Dear All,
the attached patch adds support for nocite citations in the csl
org-cite export processor, including support for using the special key
"*" to include all entries in the bibliography.
best wishes,
From 3e6514d2e2f4fa68462a02578880b126e3116739 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-
Aimé Bertrand writes:
> New patch file attached.
Applied onto master via aeb504f6.
> + It's also available in [[][MELPA]].
Is there any reason why you did not publish on non-GNU ELPA?
Stefan Kangas writes:
> Please see the attached.
Applied onto main via 41e19f1d7.
I indvertently issued 'rm -rf *' in my home directory an lost some files
a couple of days ago. I was able to restore most from backup, but
something is missing (or not working) in my org setup.
I have an org-git directory in .emacs.d that reports as 'org-version:
9.5.4 (release_9.5.4-602-
Roger Mason writes:
> File is missing: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, org
> This is the backtrace from emacs --debug-init:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such
> file or directory" "org")
> require(org)
> byte-code("\300\301
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> This capture template is public:
Thank you! It is very complete, and I have seen that it also integrates
with qutebrowser. I'll try it as soon as I have time.
Best regards,
Juan Manuel
Hello Gerado,
Thanks for your email. I'm glad you reached out to the community.
>>> Gerardo Moro writes:
>>> > I have been trying for over a year to change the output plot >
>>> size when
>>> > using Orgmode SRC blocks with R. I have tried both using >
>>> orgmode settings
>>> > and R se
Thank you very much Ihor!
I pulled from latest org immediately when you said and I can confirm I
didn't see the warning anymore.
Thank you for the quick fix, you're awesome!
On 6/29/22 03:10, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Cristi Constantin writes:
Than you for the response! I tried the fix you su
Hello Ihor,
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Roger Mason writes:
>> File is missing: Cannot open load file, No such file or directory, org
> So, your elpa.el config file is loading helm-org-rifle, which loads org
> before you set load-path to the new version of Org. You need to put
> load-path sett
Mekeor Melire writes:
> But it results in empty (nil, I guess) time-stamps being displayed as
> the current time; and non-nil time-stamps being displayed with the
> current hour and minute. What's wrong?
Empty time-stamps will be literally empty: "" (that is: empty string).
(if "" 1 2) will retu
On 01/07/2022 19:06, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
You could instead use (if (and value (not (string-empty-p value))) ...)
`org-string-nw-p' is not identical to this expression, but it likely
still can be used.
Is there any reason why you did not publish on non-GNU ELPA?
Would rather publish there as well. However I am more familiar
with MELPA for now.
I fully intend to move to non-GNU asap though.
Aimé Bertrand
On 01/07/2022 06:30, Arthur Miller wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
(load (expand-file-name "org-multimenu"))
`((("1" "one" 1)
("2" "two" 2)))
:state (format-time-string "%T")
:text "Some heading"
:buffer-name "*Test menu*"
:handler (lambda (entry state
On 6/30/2022 23:53, Tim Cross wrote:
Richard Stallman writes:
I agree that links to liberapay might someday work without the donor's
running nonfree software. But that is not likely to occur this year,
and for it to occur in this decade is a long shot.
So please don't put links to liberapay
My two cents on this:
* Why not just have a single fallback person that takes the hit of having to
use a JS based payment method in the meantime?
* Or why not just keep the address and encourage mailing donations themselves
to a single location (probably FSF office, no?)
I might not know anythi
Hello everyone!
The Org Babel R documentation at
says that
> the background color defaults to "transparent"
but it defaults to white.
Just when I add ':bg transparent' to
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results graphics file :file test.svg
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> Clarification: Links to Liberapay do work without running non-free
> software (
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
> Bank uses free software on their system?
I suppose that would depend on the bank
Matt Huszagh writes:
> + ;; We deliberately do not insert a newline here since there are
> + ;; valid cases in which a user does not want a blank line between a
> + ;; results block and the subsequent text.
>(beginning-of-line 0)
>(when hash (org-babel-hide-hash)))
Thanks for the patc
Richard Stallman writes:
> > Clarification: Links to Liberapay do work without running non-free
> > software (you can try opening the link yourself). It is only the payment
> > process that does not work.
> I am using metonymy, saying "the link works" to mean "the link's
> functionality w
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> * doc/ (Exporting Code Blocks): Clarify that results are
> exported by default for inline source blocks.
Applied onto main via 2d5274108.
Stefan Kangas writes:
> Thanks, please find attached an updated patch.
Applied onto main via 0ed0dea22.
Robert Pluim writes:
>> On Thu, 30 Jun 2022 21:19:36 +0800, Ihor Radchenko
>> said:
> Ihor> Robert Pluim writes:
> >> >> Occasional committers would probably not read,
> and
> >> >> those are the people this section is aimed at, I think. Plus itʼs
i am confused by the custom sorting function for plain
lists. are there examples? [note: still on maint.]
i want to ignore [-] for sorting by checked. it can be equal to [ ].
i don't need it to be custom but that seems available.
a rationale and possible interesting solutions are below, but i'
András Simonyi writes:
> the attached patch adds support for nocite citations in the csl
> org-cite export processor, including support for using the special key
> "*" to include all entries in the bibliography.
By "*", do you mean something like [cite/n:@*]?
If so, will it be correctly
is there a mailing list for embark?
On 6/24/22, Robert Weiner wrote:
> Hi João:
> Oantolin no doubt can speak to Embark much better but my present
> understanding is that it is a toolkit package for generating contextual
> popup or completion menus with a few standard context menus included.
Rudolf Adamkovič writes:
> The Org Babel R documentation at
> says that
>> the background color defaults to "transparent"
> but it defaults to white.
WORG page is not accurate here. The truth is that ob-R.el
Samuel Wales writes:
> is there a mailing list for embark?
AFAIK, embark is developed on GitHub:
thanks! i was aware that it was developed on github, but i do not
know anything about github, and didn't kow if there was a maliing list
in addition. or are projects given their own mailing lists when they
are formed on github? or is there an email bidir interface to github?
or is pretty much a
Samuel Wales writes:
> thanks! i was aware that it was developed on github, but i do not
> know anything about github, and didn't kow if there was a maliing list
> in addition. or are projects given their own mailing lists when they
> are formed on github? or is there an email bidir interface
Colin Baxter 😺 writes:
> I find the differences between the variables
> (1) org-clocktable-defaults
> (2) org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist
> hard to understand.
> Ok, (1) seems reasonably clear. It's described in `info' (there's no
> doc-string). The variable (2) confuses me. Accordin
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