On Thursday, 9 Jun 2022 at 20:37, Uwe Brauer wrote:
> Now, how can I achieve something like this for the odt export?
I have used something like the following in the past:
(format "%s" contents)
: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.4-521-g1105da in Emacs 29.0.50
Since all formatting is defind as styles and styles are defined in
separate (parts of the) files that make up an ODT file, this requires
you to work with ODT styles. There may be a hack around it, I don't
See the manual for how to use a style sheet with #+ODT_STYLES_FILE. (For
a once-
I forgot to escape the quotation marks, of course.
> "@@odt:@@\\1@@odt:@@"
I believe I have addressed your feedback, Ihor.
Attached is the latest version of the patch.
- Merged latest master
- :post is now handled correctly (verified with example of :post usage
in the example at https://orgmode.org/manual/Results-of-Evaluation.html)
- Added "(with quotes)" to
> On Tue, 31 May 2022 15:36:01 +0100, Angel de Vicente
> said:
Angel> ,
Angel> | *** Badminton 20:45-22:15
Angel> | <%%(and (diary-cyclic 7 2022 05 30) (diary-block 2022 05 30
2022 06 30))>
Angel> `
Angel> (the s-exp entry above assumes 'calendar-date-sty
Robert Pluim writes:
>> On Tue, 31 May 2022 15:36:01 +0100, Angel de Vicente
>> said:
> Angel> ,
> Angel> | *** Badminton 20:45-22:15
> Angel> | <%%(and (diary-cyclic 7 2022 05 30) (diary-block 2022 05 30
> 2022 06 30))>
> Angel> `
> Angel> (th
Samuel Wales writes:
Hi Samuel,
> with the org capture firefox extension broken, i recalled this old
> thread, thinking it might be a fix, and i think i understand the
> issue. so i thought i would summarize here in this one post.
This new addon:
I think I've gotten org-crypt working, but I think some things are not
making sense (it might be just me):
1. I've set org-crypt-key to nil (symmetric encryption).
2. Can I use a different encryption key for each encrypted paragraph?
3. Does org-encrypt only ask for the key the first time?
4. Does
I joined this list about a month ago to ask how I could get the manual in ePub
format but I also started searching. Long story short, I joined the TexInfo
Help mailing list and submitted a question[1] (which also references two other
threads if you are interested).
The net net net is you may p
On 09/06/2022 04:13, Samuel Wales wrote:
i really like and rely on the org-capture extension for firefox.
however, upon an upgrade and a reboot in a security-supported debian,
text no longer appears in org.
Samuel, do not panic. I just have tried that my LinkRemark extension is
still a
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 12:27:23 +0100, Angel de Vicente
> said:
>> If you use `org-cyclic' and `org-block' you donʼt need to worry about
>> that anymore.
Angel> I tried (briefly :-)) to look for some place where org-cyclic and
Angel> org-block are documented, but failed.
Robert Pluim writes:
> I can send a patch against the org-mode repository main branch, or fix
> it directly in the emacs repo. What's the preferred workflow for this
> kind of change?
Just submit a patch here. Against the Org mode repository.
Org mode development happens in Org mode repository a
Max Nikulin writes:
> I am playing with a thunderbird add-on that may add an icon to folder
> view if Org Mode files contains a link to this message. It is not
> polished yet, but I suppose, you may try it
> https://github.com/maxnikulin/orco/
Looks interesting.
I do not use Thunderbird and
Daniel Fleischer writes:
Hi Miquel, thanks for the patch! It's useful and works nicely - both in
creating and removing the previews. Let's give it a couple more days for
feedback and then feel free to merge the patch.
Thanks for your comment and testing this.
Note that I do not have merge
This morning C-S left no longer shifts the date in the LOGBOOK drawer.
I set the cursor on the second date which was 2022-06-10 initially and
pressed C-S left
... expecting it to be shifted to the 2022-06-09 as shown below.
CLOCK: [2022-06-09 Thu 11:53]--[2022-06-09 Thu 19:20] => 7:27
I think it was actually S left which I was using. (My fingers knew the
command but did not tell my brain.)
... Anyway, that date-shifting no longer is working.
On 6/10/22 09:07, Daniel Ortmann wrote:
This morning C-S left no longer shifts the date in the LOGBOOK drawer.
I set the cursor on the
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 20:59:22 +0800, Ihor Radchenko
> said:
Ihor> Robert Pluim writes:
>> I can send a patch against the org-mode repository main branch, or fix
>> it directly in the emacs repo. What's the preferred workflow for this
>> kind of change?
Ihor> Just s
Daniel Ortmann writes:
> This morning C-S left no longer shifts the date in the LOGBOOK drawer.
> I set the cursor on the second date which was 2022-06-10 initially and
> pressed C-S left
> ... expecting it to be shifted to the 2022-06-09 as shown below.
> CLOCK: [2022-06-09 Thu 11:53]--[
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 20:59:22 +0800, Ihor Radchenko
> said:
Ihor> Just submit a patch here. Against the Org mode repository.
Ihor> Org mode development happens in Org mode repository and in this
Ihor> list, not in Emacs repo.
Ihor> See https://orgmode.org/worg/
Sébastien Miquel writes:
> Thanks for your comment and testing this.
> Note that I do not have merge access to the repository.
OK, I merged it now. Thanks for the contribution!
Daniel Fleischer
On 10/06/2022 20:11, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
I am playing with a thunderbird add-on that may add an icon to folder
view if Org Mode files contains a link to this message. It is not
polished yet, but I suppose, you may try it
Looks interes
Works fine with 'emacs -Q'. I will debug further.
Thank you!
On 6/10/22 09:32, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Daniel Ortmann writes:
This morning C-S left no longer shifts the date in the LOGBOOK drawer.
I set the cursor on the second date which was 2022-06-10 initially and
pressed C-S left
... expe
Robert Pluim writes:
> Ok. I will, or rather I would, but Iʼm obviously doing something wrong
> when building org:
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp "Packages that
> conflict with Org mode")
> org-element-secondary-p(#("Conflicts" 0 9 (:parent (headline (:raw-val
Robert Pluim writes:
> Ihor> See https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html
> Those conventions are slightly different than Emacs', with one point
> of ambiguity. They say
> ...
> The summary line contains the 'lisp' directory, but the ChangeLog entry
> doesnʼt, and in the example just
You dropped Org ML from the CC. Was it intentional?
Max Nikulin writes:
> On 10/06/2022 20:11, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> I imagine browser URLs could also indicate if they have associated Org
>> notes. Or pdfs.
> It seems, most of PDF viewers do not allow decorations added by users.
> Even bui
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 23:03:38 +0800, Ihor Radchenko
> said:
Ihor> Robert Pluim writes:
>> Ok. I will, or rather I would, but Iʼm obviously doing something wrong
>> when building org:
>> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument listp "Packages that
> On Fri, 10 Jun 2022 23:11:09 +0800, Ihor Radchenko
> said:
Ihor> Robert Pluim writes:
Ihor> See https://orgmode.org/worg/org-contribute.html
>> Those conventions are slightly different than Emacs', with one point
>> of ambiguity. They say
>> ...
On 07/06/2022 00:47, Bhavin Gandhi wrote:
On Mon, 6 Jun 2022 at 19:09, Max Nikulin wrote:
P.P.S. I had a hope that recent Fedora-36 release has Emacs-28 packaged,
so it would be possible to test live image in qemu to quickly check
behavior in full-fledged desktop environment, but version 27 is
On 07/06/2022 10:09, Samuel Wales wrote:
i must be confused. menus aside, you can currently capture and it
uses the org forest itself, so it is both crash-proof and snappy. and
you can yakshave as much as you want, starting a capture while doing a
capture. those were design goals.
you can eve
On Thu, 9 Jun 2022 at 02:45, Samuel Wales wrote:
> i really like and rely on the org-capture extension for firefox. it
> has worked for years. i was never able to get manual installation of
> org-protocol and bookmarklets to work, so this extension has been
> extremely useful.[*]
> however,
When using TRAMP, ob-shell's :cmdline and :stdin header options are
broken on org-babel.
I've noticed that when those options are present, it takes other route
on ob-shell.el, but I lack the proper background to fix or debug it
Probably cmdline is more complicated to get working right, b
With this new value, comments are passed to the source file as plain
text, without the org metadata (keywords, property drawers, etc.).
As usual, feedback and suggestions for this patch are greatly appreciated.
Best regards and happy weekend,
Juan Manuel
>From 414e0b3a18abca34bc47f07e55deb
Daniel Ortmann writes:
> Ok! I am on the track of it. After stripping out all of my org-mode
> customization settings the S-left and S-right once again work.
You may find https://github.com/Malabarba/elisp-bug-hunter useful.
Also, see
Hi All,
I use org-attach to copy and attach images in my org-mode notes. I would
like to assign org-attach-id-dir using directory local variable. Please
find the statements I use in directory local file to define my org-roam
directory and org-attach-id-dir below for reference.
Directory loc
thank you for repllies. more below.
i will reply to rest of message when can, but wanted to give the
answers. [n.b. i still have drafts on other things because it takes
me long time to do things but they are there.]
On 6/10/22, Max Nikulin wrote:
> - Have you tried to check that org-protocol s
i did f12, selected text with mouse, clicked on unicorn icon, and this appeared:
> Prevented navigation to
> “org-protocol://capture?template=p&url=https%3A%2F%2Fplanet.emacslife.com%2F&title=Planet%20Emacslife&body=This%20month”
> due to an unknown protocol.
On 6/10/22, Samuel Wales wrote:
On 11/06/2022 08:43, Samuel Wales wrote:
On 6/10/22, Max Nikulin wrote:
- Have you tried to check that org-protocol still works on your system?
xdg-open 'org-protocol:/org-capture?url=something'
i ran this from emacs shell mode bash cli as user. it brought firefox
to fg, opened a new
Matt Huszagh writes:
>> It would help if closure part and multi-variable part were split into
>> separate paragraphs.
> The closure part and muliple header argument part are already in
> separate paragraphs. The multiple header argument part, however, is
> incorporated into an introductory para
It's been a very long time since I generated a css stylesheet, so I can't
easily bisect this issue.
org-html-htmlize-generate-css used to generate a stylesheet that included
styles for faces that only existed as part of export, such as
.org-comment {
/* font-lock-comment-face */
color: #7F
Samuel Wales writes:
> 2.
> in this thread i thought it would also be great to select text with
> mouse /in any running application in x/, then have selection be saved
> to an org entry. this might be possible with the above possible
> solution, minus the url issue.
FYI, you can bind org-capt
David Masterson writes:
> I think I've gotten org-crypt working, but I think some things are not
> making sense (it might be just me):
> 1. I've set org-crypt-key to nil (symmetric encryption).
> 2. Can I use a different encryption key for each encrypted paragraph?
Yes. For each individual enc
David Masterson writes:
> I think I've gotten org-crypt working, but I think some things are not
> making sense (it might be just me):
> 1. I've set org-crypt-key to nil (symmetric encryption).
> 2. Can I use a different encryption key for each encrypted paragraph?
> 3. Does org-encrypt only
Ryan Scott writes:
> I believe I have addressed your feedback, Ihor.
> Attached is the latest version of the patch.
>- Merged latest master
>- :post is now handled correctly (verified with example of :post usage
>in the example at https://orgmode.org/manual/Results-of-Evaluation.htm
Robert Pluim writes:
> Ihor> Oops. It was not caught by tests. Fixed on main now. You can pull
> the
> Ihor> latest main. The error should disappear.
> Working fine now, thanks. Doc patch attached (I have copyright
> assignment on file for Emacs).
Applied onto main via a8b3224
After some quick testing, your patch seems to work as expected. Thanks!
Max Nikulin writes:
>> so are we talking about menus then? is there truly a need to make
>> /menu state/ persistent or yakshaveable?
> As soon as capture template is chosen, content is landed to the target
> file and may be autosaved. I do not expect problems here.
> However if two org-prot
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> With this new value, comments are passed to the source file as plain
> text, without the org metadata (keywords, property drawers, etc.).
> As usual, feedback and suggestions for this patch are greatly appreciated.
> Best regards and happy weekend,
Thanks for the
Perry Smith writes:
> For Apple losers like me, ePub is so much nicer than PDFs in Apple
Books. All the features come to life such as book marks, notes,
highlighting, etc. And they are saved. Almost like we rocketed into 1990.
You don't have to be an Apple loser to think ePub is nice. There ar
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