Hi Sajad,
Sorry it took long to review and apply this.
Sajad Hosseini Balef writes:
> lisp/ox.el: Add Persian/Farsi to org-export
Applied on the main branch as 36c27f11d.
I also added your name to https://orgmode.org/worg/contributors.html.
If you want to submit other patches, please fill th
Akira Kyle writes:
> I've been using the attached patch for the last few years and I've meaning to
> send it here/start a discussion about ob-latex.el since I used it pretty much
> daily to write tikz figures in org mode. So I'm glad to see this discussion
> has been started!
> I've found it
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> https://github.com/tecosaur/OrgMode.jl
Great! I advertized this new parser on Worg:
tbanelwebmin writes:
> This fix in ob-C.el passes all unit tests, as well as Martin's example, and
> some other examples.
> If someone get a regression, please tell me!
> In a few days, I will commit.
> The fix: in ob-C.el line 185, change:
> (org-babel-read results t)
> to:
> results
According to doc/Documentation_Standards.org
> - Prefer "Org mode" to "Org-mode" or "org-mode". This is simply because
> it reflects an existing convention in [[info:emacs:Top][The Emacs
> Manual]] which consistently documents mode names in this form - "Text
> mode", "Outline mode", "Ma
Y. E. via "General discussions about Org-mode."
> It seems the docstring of org-html-mathjax-options may need to be
> updated.
Thanks for reporting!
See https://list.orgmode.org/orgmode/87h71xuhdw.fsf@localhost/
Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Subject: [PATCH] ox-publish: Allow linking to encrypted Org files
Applied onto main.
Ihor Radchenko,
Org mode contributor,
Learn more about Org mode at https:/
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> https://orgmode.org/manual/Handling-Links.html#FOOT28
> Unless I miss something, this footnote is plain wrong. The timestamps
> are not removed. At least not when I run M-x org-store-link on a
> headline with timestamp with emacs -Q.
I think we should just remove this
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> s/Org-mode/Org mode
Done, thanks!
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Do you have any suggestion on how to deal with changing footnotes in the
> manual? When I delete this footnote, all the footnotes must be
> re-numbered creating a lot of garbage in the diff. Is it ok? Or should
> we prefer inline footnote definitions in the manual to avoi
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> rapun...@disroot.org writes:
>> From: Giovanni Alfredo Garciliano Díaz
>> * lisp/ox-html.el (org-html-doctype-alist): Fix system identifier for XHTML
>> 1.1 DTD
>> Right DTDs are listed on https://www.w3.org/QA/2002/04/valid-dtd-list.html
Hi Timothy,
I'm late to the party, but *thanks* for these important improvements
on the https://orgmode.org/worg/dev/org-syntax.html page!
A few suggestions:
- Make it a description of the syntax of the latest stable Org. (For
now let's consider 9.6 to be the latest stable as we are working o
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Currently, main and bugfix branches both have (org-version) ; => "9.5.5"
> As a result, the assertion will not catch the important case when users
> mix Org version installed via package.el and Org version installed from
> git.
> Should we use the next planned release v
Bastien writes:
>> Should we use the next planned release version number on main branch as
>> a convention?
> I'd rather use the value set in the ";; Version:" header.
> It is "9.5.5" in the bugfix branch and "9.6-dev" on the main branch.
Makes sense.
> I'm not even sure we should keep `org
I'm considering apply the patch below, renaming CONTRIBUTE to
The main benefit is to enhance the rendering of the README on
I also do some minor reformatting and remove the warning about
Any objection?
diff --git a/CONTRIBUTE b/CO
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> org-git-version is very useful when people report bugs.
> M-x org-submit-bug-report supplies org-git-version output for bug
> subject. Thus, we can easily check which git commit their build
> corresponds to.
Let's keep `org-git-version'. If we manage to release Org more
Hi Bastien,
> I’m considering apply the patch below, renaming CONTRIBUTE to
I’ve actually been thinking “why don’t we add .org?” for a while now, so I’d be
glad to see this changed.
The other changes you’ve made all look sensible to me 👍.
All the best,
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
>> IMHO if someone with UX/UI experience can/wants to interview real Org
>> newcomers, that will help us a lot for deciding about such tiny changes.
> Unfortunately, it can be quite hard to find such people on the ML etc. (funny
> about that 😛).
I'm copying Eduardo
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> So, we may create a badge with an icon representing src code (maybe
> " | source code"?) that will point to
> https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs/org-mode.git/
Tim Cross writes:
> FB is what their parents use and email is what their
> grandparents use!
So true, but quite painful to read on a mailing list ;)
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> Doing something similar for Org development is an interesting idea. Something
> similar probably could be set up with the Org room, or a dedicated Org-dev
> room
> (I’m aware of Bastien’s thoughts on wanting development and help to not be
> separated, but while I l
Bastien writes:
> Tim Cross writes:
>> FB is what their parents use and email is what their
>> grandparents use!
> So true, but quite painful to read on a mailing list ;)
Then how should Timothy feel? :)
Hi Bastien,
> I’m all for places where people can freely discuss anything related to
> Org. There are already many such places: #org-mode and #org-mode-fr
> on IRC, r/org-mode on reddit.com, stackoverflow.com, etc.
Yep, but I do think it’s good to have a few promoted places, ideally based on
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Familiarity is important.
I agree with all what you said.
> Ideally, it would be nice to
> have ML front-end that looks similar to GitHub issues. I recall the
> latest versions of mailman had somewhat familiar look. Sourcehut is also
> trying to implement a web-based f
On 24/09/2022 18:49, Max Nikulin wrote:
On 23/09/2022 21:49, Guillaume MULLER wrote:
- My OS settings are configured so that PDFs are opened in Evince. I
configured this with "xfce4-settings-manager > Default Applications"
(which runs "xfce4-mime-settings" under the hood) and it can be
Bastien writes:
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> org-git-version is very useful when people report bugs.
>> M-x org-submit-bug-report supplies org-git-version output for bug
>> subject. Thus, we can easily check which git commit their build
>> corresponds to.
> Let's keep `org-git-version'. If w
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> I think that it will still be useful. In particular, consider major new
> feature development. We may take a longer delay between releases then.
> The code I quoted explicitly removes the "-dev" part. Would you prefer
> to keep it?
Yes, let's keep it, otherwise (o
Hi Bastien,
Just one quick comment on a certain part of your email.
> I expect potential candidates to be okay with the GNU recommendation of trying
> to avoid GitHub for ethical reasons and to be fine with working by email, the
> old way.
Both these things may not come together, or at the same
Ihor Radchenko writes:
>>> #+ATTR_BACKEND: :export_template "can also work on non-headings"
>>> Paragraph.
>> In this case I would not see it necessary, IMHO. For simple things (of
>> the begin/end style) there are the special blocks. And for more complex
>> pre- and/or post- code we have expor
Bastien writes:
>> The code I quoted explicitly removes the "-dev" part. Would you prefer
>> to keep it?
> Yes, let's keep it, otherwise (org-release) reads like a lie.
Note that 9.6-dev is not a valid package version string.
See `version-to-list'.
One valid option is 9.6-pre
Ihor Radche
On Sunday, 25 Sep 2022 at 18:53, Timothy wrote:
>> It’s good to be able to connect to Matrix via Emacs: I will try this
>> myself soon.
> I haven’t tried this myself yet, but it sounds quite promising! I’d be
> interested to hear how you find it.
(ement.el) Working quite well. Rapid development
I do use org-mode for many things, but for the task management itself
was still depending on Taskwarrior despite its poor support for
recurring events.
However, after settling to more Emacs-powered packages, I'd like to
replace Taskwarrior with org-mode...
One useful feature of Task
Bastien writes:
>> The code I quoted explicitly removes the "-dev" part. Would you prefer
>> to keep it?
> Yes, let's keep it, otherwise (org-release) reads like a lie.
> Why is it necessary to emit org-version.el?
> We could have (defun org-version ...) and (defun org-git-version ...)
> fr
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Also, they are used by Makefile to generate orgcard.tex
> We need to be careful in this area.
> Note that in
> Org mode version 9.6 (release_9.5.5-830-g77f9e1 @ [load-path])
> release_9.5.5 while version is 9.6
> I feel like you missed this detail.
Yes I did :
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> One valid option is 9.6-pre
Let's go for this one. I've add a note about our conventions for the
;; Version header in https://orgmode.org/worg/org-maintenance.html
Bastien writes:
> I'm considering apply the patch below, renaming CONTRIBUTE to
> The main benefit is to enhance the rendering of the README on
> I also do some minor reformatting and remove the warning about
> org-contrib.
> Any obje
On Sun, Sep 25, 2022 at 11:36:46AM +0800, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Jean Louis writes:
> > For IRC, there are ways to record history, and I am sure that
> > such history may be recorded with referencable hyperlinks.
> >
> > Look at this example from Guix IRC channel:
> > https://logs.guix.gnu.org/
Bastien writes:
> Hi Daniel,
> Daniel Kraus writes:
>> Attached is the patch changed the logic to use a temp file with
>> org-babel-eval.
> Applied in main as 764642f5, thanks a lot and sorry for the delay.
> I also added you to https://orgmode.org/worg/contributors.html.
Thanks, Bas
Bastien writes:
> Hi Daniel,
> Daniel Kraus writes:
>> Attached is the patch changed the logic to use a temp file with
>> org-babel-eval.
> Applied in main as 764642f5, thanks a lot and sorry for the delay.
> I also added you to https://orgmode.org/worg/contributors.html.
> Would you
On Sunday, 25 Sep 2022 at 14:16, Saša Janiška wrote:
> Now I wonder if there is some other/better solution that has possibly
> popped up in the meantime?
I use subtree cloning to create most repeating events but, for those
that I simply have a repeating timestamp, I guess I've never had a
reason t
Hi Christopher,
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
> Thanks, Bastien.
(I know you sent a patch and I'll review it, no worry!)
>> Would you consider taking over the maintainance of ob-clojure.el?
> Thanks for invitation, I already maintained many org-mode related
> libraries. Even though clojure
> On Sep 25, 2022, at 5:44 AM, Saša Janiška wrote:
> When looking for some solution I've stumbled upon this (old) post
> https://karl-voit.at/2017/01/15/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift/ which
> utilizes *org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift*.
I also use this method for some of my reoccurri
On 25. 09. 2022. 15:46, Fraga, Eric wrote:
I guess I'm not sure what you would like to do with previous (missed)
Well, I want to mark them as completed, but not in consecutive order
from oldest to newest - that's why I want to be able to
access/modify/complete them in **any** order.
On 25. 09. 2022. 16:25, Mark Barton wrote:
I also use this method for some of my reoccurring events.
It is nice to be able to remove/adjust some of the subtree entries to
accommodate holidays.
When I don't use this method for a reoccurring event then I usually just schedule
Hi All,
(skip to the rule if you’re not interested in a preamble)
In the recent discussion about potentially no longer generating `org-release' in
the Makefile, it was mentioned that `orgcard.tex' may be a bit of a blocker to
This prompted me to take a look at `orgcard.tex' and I was surpr
On Sun, 25 Sep 2022 at 11:36, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Look at this example from Guix IRC channel:
>> https://logs.guix.gnu.org/
> AFAIU, this should be supported by the IRC server. Does irc.libera.chat
> (where #org-mode channel is hosted) support logging?
These logs are done by custom S
Hello smart people!
The Org mode from Git does not export my notebook, while the Org mode
that comes with Emacs 29 does. Is that normal? My 1.6 MB notebook
contains 2078 headings and lots of prose, mathematics, code, citations,
tables, ... virtually everything.
The minimal configuration used fo
Hi Bastien,
> Please go ahead with what seems better to you (especially since it
> matches Ihor’s preferences too), but if Eduardo has some time to help,
> it be great to really stabilize what kind of info is expected on this
> banner.
Done :)
All the best,
On Sunday, 25 Sep 2022 at 18:40, Rudolf Adamkovič wrote:
> When I attach the profiler before exporting and then abort with C-g, the
> profiler reports that Org spends almost all of the time in
> 'org-export--generate-copy-script'.
Try M-x toggle-debug-on-quit RET and then export, hitting C-g when
Hi all,
I'm having issues in my org files whenever I insert a new source block
(perl if that matters) with "#+begin_src perl" Emacs becomes really
I can move, paste, edit within the source block (in the same org
buffer, not an external window) but at a very slow rate.
In the messages I've onl
‘org-fill-paragraph’ does not correctly handle ^L characters
(a.k.a. form feed, C-q C-l). It should treat them as paragraph
separating whitespace, but instead treats them as any other
character which would appear in normal text. Here is an example
to demonstrate the current behaviour:
abc d
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good
report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
Hi, Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> This prompted me to take a look at `orgcard.tex' and I was surprised to
> discover
> that it’s TeX TeX, not even LaTeX, and it has hard-coded keybindings.
Wow, it's in plainTeX... I've tried cleaning that document and removing
most of the code, as it's unnecessary
Saša Janiška writes:
> One useful feature of Taskwarrior is that if I have e.g recurring
> weekly task "upload meeting's recording" and, due to various reasons,
> I'm simply behind my schedule, I can access **any** of the missed
> events and not just the oldest one as it seems to be with org-mo
On Wed, 17 Aug 2022 at 15:14, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> >> Yikes! Then, can also check for window-minibuffer-p, but I feel that it
> >> will be a fight against all kinds of edge cases.
> >
> > I haven't been able to make much progress on this bug in the last two
> > weeks. Will try to send a patch i
Mark Barton writes:
>> On Sep 25, 2022, at 5:44 AM, Saša Janiška wrote:
>> When looking for some solution I've stumbled upon this (old) post
>> https://karl-voit.at/2017/01/15/org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift/ which
>> utilizes
>> *org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift*.
> I also use
I also want to chip in with a thank-you for the org syntax specification page.
As someone who's working on a custom org exporter, this is a very useful
resource for finding out how elements are structured within org-mode.
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Going back to the earlier :ATTR_BACKEND: issue as a property for
> headings, I've been doing some testing and scribbled down a possible
> function[1] whose code is almost entirely stolen from
> org-export-read-attribute, with some modifications. Evaluated at the
> hea
Bastien writes:
>> Ideally, it would be nice to
>> have ML front-end that looks similar to GitHub issues. I recall the
>> latest versions of mailman had somewhat familiar look. Sourcehut is also
>> trying to implement a web-based front-end (though is it not familiar at
>> all, unfortunately).
Timothy Washington writes:
> This seems to happen when I'm using Org Roam in my Doom Emacs config. I'm
> intermittently getting these errors popping.
> This is actually an accumulation of a single first one.
> Warning (org-element-cache): org-element--cache: Unregistered buffer
> modification
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> When I attach the profiler before exporting and then abort with C-g, the
> profiler reports that Org spends almost all of the time in
> 'org-export--generate-copy-script'.
Profiler reports after C-g are not reliable.
> Any ideas?
In addition to debug-on-quit, you can
Luca Ferrari writes:
> Hi all,
> I'm having issues in my org files whenever I insert a new source block
> (perl if that matters) with "#+begin_src perl" Emacs becomes really
> slow.
> I can move, paste, edit within the source block (in the same org
> buffer, not an external window) but at a very
Russell Adams writes:
>> AFAIU, this should be supported by the IRC server. Does irc.libera.chat
>> (where #org-mode channel is hosted) support logging?
> There is no log today.
> Also our parent channel #emacs prohibits logging.
> https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsChannelLogging
Does #
"Christopher M. Miles" writes:
> I agree this change too. This is more clear.
Applied on main as 52be6f0f4, thanks.
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> In the recent discussion about potentially no longer generating `org-release'
> in
> the Makefile, it was mentioned that `orgcard.tex' may be a bit of a blocker to
> that.
If we are to make changes against orgcard.tex we should be careful to
stick to GNU conventio
Hi Bastien,
> If we are to make changes against orgcard.tex we should be careful to
> stick to GNU conventions regarding creating refcards.
Might you have a link to those conventions on hand?
> Also, maybe some improvements can be shared upstream against the Emacs
> refcard?
Possibly, while key
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> Yep, but I do think it’s good to have a few promoted places, ideally based on
> FOSS services. Not to start another tangent, but this is one of the reasons
> why
> I think discourse could be a good idea — as a FOSS replacement for reddit,
> stackoverflow, etc.
Hi Timothy,
Timothy writes:
> Both these things may not come together, or at the same time. For instance,
> I’m
> currently talking to someone on the Doom discord who has a few potential
> improvement to Org in the works, and the main barrier to us hearing about them
> is their nervousness at s
Timothy writes:
> Done :)
Hi Ihor,
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Maybe we can nicely ask moderators/active users of reddit/SO to redirect
> people to Org ML when appropriate? Similar to our current effort with
> contributor stewards.
That's a very good idea!
If these contributor stewards agree, we can even advertise their r
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Does #org-mode share such a strong stand?
I don't know. People in charge of the #org-mode channel should decide.
I'm fine with Org referring to #org-mode in both cases.
> If so, it may be problematic even to quote the discussions there in Org
> commit messages.
Bastien writes:
> But then at some point we will have two problems: we will need to
> spend energy encouraging these Discourse users send their patches to
> the mailing list and people on this ML who are mostly here to help
> others will have to split their time and attention between the ML and
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