If the user puts a string other than AUTO as an argument to
`\babelprovide', it gives an error when exporting. For example:
`#+LaTeX_Header: \babelprovide[]{hebrew}'
I am attaching a patch to fix that behaviour.
Best regards,
Juan Manuel
>From 6dcba41f58b355296c3cacf97be9508581e1a10a Mon Sep
I've got a few problems with R source blocks that I can't figure out. They
started late last month, I think. I'm running Emacs and Org from the
development trees, refreshing and recompiling regularly. ESS (the package for
working with R) is up to date too.
Here's one big problem. I have a
Leo Butler writes:
> The amended patch is attached. Thanks for your helpful feedback.
Thanks for the patch!
It looks good, and the tests are passing. However, there is a side effect
leaving testing/examples/octave-workspace file after running the tests.
Can something be done about this?
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> However, the PDF (see the attached) is erroneous:
> 1. Title "Temp" is written RTL
> 2. Year and date (numbers!) are written RTL
> 3. The python code is written RTL!!
> Just the equation is rendered LTR as expected and the ordinary Hebrew
> text is rendered RTL.
I'd say
Daniel Fleischer writes:
> Bumping a patch; it solves a minor bug in which the tags in the fast tag
> selection buffer do not toggle their face back to default after being
> selected and deselected.
> Attached.
For record, this patch has been applied.
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Max Nikulin writes:
>> However, please add NEWS entry detailing the change in
>> `org-attach-id-to-path-function-list' to the next version of the patch.
> See the attachment.
I went through the patch and tried to clarify the wording.
Especially in the defcustom docstring.
I also adde
alain.coch...@unistra.fr writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes on Mon 7 Nov 2022 02:31:
> > If you want to force string output, use :results output.
> >
> > By default, ob-shell tries to guess the output type. In the case
> > of two commands returning output, the guess is yielding the
> > tabl
"Fraga, Eric" writes:
> On Thursday, 13 Oct 2022 at 10:39, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Take your time. What I do not want here is introducing new bugs. I am
>> not familiar with ox-beamer and do not want to miss anything subtle.
> Thank you. I'll update you in due course.
Have you had a chance t
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
>> ! Package polyglossia Error: The current latin font does not contain the
>> "Hebr
>> ew" script!
>> (polyglossia)Please define \hebrewfont with \newfontfamily
>> comm
>> and.
> hmm, yes, I forgot to mention it before... It is necessary to load a
Kyrylo Simonov writes:
> Some of the customization groups in org-mode lack defgroup declaration.
> Specifically, they are:
> (org-gnus org-startup org-export-pdf org-bbdb org-babel-tangle
> org-bibtex org-plot)
> In the *Customize* interface, these subgroups are not accessible from
> the main O
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> P.S. We should also harmonize `evaluate' and `execute'; I can never tell
> which one to look for when completing.
Please open a separate thread. I am not sure which one is better.
For "execute" vs. "evaluate" we just need to rename function/variable
names and replace i
Max Nikulin writes:
>> I am unsure what can be done here. AFAIU, Org just follows the %x
>> description. Nothing wrong on Org side.
>> The best we can do is alternative %?? that will do something more
>> reliable. But I am unsure what it can be.
> Depending of particular capture template (e
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Akira Kyle writes:
>> I've been using the attached patch for the last few years and I've meaning
>> to send it here/start a discussion about ob-latex.el since I used it pretty
>> much daily to write tikz figures in org mode. So I'm glad to see this
>> discussion has
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> I note that you did not mention in the news that MathJax 2 support is
>> dropped. This is a very important thing we must highlight and ring all
>> the bells about.
> Fixed. See the 8th revision of the patch attached below. Better?
Uwe Brauer writes:
> Correct, I did since I found it «logical» to have that table at the end of
> the file, but now I understand the problem with this. Thanks
> Ok, but I think it would not be bad to add this information to the docstring
> of org-clock-report!? It is not that intuitive.
mag_dex writes:
> Dear All,
> I designed a hack to see your clocked-in task on your bar (and not only).
> The hack is composed of a few elements, Emacs code that adds hooks for
> clock-in and clock-out and a code
> for Xbar.
> I have been using this for 2 years, and it's pretty robust. I
Alexander Dinges writes:
> Tangling a noweb src-block which is in another file does not work. See
> https://www.reddit.com/r/orgmode/comments/tb9reu/how_to_tangle_a_code_block_containing_noweb_from/
> and
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47058372/in-org-mode-how-to-call-code-block-to-evaluat
>>> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Uwe Brauer writes:
>> Correct, I did since I found it «logical» to have that table at the end of
>> the file, but now I understand the problem with this. Thanks
>> Ok, but I think it would not be bad to add this information to the docstring
>> of org-c
> Uwe Brauer writes:
> :indent nil
> See 8.4.2 The clock table
Ok I read this, but I cannot see how to configure the default behavior of the
So in my case it is inserted the only thing that can be changed is the
scope, but other options I have to add or modify manually after I
With org 9.6-pre, a commented out line breaks list numbering (even with
`org-list-repair`), and effectively breaks a list in two distinct lists
in exporters. Eg:
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
# 3. Commented out item 3
1. Reset counter?
At "Reset counter?", HTML export opens a new there, LaTex
On 14/11/2022 10:29, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
I went through the patch and tried to clarify the wording.
Especially in the defcustom docstring.
I do not mind in general.
Please, remove a stray space in the defcustom.
I also added the dumb fallback to the default value.
I feel that otherwise th
Uwe Brauer writes:
>> This information is already in the docstring
>> The new table inherits its properties from the variable
>> org-clock-clocktable-default-properties. The scope of the
>> clocktable, when not specified in the previous variable, is
>> subtree when the function
Uwe Brauer writes:
>> Uwe Brauer writes:
>> :indent nil
>> See 8.4.2 The clock table
> Ok I read this, but I cannot see how to configure the default behavior of the
> clocktable
8.4.2 The clock table:
The ‘#+BEGIN’ line contains options to define the scope, structure,
and f
Thibault Polge writes:
> With org 9.6-pre, a commented out line breaks list numbering (even with
> `org-list-repair`), and effectively breaks a list in two distinct lists
> in exporters. Eg:
> 1. Item 1
> 2. Item 2
> # 3. Commented out item 3
> 1. Reset counter?
> At "Reset counter?", HT
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> If the user puts a string other than AUTO as an argument to
> `\babelprovide', it gives an error when exporting. For example:
> `#+LaTeX_Header: \babelprovide[]{hebrew}'
> I am attaching a patch to fix that behaviour.
Could you also add a test to testing/
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
>> https://github.com/mmagnus/OrgModeClockingXBar
>> Magnus
> Thanks for sharing, this is what I needed.
Do we have a page in WORG that discusses ways to display clocked task in
taskbar for Linux/Windows/Mac?
Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode contribut
William Denton writes:
> I've got a few problems with R source blocks that I can't figure out. They
> started late last month, I think. I'm running Emacs and Org from the
> development trees, refreshing and recompiling regularly. ESS (the package
> for
> working with R) is up to date too.
Max Nikulin writes:
> On 14/11/2022 10:29, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> I went through the patch and tried to clarify the wording.
>> Especially in the defcustom docstring.
> I do not mind in general.
> Please, remove a stray space in the defcustom.
Hmm. Done.
I just have a habit to add spa
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> However, the PDF (see the attached) is erroneous:
>> 1. Title "Temp" is written RTL
>> 2. Year and date (numbers!) are written RTL
>> 3. The python code is written RTL!!
>> Just the equation is rendered LTR as expected and the ordinary H
Max Nikulin writes:
> > (string-collate-lessp "a" "B" "C" t) ; => nil
> Actually you wrote
>> [FYI: If I replace nil with t, the procedure returns nil too.]
> From my point of view it is a reason to file an Emacs bug because I get
> (string-collate-lessp "a" "B" "C" t) ; => t
I submitt
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> In section 16.4 (Environment of a Code Block)
>> A simple named list.
>> #+NAME: example-list
>> - simple
>> - not
>> - nested
>> - list
>> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=example-list
>> (print x)
>> #+END
> Uwe Brauer writes:
> What about the attached patch?
Sounds good to me
> From a5dff6d46044db868dd95f6b57c28dffb202c308 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> Message-Id:
> From: Ihor Radchenko
> Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 09:35:47 +0800
> Subject: [PATCH] org-clock-report: Improve docstring
> * lisp/org
> Uwe Brauer writes:
> 8.4.2 The clock table:
>The ‘#+BEGIN’ line contains options to define the scope, structure,
> and formatting of the report. Defaults for all these options can be
> configured in the variable ‘org-clocktable-defaults’.
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