Re: multipage html output

2024-07-24 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Orm Finnendahl writes: > To recapitulate: In my code, org-export-as calls process-multipage in > the backend. This function: > > - collects and adds information necessary for org-multipage to do its > job, splitting the document into different parts, etc. and > > - then calls org-export-data on

Re: [BUG] Capital-letter options from dangling clock don't clock out [9.8-pre (release_9.7.7-106-g114c76 @ /home/rens/Projects/org/org-mode/lisp/)]

2024-07-24 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Rens Oliemans writes: > When I clock into an item with a dangling clock, the "Resolving Idle Time" > menu pops up. > When I then press an option with a capital letter, however, I end up > clocked-in, in the > identical state as the lowercase option. On my machine this does not happen > when re

Re: [BUG] org-plot/gnuplot with dates in brackets does not work anymore [9.8-pre (release_9.7.6-97-g90d4ae @ /home/ck/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2024-07-24 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Chris Keschnat writes: > Hello, > after e0924db3, =org-plot/gnuplot= does not work with dates in brackets > anymore. > I am unsure if this syntax is supported, but it was working before. > > Example table: > ... > ~C-c C-c~ on the PLOT line results in: > #+begin_src conf > Debugger entered--Li

Re: multipage html output

2024-07-24 Thread Orm Finnendahl
Hi Ihor, thanks a lot for the patches and explanations. Your assessment makes sense and I agree that we should stick to the current design as much as possible. I will go ahead and adapt my ox-html.el code the way you propose and use your patched ox.el for this. It shouldn't take too much effort a

Re: [BUG] Capital-letter options from dangling clock don't clock out [9.8-pre (release_9.7.7-106-g114c76 @ /home/rens/Projects/org/org-mode/lisp/)]

2024-07-24 Thread Rens Oliemans
Ihor Radchenko writes: > May you please provide more details? > What exactly did you try to do, step by step? I clocked in ('org-clock-in') in a headline with a dangling clock. I got the Clock Resolution popup menu, and pressed an uppercase letter, which according to the popup menu should leav

Re: [BUG] Capital-letter options from dangling clock don't clock out [9.8-pre (release_9.7.7-106-g114c76 @ /home/rens/Projects/org/org-mode/lisp/)]

2024-07-24 Thread Rens Oliemans
My mail client shows multiple sent emails where I wanted to send just one. If I indeed accidentally sent multiple emails, apologies for the spam!

Re: [BUG] Capital-letter options from dangling clock don't clock out [9.8-pre (release_9.7.7-106-g114c76 @ /home/rens/Projects/org/org-mode/lisp/)]

2024-07-24 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Rens Oliemans writes: > Ihor Radchenko writes: > >> May you please provide more details? >> What exactly did you try to do, step by step? > > I clocked in ('org-clock-in') in a headline with a dangling clock. I got the > Clock > Resolution popup menu, and pressed an uppercase letter, which acco

Re: org-encrypt-entries is slow (was: org-crypt leaking data when encryption password is not entered twice (was: Please document the caching and its user options))

2024-07-24 Thread Daniel Clemente
The 3 small problems mentioned above are fixed, thanks. Encryption is faster, and safer now. The part about communicating the encryption status (communicating „this is actually encrypted on disk even when you're seeing it unencrypted“) can be improved later if others find the current behaviour conf

Re: 31.0.50; Org Persist file formatting

2024-07-24 Thread Michael Mauger
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. This change has seemed to work, but I haven't been playing with my Org Babel config much lately. I'll let you know if I see it again. Thanks for your help. -- // FSF and SFConservancy member // GNU Emacs sql.el maintainer On Monday