Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Tim Cross
Richard Stallman writes: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > > Would someone please tell me more concretel

Re: [Bug] 'org-font-lock-extra-keywords' appear next to the parent heading when its subtree is folded.

2023-01-25 Thread Philipp Kiefer
On 24.01.2023 18:56, Ihor Radchenko wrote: Philipp Kiefer writes: You set 'invisible text property to nil, which tells Emacs - make the text visible. Emacs obeys. Well, with Orgmode version 9.5, Emacs was never *this* obedient, i. e. this problem only began after I updated Orgmode to 9.6, whi

It's possible, to translate the org-mode website into Spanish?

2023-01-25 Thread Antonio Simón
Greetings from Spain. I'm a newbie in the FOSS world and a big fan of Emacs and org-mode in which I'm taking my first steps. I have seen that the Org mode page is available in several languages, and Spanish is not one of them. I was thinking of contributing

orgmode website contributions to translations? -- Was: It's possible, to translate the org-mode website into Spanish?

2023-01-25 Thread General discussions about Org-mode.
Antonio Simón writes: > Greetings from Spain. > > I'm a newbie in the FOSS world and a big fan of Emacs and org-mode in which > I'm taking my first steps. > > I have seen that the Org mode page is available in several languages, and > Spanish is not one of them. > > I was thinking of contribu

Re: Org mode links: Open a PDF file at a given page and highlight a given string

2023-01-25 Thread AW
Am Mittwoch, 21. September 2022, 10:18:41 CET schrieb Ihor Radchenko: > Max Nikulin writes: > >> I think that it is a very good idea for Org core to support search terms > >> in file links that are handled by Free Software. > > > > Maybe I misunderstand something, but your stress on Free Software

Re: [BUG] HTML-export citation suffix rendering with CSL [9.6 (9.6-??-bed47b437 @ /home/romeo/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.2.50/org/)]

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Romeo Valentin writes: > To reproduce, please download the .org and .bib file (place .bib in > /tmp), run org-html-export-to-html, and open the file e.g. with a browser. > Notice that the citations, in particular the suffixes, are rendered > incorrectly. Confirmed, after replacing the .bib key

Re: Org mode links: Open a PDF file at a given page and highlight a given string

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
AW writes: >> I understand your idea. What I am suggesting is to implement support for >> a subset of popular viewers (the Libre ones) and add it to Org core. >> Support for non-Libre viewers could be added ad third-party packages >> based on the Org core implementation. >> > > Has this been don

Re: [PATCH] Fix one remaining emacs-30 byte-compile warning

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Arash Esbati writes: > Robert sent a patch[1] which pacifies emacs-30 compiler warning. He > missed one which is fixed by the patch below. It is against org-mode > master (6b15897a56). Thanks! Could you please write a full patch with commit message? See

Re: CSL export not using local #+bibliography:

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Britt writes: > I reported the following as an issue to citeproc, but was advised by the > library maintainer to report it here instead. > > The problem is summarized in the subject line. > > I set ~org-cite-global-biography~ in my init.el. > > I then write a file for export with ~org-publish~ to

Re: orgmode website contributions to translations? -- Was: It's possible, to translate the org-mode website into Spanish?

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Ruijie Yu via "General discussions about Org-mode." writes: > This intrigues me as well. I would like to extend this question into a > more general one: how does one contribute translations to an existing > language, and/or to a new language? CCing Bastien. The main issue with non-English tran

Re: [BUG] returns 502 Bad Gateway

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko writes: > Hi all, I'm trying to find the RSS feed for org-mode, which I expect to > live in (as mentioned in the first line of [1]). > Unfortunately, the nginx server is misconfigured (or something) and > returns a "502 Bad Gateway" error. > > This is not a soft

Re: [BUG] Org citations do not render in tables [9.5.5 (9.5.5-g8ef620 @ /home/stas/.emacs.d/straight/build/org/)]

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Stanislav Vlasov writes: > #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :results table replace > "Prior research [cite:@paper] suggests that..." > #+END_SRC > > #+RESULTS: > | Prior research suggests that... | > > The expected outcome should be: > > #+RESULTS: > | Prior research [cite:@paper] suggests that... | > > It

Re: Org mode links: Open a PDF file at a given page and highlight a given string

2023-01-25 Thread Max Nikulin
On 25/01/2023 18:46, AW wrote: Has this been done? I'm struggeling (again), how to link to a certain page of a PDF, being opened in okular. ./link/xyz.pdf::123 does not open the pdf at p. 123 It is still at the stage of proof of concept. Currently you need to adjust your init.el, see Max Ni

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Tim Cross writes: > to be very clear, ob-sql is not adding any NEW interface to any external > program. It is just using the Emacs built-in SQL library (Elisp), which > has been part of Emacs for a long time (I was using it in late 90s to > work with Oracle RDMS). It is this library that provides

Re: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch)

2023-01-25 Thread Max Nikulin
On 25/01/2023 00:32, Bruno Barbier wrote: I'm using an extension for Thunderbird that allows to copy a direct link to a message. I then paste it into a org file so that I can reopen the message in one click: Perhaps I found this add-on too earl

[FR] Should Org provide commonly used link types? (was: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch))

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Jean Louis writes: > You see, Org is part of Emacs, me I expect that when I follow Emacs > Instructions that Org will be using Emacs settings, but it follows > it's own settings. > > I mean these settings: > > browse-url-handlers is a variable defined in ‘browse-url.el’. > > Its value is > (("gem

Re: Babel (scheme): Evaluation errors are not shown

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Marc Nieper-Wißkirchen writes: >> > Rebased against the latest main. Please see the appended patch. Applied, onto main, adding TINYCHANGE cookie and removing "." from the commit summary. You are now also listed as Org c

Re: oeg-agenda-entry-text-mode

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
David Masterson writes: > Ooh! Found org-agenda-entry-text-exclude-regexp! It's so close to what > I want. With it, I can delete everything on a line that I don't want to > be displayed with org-agenda-entry-text-mode. But I can't get rid of > the line, so I wind up with blank lines where the

[TODO] Document org-forward-element and org-backward-element in the manual (was: missing from the manual)

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Peter Mao writes: > Dear maintainers, > > The following commands are missing from the manual! > > org-forward-element > org-backward-element > > These two should be mentioned in the manual in section 2.3 "Motion" I think we all agreed that it will be a welcome addition. This also sounds like som

Re: [PATCH] Fix one remaining emacs-30 byte-compile warning

2023-01-25 Thread Robert Pluim
> On Tue, 24 Jan 2023 10:29:17 +0100, Arash Esbati said: Arash> Hi all, Arash> Robert sent a patch[1] which pacifies emacs-30 compiler warning. He Arash> missed one which is fixed by the patch below. It is against org-mode Arash> master (6b15897a56). I didnʼt miss it, it wa

Re: oeg-agenda-entry-text-mode

2023-01-25 Thread tomas
On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 01:24:56PM +, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > David Masterson writes: > > > Ooh! Found org-agenda-entry-text-exclude-regexp! It's so close to what > > I want. With it, I can delete everything on a line that I don't want to > > be displayed with org-agenda-entry-text-mode.

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Tim Cross
Ihor Radchenko writes: > Tim Cross writes: > >> to be very clear, ob-sql is not adding any NEW interface to any external >> program. It is just using the Emacs built-in SQL library (Elisp), which >> has been part of Emacs for a long time (I was using it in late 90s to >> work with Oracle RDMS).

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Tim Cross writes: > 3. There is no requirement to install non-free software to use > ob-sql.el. The software is fully functional using a free RDMS like > postgres. Yes, but there is requirement to install in order to use ob-sql.el __with :engine set to non-free option__. So, I can envision that

Re: Org mode links: Open a PDF file at a given page and highlight a given string

2023-01-25 Thread Jean Louis
* AW [2023-01-25 14:48]: > Has this been done? I'm struggeling (again), how to link to a certain page of > a PDF, being opened in okular. > > ./link/xyz.pdf::123 does not open the pdf at p. 123 Simply do elisp: links with the below function: [[elisp:(rcd-okular "/home/user/my-file" 2 "small p

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Jean Louis
* Richard Stallman [2023-01-25 07:32]: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > > Would someone please tell me

Re: [ANN] orgtbl-fit

2023-01-25 Thread tbanelwebmin
Hi Ihor & the List GnuPlot is a great software. If you feel confortable with it, continue using it! If others are used to R or Python, that is fine too. Orgtbl-fit may be useful if: * - You want a pure Emacs process, without external dependencies. * - You know that Emacs-Calc can fit your d

[PATCH] oc-natbib: Provide a fallback bibliography style

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
If we do not specify a bibliography style, LaTeX export will fail. With the attached patch, the following simple-minded Org document will export without errors: #+title: Testing org-cite \LaTeX export #+latex_header: \usepackage{natbib} #+bibliography: bibliography.bib #+options: toc:nil #+c

Re: Link from orgmode file to E-Mail (using kmail or notmuch)

2023-01-25 Thread Max Nikulin
On 25/01/2023 00:49, Jean Louis wrote: * Max Nikulin [2023-01-24 20:25]: It reminds be complains by some person that Org must be able to recognize any URL in free-form plain text just because there is a RFC describing format of URL. That person did not really propose to Org to do it, but to ha

Re: [PATCH] Fix one remaining emacs-30 byte-compile warning

2023-01-25 Thread Arash Esbati
Ihor Radchenko writes: > Could you please write a full patch with commit message? See > Thanks for your response. I hope I've got it right. Best, Arash >From c550ed05d29cf163c286cffc328e5860423c7cde Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Arash E

Re: [PATCH] Fix one remaining emacs-30 byte-compile warning

2023-01-25 Thread Arash Esbati
Robert Pluim writes: >> On Tue, 24 Jan 2023 10:29:17 +0100, Arash Esbati said: > > I didnʼt miss it, it was next on my list, Sorry for my wrong assumption here. > Of course my fixes are incomplete, as Ihor has pointed out, so more > work is needed there. 😀 I know why I volunteered for the

Org cite in SQLite?

2023-01-25 Thread Thomas S. Dye
Aloha all, The @ character in an Org citation seems to block import to an SQLite table. Has anyone successfully imported an Org citation to an SQLite table? All the best, Tom -- Thomas S. Dye

Should Org provide commonly used link types?

2023-01-25 Thread Jean Louis
* Ihor Radchenko [2023-01-25 15:56]: > What we can do is add some more known link types. Some of them will use > `browse-url' as :follow link parameter. > > However, what are the link types which are worth including into the Org > code? I am looking into the protocols supported by Firefox now. >

This is out of thread subject

2023-01-25 Thread Jean Louis
* Max Nikulin [2023-01-25 18:33]: > I had in mind another person: > > Re: URLs with brackets not recognised. Wed, 12 May 2021 22:06:50 +0200. > > I disagree. URLs are well-specified. Per RFC 3986, the characters > > allowed in a URL are [A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@\/?]. Org mode should > > implem

Re: This is out of thread subject

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Jean Louis writes: > Haven thanks Firefox developers did not complain on users setting > their own content types. Firefox can open Org content type and launch > Emacs on it, but Emacs "can't" as it is security risk. Well... https://bugzilla.m

Re: Should Org provide commonly used link types?

2023-01-25 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Jean Louis writes: >> Suggestions welcome > > Main suggestion would be to make interface for users to easy setup > those hyperlinks. > > If user is supposed to adapt mind to programmer by setting this horror: > (info "(org) Adding Hyperlink Types") > that leads nowhere. Forget about "usability".

Re: Feature request: "task table" (similar to clock table)

2023-01-25 Thread Marcin Borkowski
On 2023-01-25, at 03:37, Max Nikulin wrote: > On 25/01/2023 03:09, Marcin Borkowski wrote: > > Sorry for a too late response. The feature is documented in the > manual, see info "(org) Dynamic Blocks" >

Re: [PATCH] oc-natbib: Provide a fallback bibliography style

2023-01-25 Thread András Simonyi
Dear All, On Wed, 25 Jan 2023 at 16:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote: > If we do not specify a bibliography style, LaTeX export will fail. > With the attached patch, the following simple-minded Org document will > export without errors: Thanks, I think that is an important improvement -- when I tried t

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Tim Cross
Ihor Radchenko writes: > Tim Cross writes: > >> 3. There is no requirement to install non-free software to use >> ob-sql.el. The software is fully functional using a free RDMS like >> postgres. > > Yes, but there is requirement to install in order to use ob-sql.el > __with :engine set to non-fre

Re: [PATCH][oc-csl] Improve reference parsing

2023-01-25 Thread András Simonyi
Dear All, On Thu, 19 Jan 2023 at 11:15, M. ‘quintus’ Gülker wrote: > That is, the macro has to work both in a citation and in> normal text. Even > if a @@csl: construct would be ignored in normal text,> I cannot see how to > write the macro then, because something like > > #+MACRO: name @@

Re: [BUG] ob-shell doesn't evaluate last line on Windows (cmd/cmdproxy) [9.6.1 ( @ c:/Users/Osher/AppData/Roaming/.emacs.d/elpa/org-9.6.1/)]

2023-01-25 Thread Matt
> On Fri, 20 Jan 2023 04:27:18 -0500 Ihor Radchenko wrote --- > I think `org-babel--shell-command-on-region' will be more appropriate. > Because similar issues might appear when attempting to evaluate other > code blocks on Windows, where `shell-file-name' is set to cmdproxy.exe. Is

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > The 'support' is essentially specialised comint based interfaces tweaked > to w

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql (was: [PATCH] ob-sql: Add support for Athena)

2023-01-25 Thread Richard Stallman
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > I am not sure about SaaSS - even postgresql (free software) may be used > as a

Re: org-agenda-entry-text-mode

2023-01-25 Thread David Masterson
writes: > On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 01:24:56PM +, Ihor Radchenko wrote: >> David Masterson writes: >> >> > Ooh! Found org-agenda-entry-text-exclude-regexp! It's so close to what >> > I want. With it, I can delete everything on a line that I don't want to >> > be displayed with org-agenda-e

Re: Supporting non-free SQL clients in ob-sql

2023-01-25 Thread Loris Bennett
Richard Stallman writes: > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]] > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]] > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]] > > > The 'support' is essentially specialised comi