Re: per-file (or, really, per buffer) allowing/disallowing code block execution

2022-09-11 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Fedja Beader writes: >> As Tomas pointed out, Emacs has a concept of safe and non-safe >> file-local variables. org-confirm-babel-evaluate in particular is only >> safe when it is set to t (query execution). If your downloaded file >> attempts to set org-confirm-babel-evaluate to nil, Emacs will

Re: Fwd: errors when using org-agenda

2022-09-11 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Max Nikulin writes: >> Yes, but unfortunately it does not handle early Org loading correctly. >> >> Try the following init.el: >> >> (require 'org) >> (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "/path/to/newest/org-mode/lisp")) >> >> Then run emacs -Q -l /path/to/init.el >> >> M-x org-version

Re: [PATCH] ol.el: Restore complete by description for insert link

2022-09-11 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Max Nikulin writes: > I believe that descriptions as completion options were removed because > ido signals an error when nil is passed inside completion list. I > consider it as a bug in ido (at least in Emacs-27), but even when > `completing-read-default' is used, it causes appearance of unde

Re: [PATCH] ol.el: Restore complete by description for insert link

2022-09-11 Thread Ihor Radchenko
Tim Cross writes: > You don't appear to be getting a lot of feedback on this. However, I > think it is important work your doing. I suspect the lack of feedback is > partially due to Emacs' completion infrastructure being somewhat > confusing, combined with references to ido, which I suspect is o

Re: [SOLVED] Re: [QUESTION] How to specific image size attributes under headline scope?

2022-09-11 Thread Ihor Radchenko
"Christopher M. Miles" writes: >> When I put it on beginning of org document, then preview inline images, but >> those global attributes >> not affected. The inline images still display in actual image size. I want >> to specify image size >> under headline properties. Is it possible to do this

Re: [PATCH v2] Re: Adding target and custom id links doesn't ask for description

2022-09-11 Thread Max Nikulin
On 14/08/2022 16:53, Max Nikulin wrote: On 13/08/2022 12:01, Ihor Radchenko wrote: See the updated version of the patch attached. It works on my side. --- a/lisp/ol.el +++ b/lisp/ol.el @@ -1577,10 +1577,8 @@ (defun org-store-link (arg &optional interactive?)    t (setq link (pl

Re: Why do org-agenda-switch-to and org-agenda-goto put the point in different spots in the target buffer?

2022-09-11 Thread Max Nikulin
On 10/09/2022 03:00, Rohit Patnaik wrote: sometimes the match would appear at the very top of the screen and I'd have to scroll up manually to see the heading. From my point of view, "have to scroll up manually" sounds too dramatic for the C-l (`recenter-top-bottom') keystroke. On the other h

Re: Images in org-mode

2022-09-11 Thread Max Nikulin
On 11/09/2022 02:03, Colin Baxter wrote: I seem to remember that the option #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100 could scale the display of an image in an org-mode file. This no longer works - perhaps it never did. How should I scale an image display in an org-mode file (not exported)? You have not specif

Re: [BUG] org-table-blank-field keybinding [9.5.4 (N/A @ /gnu/store/sry9khwisaq1jnrjbfnhx6ki8qy2z0db-emacs-org-9.5.4/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-9.5.4/)]

2022-09-11 Thread André A . Gomes
Ihor Radchenko writes: > André A. Gomes writes: > Also, it might be worth mentioning in the manual that this command works when a region is selected. >>> >>> Indeed M-x does work when region is selected. Just >>> as documented. >> >> I meant in the manual, not in the docstring. But p

Re: Images in org-mode

2022-09-11 Thread Colin Baxter
> Mark Barton writes: >> On Sep 10, 2022, at 12:03 PM, Colin Baxter wrote: >> >> >> I seem to remember that the option >> >> #+ATTR_ORG: :width 100 >> >> could scale the display of an image in an org-mode file. This no >> longer works - perhaps it neve

[PATCH] Re: [SOLVED] Re: [QUESTION] How to specific image size attributes under headline scope?

2022-09-11 Thread Christopher M. Miles
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Christopher M. Miles" writes: > >>> When I put it on beginning of org document, then preview inline images, but >>> those global attributes >>> not affected. The inline images still display in actual image size. I want >>> to specify image size >>> under headline pro

[PATCH] New: auto display inline images under subtree when `org-cycle'.

2022-09-11 Thread Christopher M. Miles
Ihor Radchenko writes: > "Christopher M. Miles" writes: > >>> When I put it on beginning of org document, then preview inline images, but >>> those global attributes >>> not affected. The inline images still display in actual image size. I want >>> to specify image size >>> under headline pro