Re: Using Org-mode for literate Emacs configuration with use-package

2024-07-27 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Hi, I also enjoy using literate org config. I cannot think of a way to split config in org src blocks and evaluate it easily. Each src block needs to evaluated, although most of the time while editing itself I do evaluate or =eval-buffer=. There is one way I can think of, that is to use =noweb=

Org-publish and HTML menu

2024-07-27 Thread Seb g
Hello, I plan to use org-publish to make a website from org-mode files. And I search an efficient way to make the website menu. I know that I have to put the menu in the webpages preamble. But I don't like the idea of writting the website menu in raw HTML. I would love to define this menu as a

#10 [[bbb:OrgMeetup]] on Wed, Aug 14, 19:00 UTC+3

2024-07-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Dear all, Another OrgMeetup will be scheduled on the second Wednesday of August, in two weeks. Previous meetup notes: URL: Time & Date: <2024-08-14 Wed 19:00-21:00 @+03,Europe/Istanbul> The room will

Re: multipage html output

2024-07-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Orm Finnendahl writes: >> 1. You can use :filter-parse-tree in ox-html backend to replace the >>original (org-data ...) AST with a list of ((org-page ...) >>(org-page ...) ...) pseudo-elements and populate INFO channel >>with auxiliary information you now compute in >>`org-html-pr

Re: multipage html output

2024-07-27 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi Ihor, that's spot on what I wanted to suggest, thanks! -- Orm Am Samstag, den 27. Juli 2024 um 13:01:12 Uhr (+) schrieb Ihor Radchenko: > Orm Finnendahl writes: > > >> 1. You can use :filter-parse-tree in ox-html backend to replace the > >>original (org-data ...) AST with a list of

If org-html-preamble set to function, is there parameter(s) ?

2024-07-27 Thread Sébastien Gendre
Hello, If I set the variable `org-html-preamble' to a function, is this function receive parameter(s) ? The manual say nothing about it: But I have a doubt, as a function that built a preamble need to know some information, like the la

Re: If org-html-preamble set to function, is there parameter(s) ?

2024-07-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Sébastien Gendre writes: > If I set the variable `org-html-preamble' to a function, is this > function receive parameter(s) ? Yes. Check out the docstring. It is called with INFO plist as an argument. -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode contributor, Learn more about Org mode at

Re: multipage html output

2024-07-27 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi, html multipage output is fully working now in the org-export compliant way sketched by Ihor. There is a small issue with org-export-as from ox.el: On my machine applying the :filter-final-output functions to the final output strings delete their :output-file Text Property. Below is a comment

Re: multipage html output

2024-07-27 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Orm Finnendahl writes: > html multipage output is fully working now in the org-export > compliant way sketched by Ihor. Great! > There is a small issue with org-export-as from ox.el: On my machine > applying the :filter-final-output functions to the final output > strings delete their :output-