Eric S Fraga writes:
> On Tuesday, 24 May 2022 at 10:51, Timothy wrote:
>> To me, this is another reason for comment and #+attr_X lines not to
>> break paragraphs [...].
> And, in fact, if this were true (which I would like), I personally would
> see no reason for having inline special blo
I’d be happy to do a live debug, but since this seems to involve an interaction
between three packages, only one of which is org, and it’s quite easy to find
an alternative way to achieve what I’m trying to do, I‘d probably suggest just
ignoring this for now.
> On May 25, 2022, at 9:27 PM, Ihor
Hi there!
I'm running into the Unregistered buffer modifications bug in the past few
weeks. The current workflow that causes it is:
- Open org-agenda.
- Trigger org-save-all-buffers.
After that, the warnings appear. I build the org-agenda files automatically
with a query for PROJECT tags on my or
On Thursday, 26 May 2022 at 13:00, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> In theory, it might be related to one of the changes I made in this
> area. I am not 100% sure, but bibliography might not be rescanned if you
> edit a bibliography file in Emacs buffer, but do not actually save it.
> Is this what is happen
Hi all,
- tl; dr: I describe here my workflow with org-publish to work with long
I discovered a long time ago that `org-publish' not only works very well
for managing websites but also for working with long and complex books
with many parts, with output to LaTeX/PDF. I developed a workf
Enrique Kessler Martínez writes:
> I'm running into the Unregistered buffer modifications bug in the past few
> weeks. The current workflow that causes it is:
> - Open org-agenda.
> - Trigger org-save-all-buffers.
Thanks for the report! Could you please share the full text of the
warning? The wa
Eric S Fraga writes:
> Is there a function I can call to force a rescan? That would satisfy me
> as I could put it into a hook for org-bibtex (or advice the function if
> no hook available).
The relevant function is org-cite-basic--parse-bibliography.
You can try 2 things:
1. Set org-cite-basi
Adding Org mode mailing list back to CC. Please, use Reply All when
replying next time, unless you specifically want to keep the exchange
not public.
Enrique Kessler Martínez writes:
> Yes, here are two of the warnings I usually get. I get one of those for
> each of the files that are part of th
Hi Ihor,
I will try these out, hopefully tomorrow. The difficulty will be
knowing whether they work or not given the sporadic nature of the
Thank you,
: Eric S Fraga, with org release_9.5.3-513-g292116 in Emacs 29.0.50
On Thu, May 26 2022 12:56, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> I agree. But it is a known problem on defining new specific command vs.
> running a new generic command with arguments. You can indeed define a
> new command (block in our case), but if you just need to adjust some
> parameter once in the whole d
Hi Eric,
> The difficulty will be knowing whether they work or not given the sporadic
> nature of the problem…
If it’s any help, I consistently have this issue when producing the bib file by
All the best,
Timothy writes:
> Hi Eric,
>> The difficulty will be knowing whether they work or not given the sporadic
>> nature of the problem…
> If it’s any help, I consistently have this issue when producing the bib file
> by tangling.
Then, can you also try the proposed steps? If you can reproduce th
João Pedro writes:
>> I am not sure if I mentioned this earlier, but org-special-block-extras
>> could be a good addition to Org core.
> Has anyone tried reaching out to the author? I think it would be a great
> addition! It is a seemingly simple idea that opens up some many
> possibilities in
Thanks for this, really interesting.
Do I understand correctly that the main advantage of this approach (over
#+INCLUDE) is the ability to continuously update preview of the whole
book with latexmk -pvc even if you only re-export one chapter from
I couldn't find the :body-only publish
Christian Moe writes:
> Do I understand correctly that the main advantage of this approach (over
> #+INCLUDE) is the ability to continuously update preview of the whole
> book with latexmk -pvc even if you only re-export one chapter from
> Org-mode?
I am not sure why Juan did not use include. In
I see, thanks.
Ought this to be documented at [[info:org#Publishing options]], perhaps?
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Christian Moe writes:
>> Do I understand correctly that the main advantage of this approach (over
>> #+INCLUDE) is the ability to continuously update preview of
Hi Ihor and Christian,
Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Christian Moe writes:
>> Do I understand correctly that the main advantage of this approach (over
>> #+INCLUDE) is the ability to continuously update preview of the whole
>> book with latexmk -pvc even if you only re-export one chapter from
>> Or
Christian Moe writes:
> I see, thanks.
> Ought this to be documented at [[info:org#Publishing options]], perhaps?
Maybe. I think org-publish-project-alist docstring has many more
details. Someone™ should update the manual. Patches are welcome :)
Max Nikulin writes:
>> They both set process-connection-type to nil/'pipe. Somehow, this change
>> breaks org-open-file for me when org-open-file calls xdg-open and xdg is
>> confugured to open the file with emacsclient. I only see a flicker and
>> the file does not open. Sometimes, Emacs even cr
Hi guys,
I was playing with org-capture today, and it strike me that it could be used as
a simple and lightweight alternative to create GUIs for user options, somewhat
resembling the use of well-known hydra/transient or built-in help macro or easy
I would like to propose a small 'feature/c
On 26/05/2022 21:24, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
Max Nikulin writes:
Try the following:
(start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc")
(let ((process-connection-type nil))
(start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc"))
The second command will cause flickering,
In Org 9.5, `org-cycle-hook' includes `org-cycle-hide-drawers', which
hides the drawer after opening the contents of a headline with
`org-cycle'. However, if you removed `org-cycle-hide-drawers' from the
hook, `org-cycle' would show you the drawers (at least the PROPERTIES
one). I relied on this
On Thu, May 26 2022 20:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> I think that you can simply open an issue in his Github repo.
I reached out to him on e-mail, if he doesn't reply there I'll create
the issue. Thanks!
João Pedro de Amorim Paula
IT undergraduate at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Nort
Thanks, Juan!
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Hi Ihor and Christian,
> Ihor Radchenko writes:
>> Christian Moe writes:
>>> Do I understand correctly that the main advantage of this approach (over
>>> #+INCLUDE) is the ability to continuously update preview of the whole
On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:47 PM Max Nikulin wrote:
> I have had a quick glance into the code I have an additional question
> why `browse-url' is not used for `citar-file-open-external'.
The "external" here means opening files external to emacs.
The typical use case is someone wanting to use a
I often use org table to perform calculations and export those tables
to LaTeX documents.
One thing I always wished I could do with org tables is get it to
allow numbers to be decorated with currency symbols, the dollar, euro,
yen, etc., as well as grouping commas so that the tables are more
>>> "IR" == Ihor Radchenko writes:
> Uwe Brauer writes:
>>> Could you please clarify which part of the function docstring was not
>>> clear?
>> Well
>> | org-export-dispatch is an interactive compiled Lisp function in
>> | ‘ox.el’.
>> |
>> | (org-export-dispatch &optional ARG)
>> ...
On Thu, May 26, 2022 at 1:36 PM João Pedro wrote:
> On Thu, May 26 2022 20:20, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> > I think that you can simply open an issue in his Github repo.
> I reached out to him on e-mail, if he doesn't reply there I'll create
> the issue. Thanks!
Just saying this based on my p
I am adapting this example:
--8<---cut here---start->8---
--8<---cut here---end--->8---
This is my file:
--8<---cut here
"Bruce D'Arcus" writes:
> On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:47 PM Max Nikulin wrote:
>> I have had a quick glance into the code I have an additional question
>> why `browse-url' is not used for `citar-file-open-external'.
> The "external" here means opening files external to emacs.
> The typica
i would say that respecting narrowing is expected in emacs, as a kind
of pseudo-buffer bob/eob, so it would be surprising to find that it
might not be so in a part of org. lack of it should be mentioned, but
might be a bug.
On 5/25/22, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
> Uwe Brauer writes:
>>> Could you
[i realized there is a footnote to my comment about narrowing. of
course there might be questions about what org will do if there are
things that refer to outside the region, like links or macro
On 5/26/22, Samuel Wales wrote:
> i would say that respecting narrowing is expected in
`org-hidden-keywords' was introduced in Org 9.5 and allows hiding
keywords like "#+title:" at the beginning of the buffer. However if you
have something like
#+title: A nice title
" A nice title" is displayed at the beginning. AFAIK it's common to
have a space after "#+title: " in Org files (
Juan Manuel Macías writes:
> Sorry for not explaining the \input part in more detail. I think the
> essential part here is that all the .tex files (the subdocuments) are
> already created by org-publish before I compile the master document. The
> master document simply stores all the subdocuments
Kaushal Modi writes:
>> I reached out to him on e-mail, if he doesn't reply there I'll create
>> the issue. Thanks!
> Just saying this based on my personal preference. I would rather
> prefer that people directly open an issue on Github than emailing me
> personally.
> Reasons:
> - Issues s
Samuel Wales writes:
> i would say that respecting narrowing is expected in emacs, as a kind
> of pseudo-buffer bob/eob, so it would be surprising to find that it
> might not be so in a part of org. lack of it should be mentioned, but
> might be a bug.
I think the main confusion was about activ
Hey Kaushal! Thanks for your insight.
On Thu, May 26 2022 17:22, Kaushal Modi wrote:
> - Issues section is there for a reason. If the repo owner did not like
> people opening Issues, they would disable that section.
I agree with Ihor's response for this point.
> - Conversations and discussions
Arthur Miller writes:
> I was playing with org-capture today, and it strike me that it could be used
> as
> a simple and lightweight alternative to create GUIs for user options, somewhat
> resembling the use of well-known hydra/transient or built-in help macro or
> easy
> menu.
Is there any re
Max Nikulin writes:
> On 26/05/2022 21:24, Ihor Radchenko wrote:
>> Max Nikulin writes:
>> Try the following:
>> (start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc")
>> (let ((process-connection-type nil))
>>(start-process-shell-command "1" nil "emacsclient -c ~/.bashrc"))
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