Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Bastien Guerry writes:
>> Let's see if Woof can track new patches and tasks, for example.
>> I'll monitor this, you don't need to worry about it right now.
> I do see patches and requests being added after the update, but not
> bugs. The latest registered bug report
Bastien Guerry writes:
>> I do see patches and requests being added after the update, but not
>> bugs. The latest registered bug report is from Nov 1 - see
>> https://tracker.orgmode.org/bugs?sorting-by=date
> Is it still a problem? I have some time this week-end to look into
> this more close
Jens Schmidt writes:
> On 2023-11-27 21:30, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Fixed, on main.
>> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/commit/?id=6d7c7917a
> Which is currently my HEAD, and there are still edge cases that do not
> seem to be handled well.
> ...
> When I wrote my own in
William Denton writes:
> Attached (I think attachments work on this list) is a small Org file that has
> a
> table that sets out all the various options possible with the basic processor
> for citations. Most work, but not the author style, and the caps and
> bare-caps
> variants never do.
On 29 November 2023, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
William Denton writes:
Attached (I think attachments work on this list) is a small Org file that has a
table that sets out all the various options possible with the basic processor
for citations. Most work, but not the author style, and the caps and
I had to deal with this last spring. I finally got things working again
with mbsync, msmtp, mu/mu4e, and for the oauth stuff, pizauth. This
combination has worked well for me ever since. Most of the details can
be found at
I am still using an early ve
I keep a number of Org files in buffers when I'm working on Org stuff. I
try to keep them folded so that I get the overview when I switch to the
buffer. I have found that, when I org-publish the project with these Org
files, any Org file that is newly published will unfold the buffer as
publish doe