Max Nikulin writes:
> I have realized that the command is specified in the file, so
> it is mentioned twice on
> However prior to Emacs-29.1 built-in packages are filtered-out from
> completion list and ignored by non-interactive command
> ..
Il giorno 24 mag 2023, alle ore 11:03, Ihor Radchenko ha
> Payas Relekar writes:
>> I've been playing with org-footnote-assistance, and this is again just
>> another opinion, but I'm also preferring the indirect buffer. It just
>> puts things in better perspective.
> I'd prefer
Andrea Lazzarini writes:
> I've tried to use org-edit-special with a src block with 2+ blank lines and
> the second #+end_src is not seen as part of the footnote.
> Is this the edge problem you were addressing? I get the same result with the
> indirect buffer.
Yup, it is one of the edge proble
Timothy writes:
> If you do come across any issues, please let me know either in a reply
> here or the org-mode matrix room.
First of all, thank you for working on this!
Here are some issues, after using your patch-set for 1 day:
On my HiDPI screen, the new previews are clip
> "Ihor Radchenko" wrote:
> >> Which implies that you added invalid headline element to the tree.
> >
> > Hmm. Does
> > headline (:title hello :todo-keyword TODO :todo-type todo)
> > look valid to you as a minimal TODO-type headline? Created via:
> >
> > (let ((todo (org-element-create 'headline
I have a lisp function for syncing my appointments from ''
to a Nextcloud instance via Caldav. The variable org-caldav-inbox is
set to '' and org-caldav-files is set to 'nil'.
However, when I run the function, all the files which contain IDs are
considered, five files writes:
>> Yes, it is invalid. You must always have :level.
> Ah! Thank you! Is there some documentation that explains which properties
> each element must have in order to be valid, please?
And source code, of course.
Thanks, Ihor.
":results raw replace" seems to do what I need.
> On May 25, 2023, at 11:33 PM, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> "Richard H. Stanton" writes:
>> I often create tables programatically from within an org code block. To make
>> sure I don’t produce multiple copies of t