Sun, 04 Aug 2024 19:01:24 +, Ihor Radchenko said: >> Ihor> I am not sure if I like patching Emacs functions when loading Org mode. Ihor> On the other hand, I do

Re: Cannot yank media when image come from Gnome screenshot

2024-08-05 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Robert Pluim writes: > Ihor> Yes, behind version check, pgtk build check, and, ideally, after > Ihor> checking that such method is not yet defined. > > The cl-defmethod itself checks itʼs being run in a pgtk emacs, so not > sure we need more than that. The idea is to avoid modifying thin

Re: Adding text/org MIME type to jshttp/mime-db

2024-08-05 Thread Joseph Turner
Max Nikulin writes: > On 05/08/2024 10:19, Joseph Turner wrote: >> Max Nikulin writes: >>> - My impression is that multiple types may have the same suffix, so >>>there should be "get all media types for given suffix" method. >>> - It should be possible to specify priorities within the same so

RE: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
Hi, Ihor I get no error using " M-x debug-on-entry org-open-file ". If I use org-attach-open from the attach menu, I get this backtrace: Debugger entered--entering a function: * org-open-file("p:/170 Buzón/oq.pdf" nil) org-attach-open(nil) funcall-interactively(org-attach-open nil) comman

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread Kepa
Funny: the path was p:/170 Buzon/oq.pdf, where the "o" was accentuated: From: To: yantar92 at ; Kepa CC: emacs-orgmode at Date: 2024-08-05T20:24:50Z Subject: RE: Issue opening files with accented words, usin

Re: Issue opening files with accented words, using org-attach-open

2024-08-05 Thread tomas
On Mon, Aug 05, 2024 at 08:44:29PM +, Kepa wrote: > Funny: the path was p:/170 Buzon/oq.pdf, where the "o" was accentuated: > Perhaps relevant: - what file systems are on each of those drives? NTFS? some Linux? (Background: most Unix/Linux file syst