[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> That’s when banks take up Taler. Before they do, any intermediary can
> take th
Hello Naresh,
Many thanks for sharing.
If I'm looking for efficiency, I tend not to use noweb and use an R
session instead.
One reason is that caching does not work with noweb
#+name: test
#+begin_src R :cache yes :session *R*
a <- 1
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> Marking this as resolved on updates.orgmode.org, 2nd try.
> |Fixed.|
AFAIK, the proper syntax is putting "Fixed" at the beginning of a line
somewhere in the email text:
Note that the instructions in Woof!'s github and sr.ht repos are too
new. https://update
Colin Baxter writes on Tue 5 Jul 2022 20:24:
> > Colin Baxter writes:
> > Ihor Radchenko writes:
> >> Colin Baxter writes:
> >>> I'm sending this to emacs.orgmode and emacs.devel lists.
> >>>
> >>> With the latest emacs:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Debu
Colin Baxter writes:
> Ok, that patch seems to solve the issue. I have applied the patch and I
> now get now error message when I close down emacs-29.0.50.
Thanks for testing!
Fixed on main via e4438fe3c.
I applied a different patch that solves the problem properly.
I have managed to reproduce t
No Wayman writes:
> Sorry, that symbol should not be quoted in the patch.
> Amended attached.
I applied a different fix. See
Mark Dawson writes:
> * ob-core.el (org-babel-remove-temporary-stable-directory): This
> function was failing when `org-babel-temporary-stable-directory' was
> nil. This variable is nil when initialised. The function
> now checks that the variable is non-nil before attempting to call
> `file-ex
Tor Kringeland writes:
>> Descriptions will be correctly formatted.
>> [[https://orgmode.org][/italic/]] should work just fine.
> This does not work for me. "italic" isn't italicized. But for example
Hmm. You are right.
This problem indeed exists on main.
However, it will be fixed after t
"Thomas S. Dye" writes:
> Nevertheless, it is good to know that I'm free to give up freedoms
> to contribute to Org mode development. @Ihor, will Paypal work
> for you?
Yep. Currently, Paypal is the only option (apart from direct bank
transfers) that works for me.
See https://liberapay.com/o
stasvla...@disroot.org writes:
> `org-agenda' function passes `current-prefix-arg' to its commands (e.g.,
> `org-agenda-tags') instead of `arg'
> This might create unexpected behaviour if one uses `org-agenda' function
> inside another interactive function that accepts on universal prefix. For
Jonathan Reeve writes:
> I will often use org-agenda-todo-yesterday to log habits that I did
> yesterday. It works fine for changing the todo state and logging it as
> yesterday’s, but the :LAST_REPEAT: property it has, since it’s a habit, is
> set to today, rather than yesterday.
> This mea
Valentin Lab writes:
> I'm using org-mode for a long time, and I never understood quite well
> how headline data were supposed to be indented, however I was happy with
> what emerged to me as the default of 2 spaces (with my emacs and
> org-mode version at the time). I recently updated my old
"Bruce D'Arcus" writes:
> On Mon, Jul 4, 2022 at 7:54 AM Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Since the fontification part appears to be unrelated to this particular
>> patch, I'd like to ask people who use CSL to test the patch.
> I just tested it, and it works as expected.
Applied onto main v
one immediate issue that has arisen is the binding of C-c C-m (i.e. C-c
RET) to hui-select-thing. This clobbers the whole gnus-dired-mode-map
in dired mode (for those of us that use gnus...).
Just noting this but should probably take this off-list as it has
nothing to do with org.
Henrik Frisk writes:
> Ihor Radchenko recently mentioned org-capture-ref and I decided to try to
> use it, but I'm having trouble getting it to work. I have org-protocl
> working for me so I'm suspecting that it is the syntax of the bookmarklet
> I'm using that is at fault. I merely changed the c
em...@vergauwen.me writes:
> Different export types, or different user included packages, generate
> different
> metafiles. This makes an automated cleanup process afterwards a bit more
> complicated I think, if not impossible.
> The temporary file makes it hard to add files to the working di
Guillaume MULLER writes:
> I thought I already reported this bug, but I cannot find it anymore in the
> mailing list archives
> (https://lists.gnu.org/archive/cgi-bin/namazu.cgi?query=org-meta-return&submit=Search%21&idxname=emacs-orgmode&max=20&result=normal&sort=date%3Alate)
> nor in the acc
Ivar Fredholm writes:
> Hi Ihor, I have a prototype of what I mentioned earlier, at least for python.
> This supports asynchronous, synchronous, session, and session-less blocks.
> It's pretty messy but it helps to illustrate what I had in mind. Let me know
> what you think.
I am not sure how
I am not sure if this has been reported before, of if the behaviour is
intended. But to reproduce this "bug":
- Open an org file from the agenda.
- Restrict to some headline
- Execute the following command:
(org-agenda-prepare-buffers (org-agenda-files t)))
- The restriction
Thanks for providing a detailed solution.
I also learned from other responses.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jul 7, 2022, at 4:42 AM, Jeremie Juste wrote:
> Hello Naresh,
> Many thanks for sharing.
> If I'm looking for efficiency, I tend not to use noweb and use an R
> session instead.
Hi Robert,
Robert Weiner writes:
> Oantolin no doubt can speak to Embark much better but my present
> understanding is that it is a toolkit package for generating contextual
> popup or completion menus with a few standard context menus included.
> Hyperbole is a much broader personal informati
> Alain Cochard writes:
> Colin Baxter writes on Tue 5 Jul 2022 20:24:
>> > Colin Baxter writes:
>> > Ihor Radchenko writes: >> Colin Baxter
>> writes: >>> I'm sending this to emacs.orgmode
>> and emacs.devel lists.
>> >>>
>> >>> With the latest
Max Brieiev writes:
> Embark defines the following targets: file, symbol, URL, s-expression,
> defun, etc. It seems it is conceptually the same as implicit buttons in
> Hyperbole. Is this correct?
AFAIK, the strength of Hyperbole is that you can easily define custom
Colin Baxter writes on Thu 7 Jul 2022 13:22:
> > So it is not the latest emacs
> > GNU Emacs 27.2 (build 1, x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
> > 3.24.30, cairo version 1.17.4) of 2021-08-07
> > but it seems related. I have no problem with
> > Org mode
"[I suspect that the exported documents can similarly be improved to
reduce the amount of effort required from visually impaired users to read
such documents. The question is what improvements can be made on
Org side.]
Very glad to hear from TV Raman, the creator of EmacSpeak,
I'm no
On org side:
1. During authoring, ensure that authors have the ability to label
images, drawings and math content.
2. When exporting, make sure that that information gets through to
the exported format.
3. For math especially, make sure the TeX/LaTeX is preserved one
P.S. Emacspeak is not camel-cased -- please say Emacspeak -- and not
with the 's' capitalized.
--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♉ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1 🦮
--Raman(I Search, I Find, I Misplace, I Research)
♉ Id: kg:/m/0285kf1 🦮
Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
what in fact did happen. You don't know how to make a good report? See
Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
briangpowell writes:
P.S. Please dont quote me out of context. I did not say pdftex and
pdflatex were not useful, I still rely on them heavily.
> "[I suspect that the exported documents can similarly be improved to
> reduce the amount of effort required from visually impaired users to
> read
> s
Hi again,
Thanks for your answer and sorry for the duplicate.
I would be glad to help find if/where is the bug.
> Note that '(default . t) is _not_ the correct value. It should be
'((default . t)). Just in case.
Yes indeed. I had it right in my config. I made the mistake when I copied into
Ihor Radchenko writes:
"Thomas S. Dye" writes:
Nevertheless, it is good to know that I'm free to give up
to contribute to Org mode development. @Ihor, will Paypal work
for you?
Yep. Currently, Paypal is the only option (apart from direct
transfers) that works for me.
On 03/07/2022 22:12, Arthur Miller wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
My impression is that Emacs process per task scenario is not supported.
I am not sure if we think of same thing, but "process per task" means simply how
people use Emacs. Some people open each file in a new Emacs process, some peop
Dear org-mode developers, Ihor, I got these warnings
immediately after I purged ~/.cache/org-persist, started
emacs/org-mode and tried to find some node via org-rifle.
Actually I did the purge and restart, because I got very
similar warnings before.
I don't know if this is useful, please tell me
Dear all,
I am having trouble setting org-stuck-projects in a way that works for me.
My org-files are organised something like this...
* Non-project header
- blah, blah
** Foo
* TODO Project 1
** TODO Do this
CLOSED: [2022-07-06 Wed 17:10] SCHEDULED: <2022-07-06 Wed>
** TODO Do these
Best wishes,
Since the last version of this patch, I have:
- moved the code which sets `type' in `org-insert-link' to a position
where it covers more cases
- rewritten the macros used in the tests, so that always (and
correctly) restore the original state after running, even after
errors. Thanks to Max Ni
Firstly, do tell me if I am breaking the nettiquete.
I found someone asking online how to ignore a headline when exporting
to LaTeX. This e-mail is to avoid creating an account on that forum
and to provide a solution.
(require 'ox-extra)
(defun org-export-ignore-headlines-latex (data bac
legac...@icloud.com writes:
> Your bug report will be posted to the Org mailing list.
Could you please provide some more details on what happened?
> Package: Org mode version 9.6 (9.6-??-e7ea951 @
> /Users/anthonyle/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-28.0.91/org/)
Now, from your Org version, I can
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> "Note: To be PCI compliant, you must load Stripe.js directly from
> https://js.
Al Haji-Ali writes:
> I am not sure if this has been reported before, of if the behaviour is
> intended. But to reproduce this "bug":
> - Open an org file from the agenda.
> - Restrict to some headline
> - Execute the following command:
> (with-temp-buffer
> (org-agenda-prepare-buffers (org-
Gregor Zattler writes:
> Dear org-mode developers, Ihor, I got these warnings
> immediately after I purged ~/.cache/org-persist, started
> emacs/org-mode and tried to find some node via org-rifle.
> Backtrace:
> org-element-cache diagnostics( *helm-org-rifle-fontify*): nil is about to
> modify
briangpowell writes:
> Suggest OrgMode outputs focus on creating "Lowest Common Denominator"
> documents as output:
> TeXinfo docs should be used as the LCD doctype--suggest you focus on
> creating 1 document in Texinfo that you use to create all other sorts of
> documents, when possible:
> Pip
"T.V Raman" writes:
> On org side:
Thanks for the feedback!
> 1. During authoring, ensure that authors have the ability to label
>images, drawings and math content.
>2. When exporting, make sure that that information gets through to
> the exported format.
Could you please elabora
Richard Stallman writes:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> > "Note: To be PCI compliant, you must load S
Guillaume MULLER writes:
>> I tried to set org-M-RET-may-split-line to nil first followed by setting
>> it to either t or '((default . t)). For both values, I am seeing
>> * heading number
>> * <>one
>> which is expected behavior.
> Are you using DoomEmacs or Vanilla Emacs?
I am using
On Thu, Jul 07, 2022 at 11:33:39PM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> > "Note
Bob Heffernan writes:
> I want the following:
> 1. A project is a level 1 header marked as TODO
> 2. A project is not stuck if it has any sub-header that is scheduled but
> not closed.
> So, in the example above Project 1 counts as stuck, but Project 2 does not.
> What I've got so far is
ed...@openmail.cc writes:
> Firstly, do tell me if I am breaking the nettiquete.
This is on topic and can be useful for others without knowing the
context of the mentioned discussion. So, there should be no issue with
posting this here, especially if you provide sufficient context.
> I found som
Richard Stallman writes:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> > "Note: To be PCI compliant, you must load St
Tyler Grinn writes:
> In general, I like to order my headings from newest to oldest top to
> bottom. I'm looking for a function which will prepend a heading at the
> current level in the current subtree. Some examples:
> * Subtree * Subtree
> ** Item 2
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